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A little help with resource icons.

Ur Mum

Mar 15, 2003
i have sucessfully made new resources for civ 3 PTW, the game works and the civopedia works. the only problem is the new luxuary resource i;ve made shows up with the wines icon in the city screen. it works fine on the map and in civiopedia. just not on the city screen.

thanks in advance.
there anyway to have more than 8 unique icons tho?
thanks a lot. made the change. resized the icon to 22x22 and pasted it to the right of the top row next to the gems. i will test it soon. hope it works . thanks :D
Ur Mum said:
there anyway to have more than 8 unique icons tho?

There is but I'm not sure of the process in PTW. The file you want is Luxuries.pcx in the City Screen folder, I believe. Someone came up with a convoluted way to fix the problem but I'm not sure what it is now. Maybe a search would dig up the appropriate post.

If you get Conquests it's much easier, you just add icons on the graphic in the order that they appear in the editor.
yeah. hopefully getting C3C in the new year. but until then i'm stuck w/ PTW.

(still barrels of fun tho)
Isn't there some additional problem with having more than 8 luxuries? Like no more than 8 luxuries can effect citizen happiness in your cities at one time, or something like that? I think the city screen luxury-box is too small to accommodate more than 8, but I could be wrong....
yes u cant see all 8 in the city screen at once on PTW. does this change on C3C ? not sure about if they still affect the citizens however.
Weasel Op said:
They still affect citiizens, and they still overflow the box. The problem is that if you have much more than 8, it becomes too easy to manage happiness.

I have 16 in my game, but I've given them all a low appearance number, 65, so I usually end up with about 4, with lots of opportunity to trade with other civs. It works out fairly well. Sometimes I luck out and get 7 or 8 but I have yet to go over that.
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