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About Unit Previews...

Unit Previews, Where do you want them?

  • In the Download Forum

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • In the Unit Forum

    Votes: 8 61.5%

  • Total voters
Nov 27, 2001
Denver CO, United States of America
I like them, quite a bit actually. They give ya something to look forward to, but in my opinion they're beginning to cluture up the Unit Section. So much so that you have to shuffle your way around the forum to find which are previews and which are units to download. I'd please ask that everyone post the units in the forum here in the download area, just so people who want a unit can just glance at the forum and be able to see what they can get :).
I try to clearly state which are previews, or just a new finished unit.

I think that we should start putting:
PREVIEW: (insert unit name)
FINISHED: (insert unit name)

That would help a lot.
being that I am in large part responsible for the clutter, I apologize.

I didn't know where else to put the AoE unit bmps. I guess I should have put them in the main creation & customization forum. if I have any more I will put them there.

Originally posted by Kal-el
being that I am in large part responsible for the clutter, I apologize.

I didn't know where else to put the AoE unit bmps. I guess I should have put them in the main creation & customization forum. if I have any more I will put them there.


Its alright, man. I got almost all (I think its all :D ) of the files and will be working on them one by one. ;)
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