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A decade later

Sir Charles Ed

Sep 27, 2014
Townsend Montana
I was very inspired by Hemlings story, and frankly have been writing about my Civ V games for some time, kind of like a training synopsis, but never thought about actually uploading one. This will be my first attempt, albeit a tad late, of course as I only purchased the entire Civ V game from Steam about one month ago or so. I have both expansions, all DLC's and usually play as Korea. This post is basically a summary after settling the first city, building some improvemnets and just before my first warrior unit sets out west to explore. Enjoy.....

Contemplation…of a sort

He stands on the beach, with his back to the sea, allowing the rhythmic sound of the waves and the many sea birds crying hello to the morning sun, to ease his many concerns. He listens to those soothing sounds as he scans the horizon all around him.

To the north he can just barely see the multi-colored fields of the first successful farms. This season the harvest will be almost twice as much as last season’s bounty, and the new farms to the south should be producing almost as well within the next two seasons. The third copper mine, just to the west of the capital, will open next year, giving a timely boost to the treasury. That will make three producing copper mines, with the earlier two located just beyond the new farms next to the first stone quarry all financing the city’s expansion thus far. This third mine will make up the expenses of outfitting his son’s expedition leaving today.

How many months or years will go by before he hears anything? There had been rumors of a few war-like encampments beyond the hills bordering the farms to the north, but the scouts had kept well clear of the spiked barricades with the seemingly constant fires burning beyond, as they were not equipped for any major onslaught of a fortified enclave. These people, always seen just beyond the mist and shadows, have never even approached or allowed anybody to approach them since they were first seen over a decade ago.

Those reports alone had made him keep the daily border patrols active throughout this last decade. The decision, albeit expensive in manpower and time, seem to have kept those dangerous looking warrior bands at bay, giving him time to establish the immense mines, stone quarries, (they had founded another quarry shortly after the first mines had begun producing copper), and farms that have allowed for the peaceful continuous growth of the capital.

Although the latest patrols report indicates that there have been recent sightings of large armed groups just standing on the furthest hills, observing the farmers, and then disappearing into the mist after some time. Perhaps it is time for this newly formed army to explore, and see just what these wild men are all about.

He recognizes the distinctive tread of his son approaching from behind and says without turning, “How fare thee today, Ty-Rell?”

“How do you DO that?” answers Ty-Rell, pausing in his approach. “I can never understand how you always know that I am here?”

Consul Ty-Rhan smiles, turns toward his son and says, “I have listened to you walk around your entire life. Why shouldn’t I recognize your step now, twenty years later?”

Ty-Rell narrows his eyes and remarks, “I would call it magic or sorcery if I didn’t know any better. Is this how you caught me all those times, growing up and getting into trouble? Plus there is this,” he motions toward the lively seashore, “How do you HEAR above all this?”

Ty-Rhan embraces his oldest son warmly, patting him on his back and answered with a twinkle in his eye, “Let’s just call it a kind of ‘magic’, the same kind that you will have once you become a farther. It is easy to tune out unwanted sounds, if you just….listen.”

Ty-Rells holds his father at arm’s length, studying his lined features, sighs and gestures toward the sea, “I didn’t want to disturb your contemplation, but I will be departing soon, and I inspected the capital operations one last time….”

“Inspected…”, his father interrupts, “…on the day that you should be making preparations for your expedition? Your dedication to duty is commendable, but I want nothing to go wrong…..”

“Father,” Ty-Rell responds with a shrug, “I have been prepared for weeks and nothing will go wrong. My troops will be able to handle anything that we may find.” He pauses a moment frowning, “Do you remember the survival training exercises we started almost a year ago? The farthest reaching training class, found the remains, of men. Hacked to pieces, we thought, by these wild looking bands of, of barbarians. They weren’t dressed the same, they were wearing uniforms of a sort, and didn’t look as unkempt as the ‘barbarians’ do…..” pausing to look intently at his father.

Ty-Rhan nodded and said, “Yes, I remember the reports vividly, it is my main concern right now that these barbarians are possibly against all we are trying to achieve. They keep their distance from fear, I think, a fear that seems to be weakening somewhat of late. At least they are not hiding in the shadows as they once were. What of it then?”

Still frowning in thought, Ty-Rell replies, “I believe that there may be others out there, others that are not of rough encampments but of cities like Tamberlee here. I want to find these others, communicate with them if possible. Learn from them, help each other against these wild men that seem to spring up everywhere and then disappear just as quickly. I don’t really expect too much trouble, but there could be some and for that I am well-prepared. Or I should say WE are well prepared! We have trained well over one year for this and hopefully, we will return much wiser men.”

Ty-Rhan nodded to his oldest son, smiles and whispers, “Just return, I say, just return intact, and as soon as you can.” In a louder official voice Ty-Rhan continues, “Now, you say you inspected the capital and found….?”

Ty-Rell, momentarily confused, suddenly shakes his head remembering why he had sought out his father, stands at attention and reports, “Yes, ahem….first item; they will break ground at the new copper mine before the week is out. The surveyor and his assistants are positive that this mine will produce as much, if not more than the first two are, and with more efficient methods may cost less than the combined cost of running the previous mines. Second item; the first fishing boats deployed last week and yesterday, along with a remarkable harvest, a request was made for a second fishing boat It looks like there is a whale breeding area just beyond the initial fishing spot which could increase our food production tremendously, not as we need it with the third item; the new farms will be planted before next rainfall, about a month earlier than expected, so next season’s crops will be plentiful I think.”

Ty-Rhan nodded in agreement and replied, “Just plentiful enough to fill the granaries with a small surplus, we have been experiencing optimal growing conditions since we arrived, you are aware, but I have to plan for this condition not to last forever. Hungry citizens are not happy citizens and unhappy citizens do not work so well I think.” Looking expectantly at Ty-Rell, cocking his head at an angle, he continues, “What of the city’s defenses? How are………”

“The city’s defenses are MY responsibility, aren’t they?” Quipped a voice from almost directly behind both father and son. Spinning abruptly around the two, evidently surprised, were about to loudly protest this comment, when Ty-Rhan enveloped his young daughter in a supreme bear hug….

“Kassie, my dove, I am glad to see you this morning.” Releasing Kassandra, he started to say, “Your brother….

“My brother, hey Ty…” she nodded toward him and then kissed her father on his right cheek, “was about to explain that to you, I believe?” She arches her eyebrows at her older brother, with a playful twinkle from deep cobalt blue eyes, the same color as her mothers. “Or were you?”

Ty-Rell rolls his eyes and looks to the heavens in exasperation, “The Bows of Artemis’ regiment, under its commander…..”

“Which is me, dear Ty-Rell, get over it won’t you?” Kassandra interrupted, and then continues, “Have I not trained and taught this regiment mastery of archery, by myself?”

Ty-Rell becoming a little defensive, retorts, “A sixteen year old cannot be a commander…”

“I am seventeen,” Kassandra hotly answers, “and mother was in command of her first unit at that age, Commander!” saying the last word with some critical emphasis.

Ty-Rell, placing his hands on his hips, continues hotly as if not so rudely interrupted, “A commander of a regiment should NOT be a GIRL of just seventeen, who can’t even hit the……”

Ty_Rhan, sensing an old argument is being rekindled, raises his arms, as if in supplication, but before he can say anything to cease the fight, Kassie unslings the bow she has been carrying across her back, notches an arrow spins around and hits a flying seagull which is over 100 yards away, replacing the bow before the body of the plummeting bird can hit the beach or her brother can continue his sentence.

Placing her hands on her hips, mimicking her brother’s attitude, smiling at his open mouth surprise, she calmly states, “You were saying…something about….accuracy?”

Ty-Rell, closing his mouth, glancing at his chuckling father, narrowing his eyes at his younger sibling, and says quietly with some respect, “That was….pretty good….but how are you against a man in battle?” Raising his voice a bit for emphasis, “It is not a smallish feathered creature at, what between 100 and 200 yards away, you would be shooting at. It would probably be an armed and armored warrior, much bigger than you, who will be trying to kill you up close.”

Kassandra leans close to her brother, surprising him, clasping both his forearms with her hands and lightly kissing his forehead whispers, “That, dearest brother, is my fear also. You and your warriors are in the thick of it, but I, by the gods, can thin your enemies before you get to them. Those that I “miss” I can pester to distraction by a constant barrage of feathered shafts that just might make your task easier. I never forget the fact that we are NOT a melee unit but one of range. I train for contingencies of up-close rapid fire, but hope that lightness of feet and quickness of body will let me distance myself from the enemy a bit. We rely on you to keep us at that distance and in return we can somewhat soften those that attack. We complement each other and together make an effective team, no?”

Taking a deep breath Ty-Rell, shakes his head slightly and murmurs, “Yes, you are right, of course. I just,” clearing his throat some, “worry about…..” His voice cracks a bit, “you, Kass. I just worry about you…”

Ty-Rhan, sensing hostilities lessening, grabs both his offspring in a big hug and says, “Ty-Rell, when do you leave?”

Kassandra steps away from both, her eyes misty, as she punches her brothers left shoulder and turns toward the downed seagull. Speaking over her right shoulder she says, “I must get my lunch. Yes, Ty, when do you leave today anyway?”

Ty-Rell looks at her retreating back and shouts after her, “Within the hour, we shall depart.” Turning toward his father, as Kassandra picks up the dead bird and continues to walk away from them, he mentions smiling, “Did you hear her come up on us…?”

Ty-Rhan, shakes his head back and forth and replies, “Talking of magic, dear boy, THAT girl is part Dryad I am afraid. I have NEVER been able to catch her off guard….EVER. She walks as if on air, no beast, or man, will ever hear her approach and in a forest of jungle, she is even more deadly than what she displayed for us today. She is so like your mother, may the gods bless her soul, that I sometimes forget that Tamberlynn is gone.”

Ty-Rell clears his throat again, places his hand on his father’s right shoulder, says, “I would like to report that the cities defending archery group is also well prepared and it’s Commander, albeit a tad young, is a competent and worthy captain. Tamberlee is well defended, My Consul, I leave now, with a heavy heart, as I will miss both of you and Ty-Lee until I get back.”

Ty-Rhan looks back at his oldest son, “Did you say your goodbyes to your baby brother already?”

“BABY brother, “Ty-Rell chortles, “Hardly a baby anymore as he is what…..ten or eleven now….?”

“Twelve, and don’t let him hear you call him less than that.”

Ty-Rell, nods his head, and continues, “How are his studies? I envy him his astute understanding already of city governance. Something I never had any patience with as you two apparently do.”

Smiling, Ty-Rhan states, “He almost runs the city himself now, in the background yet, as the consuls would not take him seriously as long as I am alive. Truth be told, he has managed all of the details quite well of late, leaving me to plan the long game. He listens to all and can be inconspicuous to most members so he is a mine of inside information regarding their feelings and votes. His aide and aptitude for his calling is only negated by his entire lack of military comprehension, a task that sadly will be left to you and your sister I fear on my demise.”

“He will have nothing but our full support, respect, love and admiration. His legacy, no YOUR legacy will be standing for a long while, My Liege.” Ty-Rell salutes Ty-Rhan briskly and hurriedly turns away to meet his second in command approaching from the city.

Ty-Rhan, Consul of a budding empire, leader of its capital city Tamberlee, watches as the two exchange salutes and stride away, to commence a necessary journey that will allow the empire to continue its growth. Without a backwards glance from either, he sees a slight figure just ahead of the two, long hair streaming in the wind, walking to join them. A brother and sister, whose purpose is to support and protect the heir apparent, their youngest brother, his legacy will continue.

With a cry from a seagull, not quite a hundred yards away, he whirls around with lighting speed and hits it perfectly with the slim throwing dagger of his own design. “Yes, it is time to get my lunch now….children, may the gods continue to bless you.”

He walks away from the rolling waves, toward the city, his city, smiling with his lunch in hand, one contented man.
Nice story so far.

And btw, welcome to the forums!
It is a work in progress, and I am working from memory as I did not really take notes, as I played, but the game is still going on and I can sort of piece it together a bit. I enjoy Civ V so much that I forget that this may make an interesting story, although it won't match Hemlings masterpiece, as I don't have a background in writing. There is an important discovery coming up next installment, that may keep it interesting enough, if I can just get the prose down pat.
Ty-Rhan stands in front of a high table examining the modified building plan for the new temple building. Nodding to the expectant engineer he smiles and says, “Yes, Car-Tran, yes I can see how that would work better, and you say that this actually will cost less than the original design?”

Car-Tran, the engineer, smiling nods to his mentor, “Yes, Eminence, if I use the surplus material left over from the Temple or Artemis, and the other finished building, we won’t have to invest in any new material designs, and the motif will blend quite well with this new building’s design.”

Ty-Rhan turns to the Car-Tran to ask, “How much will we be saving in gold…..”

The answer to his question is interrupted when the House Carl, To-Beii, rushes onto the portico announcing, “A messenger comes, sire, from your son apparently.”

Excitedly, Ty-Rhan turns to his House Carl to say, “From Ty-Rell you say? Please allow him to enter, quickly!” Smiling to himself, he turns toward Car-Tran and says, “A message from Ty-Rell, finally, I was becoming somewhat worried old friend.” Remembering that he was in the middle of a conversation he leans over the drawings again but deciding to continue later he says to Car-Tran,”I apologize for this interruption but we can continue this discussion later, yes?.”

Car-Tran smiles at Ty-Rhan, “He is alive then? It has been what, over three years since he had left? I wonder what news he has sent from the far west. Yes, of course old friend, news from you son is of the utmost importance.” Bowing to his sovereign, as the messenger enters, he asks, “With your leave, Eminence, you have important matters to discuss. I will return on the morrow to continue our discussion. Come To-Beii, I think a drink may be in order.”

Ty-Rhan, somewhat distracted, waves his hand to dismiss the two, motions for the messenger to come closer and reaches out for his long gone son’s message.
Striding purposefully with a silent and rapid pace toward the palace grounds Kassandra pensively fingers the end of the newly designed bow that was strapped across her back. She was thinking that this new compound bow had a much harder draw but the impact was remarkable.

Her face broke into a crooked smile as she remembers how the target literally exploded when she was finally able to draw the damned thing fully and let fly the perfect shot. Never mind that human targets were quite different than the thin wooden silhouettes or straw filled training dummies Artemis’s 1st Archery brigade used in practice. The impact would slow down anything hit, if not stop it completely.

A nickering horse dissolved her train of thought and brought her up short. Turning toward the sound she sees Dorman holding onto a bridle of a spirited animal while one of the new recruits, his face a mask of fear, was hugging the mare’s neck.

She started walking toward them when Dorman’s shrill voice drifted back to her, “No, not that way, you must use your knees to control her. The way that you are grasping her neck like that could panic her or just cause her to rear…….”

Before he could finish his instruction, Dorman lost his grip of the reigns and the horse did rear up, causing the recruit, she thought his name was Makis, or Lakis, slide swiftly off the rear of the animal to land unceremoniously hard on his rump onto the ground of the practice pen.

Arriving a second later, she reached down to help the embarrassed but unhurt recruit stand as Dorman regained control of the spirited animal.

Nodding distractedly toward Kassandra the recruit, (just WHAT is his name), gestures to the horse being calmed by Dorman and asks, “Have you ever been on one, mi’ lady?”

He commences to dust his ill-fitting uniform off as she glances toward the horse and answers, “Not yet, my company rode the chariots that they pulled however. We only have enough of the animals now to fully outfit the new Horseman unit. Perhaps, with the next complete shipment from La Venta there will be enough for joy riding. Are you all right?”

“Yes, ma’am, nothing hurt but my dignity….as they say.”

Smiling sheepishly up at her he is about to say something when, with a startled gasp, he steps quickly back. She senses more than sees a horses head just over her left shoulder and hears Dorman sharp retort, “Relax Markis, “ he nods to the horse, “she is just apologizing to you for dumping you! Come here and accept the reigns, give her a carrot or two so she knows that all is forgiven.”

Ah, Markis, that is his name, thinks Kassandra as she steps aside to allow the horse by. Smiling encouragingly to him, she grasps the reigns from Dorman and hands them quickly to Markis, “Come, come, recruit, you heard the commander. Step up; you will have to learn to get along with each other, both of your lives may depend on it in battle!”

“Yes sir, ma’am!” Markis responds, hesitantly grabbing the bridle leads. “They just seem so big to me.”

“For now, yes, but you will grow up to fit her perfectly.” Remembering how small her older brother had been until, as if by magic, he was suddenly towering over her own lithe frame. Pausing pensively, she glances west with heavy thoughts wondering how Ty-Rell was faring. It had been what, three years ago that he left with his regiment to explore this land with no word or message since.
Coming out of her momentary revere as she hears Dorman commanding Markis,

“Now, mount up and take a spin around the yard, recruit,” Dorman steadies the mare waiting for Markis to mount, “and remember to practice controlling her with your knees. You will be armed with spear or sword soon and I want the control to be automatic with most of your attention on weapon handling. We want no bloody accidents to happen next month. Now go….” Patting the rump of the now calm horse, Dorman returns the salute of his recruit and watches as and trots off to join the others of his unit.

Dorman, turning and bowing formerly to a member of the royal family gestures toward the drilling horseman some yards away and remarks, “Most are getting along fine with their mounts, with a few exceptions. The unit should be ready before next year for active duty, my lady.”

“To be sure, Dorman, I am confident that they will be up and running so to speak when you say.”

Nodding to his superior he replies, “Running is right, like the wind. These beasts seem to literally fly over the fields. It is controlling that flying that concerns me for now.” He looks up at her and follows her gaze to a nearby yard, where several unused chariots are parked. There is a band of craftsman laboriously dismantling one of the wheeled vehicles.

“So you are scraping the whole project?” He shakes his head slightly and frowns, “Seems a pity, they were painstakingly crafted and I thought that your Archers would enjoy the mobility and speed offered by them.”

Smiling and nodding back, she angles her head remembering, “We did, they were a hell of a fun ride, but the terrain here is just not the best for them. If we had more plains or desert areas, they would have been perfect, but with the hilly and rocky lands that we are surrounded by, they just were not the answer to advanced archery. Besides, they aren’t being scrapped, Ty-Lee has a thought about, what did he call it? Oh, yes repurposing…. the material, probably for one of Father’s projects. Maybe to be used on this Great Wall project that is going up all around the city.”

“Repurposing you say…? What a perfect concept, Ty-Lee is as smart as or more so than your revered father is.”

He glances again toward the horse unit practicing drill patterns, critically assessing the maneuvers for a moment before continuing, “Yes, the horses barely slowed down, even in rocky terrain, but I did see a lot of bouncing chariots as your unit was attempting to fire at stationary targets.” Adding with a sly glance at Kassandra, “Missing a lot I may add, not your finest hour I must say.”

Kassandra scowls at his comment, but smiles and replies, “Yes, we didn’t hit much, but like I said a hell of a fun ride while it lasted.” Crossing her arms across her chest, she continues, “No I am afraid that around here we are basically a foot unit, albeit fast, mobile and accurate as we can be, but still on foot. These horseman units you are developing will be able to a sweep through most enemies and with their range, we only need a few to protect the entire city expanse and support the main army. Fast and strong, I would hate to be the archery unit standing in the way of a charging attack. We would need to fire first and dodge out of the path in order to prevail, and dodging doesn’t lend itself to accuracy much.”

Dismissing the subject with a shrug, he asks her, “When will you drop by so that I can get you on a horse? It is a fun ride also and I can find an extra mount whenever you want.”

She glances at him, and replies, “I really plan to and look forward to it myself. Perhaps after the next caravan arrives and your unit is ready for duty?”

“As you wish, Kas, as long as you are not actually….afraid…..?”

She jabs him sharply in the right shoulder, “Just concentrate on getting them ready for duty, and then we shall see who is afraid of what!”

She salutes him formerly and brusquely turns to continue her trek to the palace. Chuckling to himself, he belatedly returns the salute and watches her march away using the same cat-like stride that he is familiar with.

Breathing deeply he himself turns toward his infant horseman unit, looks up at the sun to determine how long it is until Noon, whistles a sharp three tone chirp, and waits while his own gelding trots up to him. Once mounted, he turns to catch a glimpse of Kassandra, some distance away now, and with a gentle kick turns to assume command of the training exercises.
Ty-Rhan looks over the message from his son once again, looks up at the messenger to say, “You say a MOUNTAIN of gold has been found? How is that possible?”

The messenger quickly bobs his head in agreement and replies, “Not only that, your magnificence, but we met three additional principalities, Hong Kong, Malacca and Kabul; all offering gold gifts and willing to talk about trading and settlement agreements! With Bogota and La Venta already trading with us, we now know that we share this continent with six possible allies.”

Ty-Rhan, shakes his head incredulously, “He expected to discover some additional cities, but he must be exaggerating about this golden mountain.”

“Sire“, the messenger answers respectfully, “I am one of the surveyors in your son’s party. He sent me predicting that you would need some convincing. I have seen it, and although we won’t know exactly how pure it is, I can assure you that it is, indeed gold. Here, my lord,” pausing, he removes bag from his belt and ceremoniously dumps a small pile of odd glittering stones on the desk, then continues, “This is a small sample that I removed from the foot of this rather impressive mound. You can run the tests yourself, of course, but Ty-Rell wanted me to bring this sample with the news instead of a normal messenger.”

Ty-Rhan takes a few stones into his hand and looks more closely at them. “Yes, they do indeed look like a high quality gold, but to find a whole mountain of the stuff, just there for the taking…..?”

“Not quite, my lord, one of the principalities discovered, Hong Kong, is close to the mountain and seems to be growing toward it so fast that your son has discreetly encamped his army between the nearest border and the spire, slowing or blocking any further push, but he strongly suggests that we send a settler and worker group there as soon as feasible in order to official stake our claim, so to speak.”

“I see; the timing is good as there is a volunteer Settler group, formed after I adopted this Liberty tenant that is available to move immediately.” He calls To-Beii back onto the portico, and upon his arrival says, “Get me the leader of that Settler group that was going to head west next week. They just might be going a bit further than we first thought.”

Nodding, To-Beii starts to run toward the barracks, but freezes as Ty-Rhan raises a hand to stay his departure, “Oh, and ask my daughter to report to me immediately, I may require an escort for this expedition.”

Bowing respectfully To-Beii rushes off to deliver his liege’s summons to Commander Kassandra and La-Rue, the Settler’s leader, all the time wondering what has exited his lord so much.
Better get that thing before Hong Kong does!
I swear that I read somewhere that C-S don't expand. Like heck they don't, I have had this particular "discovery" swiped by a C-S in at least three games, and before I could become friends or allies with them my city connection was severed by an expansion. Since then, I kind of watch more closely, and really try to be friends with any C-S as soon as feasible. Why be a bully to them? The number of votes you get because of good city state relations in the World Congress can keep you way ahead diplomatically.

Ironically, even though I have tried to keep my cities to about three or four, as some Korean strategies point out, I seem to get closer to six or seven by end of game. Mostly due to those critical strategic and luxury resources that always seem just out of the three-ring city limit. This particular game I think I already have five or six, and its only 1880 or so by the game calendar.

BTW, as most of my cities do become spread out, it seems that no matter how hard I try, the actually citizens working hexes never seems to work the entire area. There are numerous "black" coins all over the place. I show a whale resource, for example, that I have improved with a fishing boat that show 2 apples and four coins, but there is no green or black coins over it at all. I always wonder if that means the city is actually getting the Food and Gold?
Ty-Lee, heir apparent, was studying the numerous reports spread out across his work table. Gold, he thought to himself, it always comes down to gold, or the lack of it. Shuffling through the reports until he finds the Food Production figures, he compared that document with the treasury statements. Perhaps, he thinks, if we concentrate on one of the copper mines, we can afford his father’s latest building project. What was it this time? Was it a religious monument of some sort no that was finished six months ago wasn’t it?

Shaking his head and chuckling to himself, he thought it doesn’t matter really, before one is completed, his father had usually drafted an initial sketch of the next concept, or the next after that. The city is becoming crowded with structures of all kinds, although there always seem to be enough citizens around to fill them almost to capacity.

Leaning back into his chair, he was quite surprised when someone kissed the top of his head. Looking up he smiled into his sister’s mischievous cobalt blue eyes. His father said that Kassandra eyes were twins for his mother’s own eyes. He couldn’t remember himself, as he was only five when she was killed in the storm that stranded them on this shore just about a decade ago he thought.

“Hey, Lee, are you still city managing at this late hour?” She rumpled his hair as she stalked around the work table, glancing at the alcove where her father built his little models of every building planned. She recognized most of them now; there even was a small replica of a section of the Great Wall, still under construction all along the perimeter of the sprawling city.

Gesturing toward the shelves of miniature buildings, she commented as she leaned against his table, “I don’t quite understand the purpose of most of these, do you?”

“Kassie, just because a building doesn’t have a military function, doesn’t mean it isn’t providing some benefit to the city.” Tossing a shelf of papers that he had picked up back onto the table, he sits up straight, and continues, “There is the Great Library, Schools, workshops all which need citizens to run or specialists to specialize, whatever they are specializing in. I swear that you have to break out of that narrow military mind set and go visit some of them for yourself. You might just find an interest other than that very expensive bow you constantly are wearing.”

“Well someone has to be ever vigilant and prepared out there so that you, father and well … just about everyone can exist without fear of being attacked. I enjoy the service, and am good, very good at it. Besides I find anything other than training a bit of a bore really. Oh, I know that there is much to be said about it, and thank goodness for you, as I really couldn’t run the place quite as perfectly as you and father do. I can run a barracks, and lead a disciplined military squad, yes, but a whole city….? No thank you very much my dear, I will leave that to you.”

Removing her bow, leaning it against the table, she moves to sit down in the chair opposite and across the table from him. Placing her feet atop the table she relaxes a bit, scratches her bare thigh and asks, “You were frowning a little when I came in. Any problems that you need to share little brother?”

Smiling at her informal attitude, he copies it and scratches his covered thigh deliberately, before he replies, “No, nothing that you haven’t heard me say before. I seem to be constantly micro-managing all production to ensure that Father and his many and continual projects can be supported. However the treasury is currently at a very low balance and I am worried about meeting previous obligations, let alone new ones.”

Placing her hands together, she looks over them smiling affectionately and says, “But you do so love it when you find the means, and you always do, Lee, you always do!”

Glancing out the window, he says, “It does look like it is just about Noon, time for a break from all this. How about…..

His suggestion is interrupted when To-Beii arrives, the very busy House Carl, and exclaims, nodding to Kassandra, “Your father summons you my lady! A messenger arrives from your brother, and it sounds very important!”

Both Ty-Lee and Kassandra bolt upright with excitement and in unison quip, “A messenger from Ty-Rell?” Hurriedly they rush past To-Beii together, when suddenly, Kassandra stops and while Ty-Lee waits impatiently, she returns to the cluttered study to grab her forgotten bow. Looking at each other in some anticipation they continue down the hall following To-Beii to hear what news has come from their long gone sibling.
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