A Better Endgame


Jan 17, 2014
Vernon B.C., Canada
Through all of the Civ series, the end game has been problematic, going into multiple Future Tech & Future Culture until some someone finds a way to win, or if it goes too long and wins based on final score. Myself, I prefer the big map, longer games, but they really only make everything take longer to make and are not changing the gameplay much. I would like to see something better than the game petering out. With the introduction of many Great Works, I think that could be more prominently used in the end game. Rather than the trade system which becomes tedious, at the end there should be an option to trade the Great Works. Players could trade in order to barter Great Works for a victory that way. Perhaps they could collect all of a certain type (i.e. art, artifacts, etc.) and if they get them all in a set, they win. Or perhaps if they get all of a certain civilization's Great Works they could win.

And to make the end game more interesting, when players select the longest game type, the builds should't simply take longer too. It's very seldom that we get to use all of the best weapons in a real war situation. They take so long to make that you can't get up a decent enough army using the most hi-tech units for decently planned combat. Right now, the game is basically over before you can play much with the stealth bombers etc. Instead, I think the players that choose the longest games get to play a different game than they can play now. Make the latest units faster to make so the player can accumulate them quicker, enabling a better end game war. It would also help to give the players something to do rather than just waiting for the inevitable Science or Cultural Victory completion. If players had larger end game armies, they could upset those who will undoubtedly beat you with the current available win types. A good late army could sneak in for a Domination Victory, and good trading of Great Works in order to collect sets would help the end game blahs, offering another way to win late.
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In Civ 4 and Civ 5, you could reduce the production multiplier without affecting science, etc. just by overriding an XML file like GameSpeeds.xml.

However, in Civ 6 the GameSpeeds.xml just has a single "CostMultiplier" which I think applies to many aspects of the game, not just production. So this idea might have to wait until either the schema changes or until DLL modding becomes a thing.
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