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Additional Civilizations (by DJSHenninger)

Minor balancing adjustments after some theorycrafting with my friends. Also, I have a name for this modpack. Ahem:

Fiat Lux: British Kingdoms Of Late Antiquity
The Picts (Galam Cennalath)
Start Bias: Hill
UA: Masters Of Fortriu
Units gain a +33% Combat Bonus against more advanced units. Cities started on Hill Tiles gain additional City Defensiveness and do increased damage when bombarding enemy units.
UB: Crannog (replaces Garden)
+25% Great Person generation. Requires a source of Fresh Water. Tiles with access to Fresh Water generate +1 Culture.
UB: Broch (replaces Castle)
+7 City Defensiveness, +25 HP. Enemy units that end their turn within one hex of the City sustain 30 points of damage every turn. Generates +4 Production if a Great General is garrisoned in the City.
Dál Riata (Aedan mac Gabrain)
Start Bias: Coastal
UA: Three Kindreds
Occupied Coastal Cities stay in Resistance for half the usual time. Gain additional Faith from Trade Routes to Civilizations with whom you have a Declaration of Friendship.
UU: Currach (replaces Trireme)
Weaker and faster than the Trireme it replaces. May also perform Trade Missions.
UI: Insular Cross (all new!)
Unlocked at Masonry. +1 Faith. Additional +1 Faith and +2 Culture after Archaeology is researched, and generates another +1 Faith if the City working it contains a Monastery. If Pillaged, gain 50 Faith.
Sudreyjar (Godred Crovan) [Hebrides]
Start Bias: Coastal
UA: Plurimarum Insularum
Gain -2 Unhappiness and +1 Culture in the Capital for each Atoll tile in the Empire. Naval Units gain a +5% Combat Bonus when attacking for each 25 Tourism the Empire produces.
UI: Bothy (all new!)
Unlocked at Construction. +25% Combat Bonus for any Unit occupying the tile, and generates +2 Food and +1 Production whenever so occupied. Counts as a Farm for technology-related bonuses (Civil Service and Fertilizer).
UU: Crofter (replaces Settler)
After it is used to found a City, a Worker appears in it.
Strathclyde (Rhydderch Hael)
Start Bias: Grassland
UA: Dyrnwyn Aflame
May purchase any unlocked pre-Gunpowder unit with Faith. Doing so generates Culture. Land Units gain a +25% Combat Bonus when attacking.
UU: Novantae (replaces Swordsman)
Gain extra health from Pillaging tiles. Start with Cover I.
UU: Rheged Band (replaces Pikeman)
May be purchased with Gold for half the usual price. Does additional damage to Cities as well as Mounted units.
Northumbria (Erik Bloodaxe)
Start Bias: Plains
UA: Dena Lagu
Buildings that produce Gold generate -1 base Gold. Gain an additional Trade Route for each Gold-generating building in the Capital. Mines produce +1 Gold.
UU: North-Harrier (replaces Knight)
Gain a +1% Gold generation Bonus in the Capital for each Tile this Unit Pillages. Weaker and cheaper than the Knight it replaces.
UU: Monk (replaces Great Writer)
When used for a Political Treatise, a Monk generates the same amount of Faith as Culture. When used to create a Great Work of Writing, gain a free Monastery in one of your Cities.
Kent (Aethelberht)
Start Bias: Coastal
UA: Invicta
Land Units gain a +10% Combat Bonus while defending, with an additional +5% bonus for each Kentish Great Work in the Capital.
UU: Bretwalda (replaces Great General)
Standard Great General bonuses. In addition, may be spent to generate Tourism while at war with the target Civilization, or create a Great Work of Writing.
UI: Oast House (All new!)
Can only be built on flat land with access to Fresh Water. +1 Food and +1 Culture. The Culture yield rises to +2 after Architecture is discovered, and +3 after Biology is discovered. Unlocked at Engineering.
Wessex (Alfred)
Start Bias: Grassland
UA: Burghal Hidage
Defensive Buildings grant a flat Gold boost when built. Defensive Buildings in the Capital also give a free copy of a Unique Unit from any Civilization not in the game for which you possess the required Technology. Units garrisoned on Forts generate -1 Unhappiness.
UU: Shieldwall (replaces Swordsman)
Slower than the Swordsman it replaces, but starts with Cover I. Gains an additional 1% Combat Bonus for every Unit it kills from a major Civilization or City-State.
UB: Court Of Scholars (replaces University)
+33% Science generation bonus. +2 Science per worked Jungle Tile. 2 Scientist Specialist Slots. +1 Production, +1 Gold, +1 Culture. Contains a slot for a Great Work of Art. Substantially more expensive to produce than the University it replaces, and cannot be bought with Gold. May not be built in conquered Cities.
Mercia (Offa)
Start Bias: Grassland
UA: Greatest Of Seven
Trade Routes with City-States generate +1 Influence over that City-State per turn and grant a +5% Culture Boost to the City that initiated the trade. International Trade Routes generate Culture per turn.
UB: Sceattas Maker (replaces Mint)
+2 Gold per Gold or Silver Resource worked by the City. Also provides a +10% Gold generation bonus across the Empire.
UB: Jewelmaker (replaces Workshop)
+2 and +10% Production. 1 Engineer Specialist Slot. Creates one copy of the Jewellery Luxury Resource. Also contains a slot for a Great Work of Art, which grants a +1% bonus to Culture generation per 2 base Production in the City when filled.
(Wales is part of the Celtic Civilizations split, and these guys are contemporaneous to the others, so...)
Gwynedd (Rhodri I)
Start Bias: Hill
UA: Y Hen Ogledd
Gain a +33% boost to Research towards a technology if a Civilisation you have met has already discovered it. Great Writers may construct Academies.
UB: Limewashed Church (replaces Temple)
+2 Faith. Contains one slot for a Great Work of Writing. +1 Science after Architecture is discovered.
UU: Gruffydite (replaces Spearman)
Gains an additional +10% Combat Bonus for each Terrain Type in a one-hex range around the tile where it ends its turn. Generates Science per kill.
Deheubarth (Hywel Dda)
Start Bias: Plains
UA: The Laws Of The Good
-1 Unhappiness from Specialists. Specialists generate +1 of their primary yield in Cities with a Constabulary and a further +2 in Cities with a Police Station.
UU: Milwr Gosod (replaces Knight)
Weaker and slower than the Knight it replaces, but may attack twice, with the second attack dealing 75% damage. Costs slightly more.
UB: Caer Dinefwr (replaces Castle)
+7 Defensiveness, +25 HP. Increases City Bombardment Range to three hexes and causes it to deal additional damage against Siege Units. Costs considerably more than the Castle it replaces.
Normandy (William I)
Start Bias: Grassland
UA: First Crusaders
Mounted Units start with Shock I, do additional damage against Units from Civilizations that follow a different majority religion, and generate Faith per turn when garrisoned in a City. The Production costs of Land Units are increased by 33%.
UU: Milites (replaces Knight)
Substantially stronger than the Knight it replaces, but more expensive to build and cannot be bought with Gold. May be purchased with Faith.
UB: Opus Gallicum (replaces Castle)
+15 City Defensiveness, +38 HP. The City in which it is built generates Faith when its bombardment kills an enemy unit.
Connacht (Tairrdelbach Ua Conchobair)
Start Bias: Coastal
UA: Tribes Of Galway
+1 Global Happiness per International Sea Trade Route. Tiles that generate Gold may be purchased for free.
UU: Connaught Ranger (replaces Musketman)
Starts with a unique Promotion, "The Devil's Own", that grants a major bonus when attacking but a substantial penalty when defending. Gain a flat amount of Gold when used to capture Cities.
UB: Dun Ro Caislean (replaces, you guessed it, Castle. It's almost like they're everywhere in Britain and Ireland...)
+7 Defensiveness, +25 HP. The City now counts as a source of Fresh Water. +25% Gold bonus from International Trade Routes to and from this City.
Leinster (Ugaine Mor)
Start Bias: Hills
UA: Province Of The Spear
Land Units gain a +5% Combat Bonus for each Tile with Iron worked in the Empire. Mounted Units receive Terrain Bonuses.
UU: Laigin (replaces Spearman)
Additional Combat Strength. Does extra damage against more technologically advanced units, which is retained upon upgrading. May embark across Ocean tiles.
UU: Redbreast (replaces Lancer) (Yes I know they were first raised in Enniskillen the synergy's better so deal with it)
Start with Formation I & II, along with a unique Promotion, "Quis Separabit", that allows them to deal 33% extra damage to Melee units. Costs significantly more than the Lancer it replaces. Upgrades to Cavalry.
Ulster (Fiachnae mac Aedo Roin)
Start Bias: Grassland
UA: Annals Of Ulster
Theming Bonuses generate +2 Faith per turn. Buildings that generate Faith also generate +1 additional Culture.
UU: Ulaid Archer (replaces Composite Bowman)
Weaker and more expensive than the Composite Bowman it replaces, but has +1 Range. Also starts with the unique promotion "Cattle-Raiders of Cooley", which means it counts as a Great Work of Writing when garrisoned in a City.
UB: Abbey (replaces Shrine)
+2 Faith. +1 Faith for every other Faith-generating Building in the City.
Munster (Cormac mac Cuillenain)
Start Bias: Plains
UA: Sanas Cormaic
A Great Prophet is born in the Capital after researching Writing and founding a Pantheon. 50% of the points generated towards a Great General or Great Admiral go towards Great Scientists
UB: Leabharlann (replaces Library)
+1 Science per 2 Citizens in the City. Contains a slot for a Great Work of Writing that comes pre-filled. When filled, generates +1 Faith per 2 Citizens in the City.
UU: Geraldine (replaces Longswordsman)
Slower than the Longswordsman it replaces and cannot be used to capture Cities. However, gains a permanent +5% Combat Bonus for each City or City-State you Liberate (once per City) and has a very high Combat Strength (27 compared to 21). Upgrades directly to Rifleman and obsoletes at Rifling.

Oddly, a lot of the Irish UUs are much later down the tech tree than for the other Civs in the pack. I had an easier time finding them, I suppose. Also, the Geraldine rebels are an important part of the history of Munster and were in no way picked because I thought the name was funny. Nuh-uh. No sir. =]

But yeah, that's everyone! Hope these don't suck as much as I'm slowly convincing myself they do.
Wow :p This, of course, doesn't mean I'm gonna do them all xD I suddenly lost the urge to mod anything, actually. Happened right after I finished Algeria :p At one point I'll pick it up again!
Whenever you decide to make one you can be sure that I will play it ;)

It seems like I just took a break, but I didn't. My computer stopped working, but it's fixed now :) Since I wasn't working on anything, I suppose I could start with British medieval civs. Is there anyone working on some already? If so, I'll make sure to avoid those for the time being.
I might be doing Mercia, and JFD's taken up Wessex (well, Anglo-Saxon England incorporating Wessex).

Ok, great :) Northumbria seems interesting, but I still have to check all the other kingdoms as well. Since I rely on existing images, I probably don't have a lot of options.
Hi, I'm playing as Serbia right now and Albania is in the game. Their leader screen has a small line of white pixels running down the left side. I've uploaded a picture. Hope you can look into this. Thanks.
Hi, I'm playing as Serbia right now and Albania is in the game. Their leader screen has a small line of white pixels running down the left side. I've uploaded a picture. Hope you can look into this. Thanks.

Ive seen this with some of my other pictures as well. When I make the art i dont see a white line but it may be caused by a very slight displacement im overseeing. I dont know how to fix it, especially since i pretty much lost the art assets. Thanks for letting me know.
Ive seen this with some of my other pictures as well. When I make the art i dont see a white line but it may be caused by a very slight displacement im overseeing. I dont know how to fix it, especially since i pretty much lost the art assets. Thanks for letting me know.

You're welcome! I'm having a great time spamming Fruska Gora Monasteries and going wide with Serbia. You've made a good civ.
I do not know if this has been discussed, but i want to report some issues with the Serbian Civ.

The kefalija doesn't seem to do anything (can't improve mines or build improved mines).

secondly, the fruska gora monasteries work but there aren't any models of it in-game.

Hope you will read this. :)
I do not know if this has been discussed, but i want to report some issues with the Serbian Civ.

The kefalija doesn't seem to do anything (can't improve mines or build improved mines).

secondly, the fruska gora monasteries work but there aren't any models of it in-game.

Hope you will read this. :)

I think you're missing an expansion. You need BNW. If not, then a mod may conflict. If you play on a custom map, you may not be able to improve resources with the Kefalija. Or your Civ V isn't up-to-date. There are many reasons for issues such as these. The Fruska Gora monasteries use an existing model (from the game itself), so you may not have the right expansion.
I think you're missing an expansion. You need BNW. If not, then a mod may conflict. If you play on a custom map, you may not be able to improve resources with the Kefalija. Or your Civ V isn't up-to-date. There are many reasons for issues such as these. The Fruska Gora monasteries use an existing model (from the game itself), so you may not have the right expansion.

I have everything up to the fall patch. I have downloaded some of the JFD civs and colonialist legacies. I don't have any other content such as maps or map packs and support mods made by creators such as yourself.

I play mostly Small Continents Plus but i can't remember what was the type of map i used when i tried out Serbia.

And does the Kefalija only improve metal based mines or can it also improve regular mines
I have everything up to the fall patch. I have downloaded some of the JFD civs and colonialist legacies. I don't have any other content such as maps or map packs and support mods made by creators such as yourself.

I play mostly Small Continents Plus but i can't remember what was the type of map i used when i tried out Serbia.

And does the Kefalija only improve metal based mines or can it also improve regular mines

Only resources improved by mines, not regular ones. It was a necessary change. So this means it can improve: Uranium, Coal, Iron, Silver, Gold, Copper, Salt. In the end the solution is probably obvious. I don't know why, but people frequently seem to have problems with the Kefalija :p You should immediately build a mine with the Kefalija, not build a regular mine first and then try to improve it, that doesn't work anymore.
Only resources improved by mines, not regular ones. It was a necessary change. So this means it can improve: Uranium, Coal, Iron, Silver, Gold, Copper, Salt. In the end the solution is probably obvious. I don't know why, but people frequently seem to have problems with the Kefalija :p You should immediately build a mine with the Kefalija, not build a regular mine first and then try to improve it, that doesn't work anymore.

Yeah everything works fine when i checked out Serbia again :D but the first time i played Serbia i was on a desert with a bunch of Cotton, so there wasn't any resource for me to improve. so i guessed there was something wrong with the Civ, so i jumped straight on to your other Balkan Civs which i had great fun playing. You really did an awesome job with those. :D
Yeah everything works fine when i checked out Serbia again :D but the first time i played Serbia i was on a desert with a bunch of Cotton, so there wasn't any resource for me to improve. so i guessed there was something wrong with the Civ, so i jumped straight on to your other Balkan Civs which i had great fun playing. You really did an awesome job with those. :D

Good to hear it's working for you and thanks :)

Update for the Seljuqs released:
- New Alp Arslan art (icon, DOM, diplo)
- Ghulam Mounted Archer renamed to Askari Mounted Archer
- Askari Mounted Archer icon slightly edited
- Support for Leugi's Israel New Beliefs added

Spoiler :
Good to hear it's working for you and thanks :)

Update for the Seljuqs released:
- New Alp Arslan art (icon, DOM, diplo)
- Ghulam Mounted Archer renamed to Askari Mounted Archer
- Askari Mounted Archer icon slightly edited
- Support for Leugi's Israel New Beliefs added

Spoiler :

Love the new screen! The last one had a bit much going on. Just as a minor correction, in your description of the Seljuqs in this thread, you have Leugi's New Beliefs listed as Holy Temple and Synagogues. Unless it's been updated, I think the beliefs are actually House of God and Synagogues.
Thanks both. Im glad i found some good pictures to make new art out of, since i didnt like the previous leader art as well. The leader art was 2d-ish and bad quality and the background turned out to be uglier than i thought :p As for the belief name, At steam the image says "holy temple" as well as in the code but i didnt really read the page well enough.
Suddenly wishing I hadn't already started a game with the Seljuks as an AI :<

BTW, what is the stability level on the Sasanians, Kazakhs, and Algeria? They're marked as beta but you seem to talk about them like they're finished. :confused:
Ok, great :) Northumbria seems interesting, but I still have to check all the other kingdoms as well. Since I rely on existing images, I probably don't have a lot of options.

If you do that, Northumbria's probably your best bet. If you get someone to do the art for you, which probably won't be that hard, maybe the Welsh split? I'd love to watch people play as Gwynedd and Deheubarth versus CC's Wales... =]
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