For your consideration...
As I had intended to build such a map, prior to learning of SOE - am now interested
in renewing this project.
So, I would ask, what aspect would you prefer - from the following two maps, and in
relation to the current SOE map?
The light blue and black lines represent the main convoy lanes 1943-1944 - very roughly.
The current maps would be the same resolution, but over larger areas
- where the darker of the two really, and
simply, adds to the bottom of the other. This, I feel, adding a greater feeling for the
environment - consider the difference between evaluating strategic issues on a flat
map, as opposed to a 'real' curved ma, or from differing angles.
As compared to the SOE map - these would have approximately similar resolution - as they
would be built on a 362x362 base - the added areas expanding into this larger map base.
The real issue would appear to be the curvature around the top left and right of the map -
where each of these maps was extracted from a different angle - the darker one straight
down and the lighter somewhat crossways.
The value I see in a new map is in that the scope of the European and North African
conflict can be retained, while expanding the scope of the Atlantic actions. And, lastly,
with a more accurate rendition of the region.
My personal preference is to go with the darker of the two - as it negates the issue of
curvature in the top right an left - as is an issue in the lighter. And it presents the
wider atlantic - allowing the addition of the southern convoy lanes.
Um... On the other hand, that small addition to the convoy lanes might be detrimental to
the speed of the game - to such an extent - that thie negative far out-weighs whatever
As I had intended to build such a map, prior to learning of SOE - am now interested
in renewing this project.
So, I would ask, what aspect would you prefer - from the following two maps, and in
relation to the current SOE map?
The light blue and black lines represent the main convoy lanes 1943-1944 - very roughly.
The current maps would be the same resolution, but over larger areas
- where the darker of the two really, and
simply, adds to the bottom of the other. This, I feel, adding a greater feeling for the
environment - consider the difference between evaluating strategic issues on a flat
map, as opposed to a 'real' curved ma, or from differing angles.
As compared to the SOE map - these would have approximately similar resolution - as they
would be built on a 362x362 base - the added areas expanding into this larger map base.
The real issue would appear to be the curvature around the top left and right of the map -
where each of these maps was extracted from a different angle - the darker one straight
down and the lighter somewhat crossways.
The value I see in a new map is in that the scope of the European and North African
conflict can be retained, while expanding the scope of the Atlantic actions. And, lastly,
with a more accurate rendition of the region.
My personal preference is to go with the darker of the two - as it negates the issue of
curvature in the top right an left - as is an issue in the lighter. And it presents the
wider atlantic - allowing the addition of the southern convoy lanes.
Um... On the other hand, that small addition to the convoy lanes might be detrimental to
the speed of the game - to such an extent - that thie negative far out-weighs whatever