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A couple RaR questions


Jan 23, 2012
Hi all,

I just started playing with the RaR mod and have a couple questions.

How do you deal with slaves, native slaves and criminals? Anytime I try to use them they just run away in a few turns. Is there something I can do to set them free or train them or just stop them from leaving?

I really want to buy the nobles, but it seems like the king offers them just after I spent my money. In RaR can I keep cash on hand and not have the king ask for a huge cut? In previous mods (TAC) and the original game I had to spend all my money as it came in. Is RaR more forgiving?

How can I increase the odds of my king telling me to go to war? It is a huge boon to me when he gives me a ship and artillary and when asking me to stop the war gives me a noble...I want that to happen as much as possible during a game!

Just a few remarks about Religion and Revolution:

We had intentionally tried to design most features with pros and cons.
(Meaning rewards and risks.)

Slaves / Criminals:
Cheap labour vs. risk of running away
(But in the upcoming release they won't disappear but actually run away to be caught again.)

DLL-Diplo-Events (like Nobles):
Having to save money and risk of King demanding it vs. very powerful Units


Is RaR more forgiving?

No. :)

But in RaR the Attitude of your King has a much higher effect on probability and amounts of his demands.
(So if he really likes you, it will be a bit less likely that he takes away your money or increases the tax rate.)

How can I increase the odds of my king telling me to go to war?

You can't influence that in any other way than having met many Europeans.
(I did not want to allow cheat strategies.)
How do you deal with slaves, native slaves and criminals? Anytime I try to use them they just run away in a few turns. Is there something I can do to set them free or train them or just stop them from leaving?

Slaves and criminals will not run away if they are outside of a city. Additionally they will not flee if they are the only citizen of a city. :) Criminals can also earn their freedom by working at a profession for some time (like in TAC). Personally early in the game all criminals quickly get made into Pioneers until they earn their freedom. Depending on how many tools I have many of my slaves also are made into Pioneers. I also often found new cities and then move a slave in and the other unit out. Good for resource gathering and eventually the slave gets replaced by a non-slave unit and made into a Pioneer. Later in the game many of my criminals are made into military fodder.
Yeah, I usually give criminals weapons to keep them from running away. In the past I sent the petty criminals to friendly native to train but that doesn’t work with RaR :)
I don't know if 2 months makes this a dead thread, but I found it annoying that my slaves ran away and I had to figure out where to put them back. So I now concentrate them in one city that I focus on producing food in. (With a grainery it pops new citizens quite fast). Then I noticed that the 2 native mercs I assigned to hunt down slaves were getting promoted.

So now I try to find an easily contained that I can set up a colony that produces alot of food/free citizens for a relatively cheap price, and as a by product helps me train my troops.

Of course I shudder when I really think about what I've done....but it's not like the rest of my game doesn't involve atrocities to indigenous tribes, wildlife extinctions and systematic unprovoked destruction of the Europeans.
Been playing R&R more lately. The slave hunter strategy works wonders with me...it's now worth buying slaves. Thank you for the suggestion domino.

btw, awesome mod Ray! (I love the return of fountains of youth!)
btw, awesome mod Ray!

Thanks. :)
The RaR team always likes to hear that people enjoy the mod.
(I did not create this mod all alone.)

I love the return of fountains of youth!

Actually that is a modified / improved version of a feature from AoDII.

We did infact create a lot of new features of our own.
But we also incorporated (improved versions) of many of the best features from many other mods.

The original idea of RaR was to bring together the best modders and the best features of the whole community in one gigantic mod.
(Although we never fully achieved that goal, the outcome is not too bad after all. :) )
I have to say I have been really enjoying this mod.

I do have one question, it involves the cattle/sheep.
I see them as a potential yield on a tile, and thus move a settler nearby and found a city.
Only then do i discover that the cattle/sheep yields disappear (horses do sometimes as well).
I was curious what needs to be done to be able to harvest them?

Nevermind, read the tips/tricks thread.
Another R&R question...can anyone give a quick rundown of Culture and it's effects?

It would make a lot more sense to post questions to our mod in our forum. ;)

There is even an extra thread for that:
[Religion and Revolution]: Feedback and Questions

But I will say a few words to your question here as well.

Culture is produced by population and specific buildings.
(The bigger your city gets, the more culture it will produce.)

Main effects of "Culture":

1. It will let you expand your area of influence and thus also use the other tiles of "Full-2-Plot-City-Radius".
2. Tavern (and its higher level buildings) have a feature called "Entertainment" which transforms culture into money.
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