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Additional Civilizations (by DJSHenninger)

Hey DJS i was wondering if you was still updating and posting mods to the steam workshop? just curious and thanks for the civs :D
Hey DJS i was wondering if you was still updating and posting mods to the steam workshop? just curious and thanks for the civs :D

Glad you like them. I'm not doing a lot lately, might pick it up soon. The only thing I'm working on is a new leaderscreen for Croatia, but other than that..

Think I'll start with adding mod support for some mods.
You still have full rights to any interesting Civs you want to do from the Fiat Lux "Oh God It's Coming This Way"-sized list of ideas. Here ya go! =]

Fiat Lux: British Kingdoms Of Late Antiquity
Spoiler :
The Picts (Galam Cennalath)
Start Bias: Hill
UA: Masters Of Fortriu
Units gain a +33% Combat Bonus against more advanced units. Cities started on Hill Tiles gain additional City Defensiveness and do increased damage when bombarding enemy units.
UB: Crannog (replaces Garden)
+25% Great Person generation. Requires a source of Fresh Water. Tiles with access to Fresh Water generate +1 Culture.
UB: Broch (replaces Castle)
+7 City Defensiveness, +25 HP. Enemy units that end their turn within one hex of the City sustain 30 points of damage every turn. Generates +4 Production if a Great General is garrisoned in the City.
Dál Riata (Aedan mac Gabrain)
Start Bias: Coastal
UA: Three Kindreds
Occupied Coastal Cities stay in Resistance for half the usual time. Gain additional Faith from Trade Routes to Civilizations with whom you have a Declaration of Friendship.
UU: Currach (replaces Trireme)
Weaker and faster than the Trireme it replaces. May also perform Trade Missions.
UI: Insular Cross (all new!)
Unlocked at Masonry. +1 Faith. Additional +1 Faith and +2 Culture after Archaeology is researched, and generates another +1 Faith if the City working it contains a Monastery. If Pillaged, gain 50 Faith.
Sudreyjar (Godred Crovan) [Hebrides]
Start Bias: Coastal
UA: Plurimarum Insularum
Gain -2 Unhappiness and +1 Culture in the Capital for each Atoll tile in the Empire. Naval Units gain a +5% Combat Bonus when attacking for each 25 Tourism the Empire produces.
UI: Bothy (all new!)
Unlocked at Construction. +25% Combat Bonus for any Unit occupying the tile, and generates +2 Food and +1 Production whenever so occupied. Counts as a Farm for technology-related bonuses (Civil Service and Fertilizer).
UU: Crofter (replaces Settler)
After it is used to found a City, a Worker appears in it.
Strathclyde (Rhydderch Hael)
Start Bias: Grassland
UA: Dyrnwyn Aflame
May purchase any unlocked pre-Gunpowder unit with Faith. Doing so generates Culture. Land Units gain a +25% Combat Bonus when attacking.
UU: Novantae (replaces Swordsman)
Gain extra health from Pillaging tiles. Start with Cover I.
UU: Rheged Band (replaces Pikeman)
May be purchased with Gold for half the usual price. Does additional damage to Cities as well as Mounted units.
Northumbria has already been made! Which is awesome and wonderful and thank you for giving me mod credit on it. =]
Kent (Aethelberht)
Start Bias: Coastal
UA: Invicta
Land Units gain a +10% Combat Bonus while defending, with an additional +5% bonus for each Kentish Great Work in the Capital.
UU: Bretwalda (replaces Great General)
Standard Great General bonuses. In addition, may be spent to generate Tourism while at war with the target Civilization, or create a Great Work of Writing.
UI: Oast House (All new!)
Can only be built on flat land with access to Fresh Water. +1 Food and +1 Culture. The Culture yield rises to +2 after Architecture is discovered, and +3 after Biology is discovered. Unlocked at Engineering.
Wessex (Alfred)
Start Bias: Grassland
UA: Burghal Hidage
Defensive Buildings grant a flat Gold boost when built. Defensive Buildings in the Capital also give a free copy of a Unique Unit from any Civilization not in the game for which you possess the required Technology. Units garrisoned on Forts generate -1 Unhappiness.
UU: Shieldwall (replaces Swordsman)
Slower than the Swordsman it replaces, but starts with Cover I. Gains an additional 1% Combat Bonus for every Unit it kills from a major Civilization or City-State.
UB: Court Of Scholars (replaces University)
+33% Science generation bonus. +2 Science per worked Jungle Tile. 2 Scientist Specialist Slots. +1 Production, +1 Gold, +1 Culture. Contains a slot for a Great Work of Art. Substantially more expensive to produce than the University it replaces, and cannot be bought with Gold. May not be built in conquered Cities.
Mercia (Offa)
Start Bias: Grassland
UA: Greatest Of Seven
Trade Routes with City-States generate +1 Influence over that City-State per turn and grant a +5% Culture Boost to the City that initiated the trade. International Trade Routes generate Culture per turn.
UB: Sceattas Maker (replaces Mint)
+2 Gold per Gold or Silver Resource worked by the City. Also provides a +10% Gold generation bonus across the Empire.
UB: Jewelmaker (replaces Workshop)
+2 and +10% Production. 1 Engineer Specialist Slot. Creates one copy of the Jewellery Luxury Resource. Also contains a slot for a Great Work of Art, which grants a +1% bonus to Culture generation per 2 base Production in the City when filled.
(Wales is part of the Celtic Civilizations split, and these guys are contemporaneous to the others, so...)
Gwynedd (Rhodri I)
Start Bias: Hill
UA: Y Hen Ogledd
Gain a +33% boost to Research towards a technology if a Civilisation you have met has already discovered it. Great Writers may construct Academies.
UB: Limewashed Church (replaces Temple)
+2 Faith. Contains one slot for a Great Work of Writing. +1 Science after Architecture is discovered.
UU: Gruffydite (replaces Spearman)
Gains an additional +10% Combat Bonus for each Terrain Type in a one-hex range around the tile where it ends its turn. Generates Science per kill.
Deheubarth (Hywel Dda)
Start Bias: Plains
UA: The Laws Of The Good
-1 Unhappiness from Specialists. Specialists generate +1 of their primary yield in Cities with a Constabulary and a further +2 in Cities with a Police Station.
UU: Milwr Gosod (replaces Knight)
Weaker and slower than the Knight it replaces, but may attack twice, with the second attack dealing 75% damage. Costs slightly more.
UB: Caer Dinefwr (replaces Castle)
+7 Defensiveness, +25 HP. Increases City Bombardment Range to three hexes and causes it to deal additional damage against Siege Units. Costs considerably more than the Castle it replaces.
Normandy (William I)
Start Bias: Grassland
UA: First Crusaders
Mounted Units start with Shock I, do additional damage against Units from Civilizations that follow a different majority religion, and generate Faith per turn when garrisoned in a City. The Production costs of Land Units are increased by 33%.
UU: Milites (replaces Knight)
Substantially stronger than the Knight it replaces, but more expensive to build and cannot be bought with Gold. May be purchased with Faith.
UB: Opus Gallicum (replaces Castle)
+15 City Defensiveness, +38 HP. The City in which it is built generates Faith when its bombardment kills an enemy unit.
Connacht (Tairrdelbach Ua Conchobair)
Start Bias: Coastal
UA: Tribes Of Galway
+1 Global Happiness per International Sea Trade Route. Tiles that generate Gold may be purchased for free.
UU: Connaught Ranger (replaces Musketman)
Starts with a unique Promotion, "The Devil's Own", that grants a major bonus when attacking but a substantial penalty when defending. Gain a flat amount of Gold when used to capture Cities.
UB: Dun Ro Caislean (replaces, you guessed it, Castle. It's almost like they're everywhere in Britain and Ireland...)
+7 Defensiveness, +25 HP. The City now counts as a source of Fresh Water. +25% Gold bonus from International Trade Routes to and from this City.
Leinster (Ugaine Mor)
Start Bias: Hills
UA: Province Of The Spear
Land Units gain a +5% Combat Bonus for each Tile with Iron worked in the Empire. Mounted Units receive Terrain Bonuses.
UU: Laigin (replaces Spearman)
Additional Combat Strength. Does extra damage against more technologically advanced units, which is retained upon upgrading. May embark across Ocean tiles.
UU: Redbreast (replaces Lancer) (Yes I know they were first raised in Enniskillen the synergy's better so deal with it)
Start with Formation I & II, along with a unique Promotion, "Quis Separabit", that allows them to deal 33% extra damage to Melee units. Costs significantly more than the Lancer it replaces. Upgrades to Cavalry.
Ulster (Fiachnae mac Aedo Roin)
Start Bias: Grassland
UA: Annals Of Ulster
Theming Bonuses generate +2 Faith per turn. Buildings that generate Faith also generate +1 additional Culture.
UU: Ulaid Archer (replaces Composite Bowman)
Weaker and more expensive than the Composite Bowman it replaces, but has +1 Range. Also starts with the unique promotion "Cattle-Raiders of Cooley", which means it counts as a Great Work of Writing when garrisoned in a City.
UB: Abbey (replaces Shrine)
+2 Faith. +1 Faith for every other Faith-generating Building in the City.
Munster (Cormac mac Cuillenain)
Start Bias: Plains
UA: Sanas Cormaic
A Great Prophet is born in the Capital after researching Writing and founding a Pantheon. 50% of the points generated towards a Great General or Great Admiral go towards Great Scientists
UB: Leabharlann (replaces Library)
+1 Science per 2 Citizens in the City. Contains a slot for a Great Work of Writing that comes pre-filled. When filled, generates +1 Faith per 2 Citizens in the City.
UU: Geraldine (replaces Longswordsman)
Slower than the Longswordsman it replaces and cannot be used to capture Cities. However, gains a permanent +5% Combat Bonus for each City or City-State you Liberate (once per City) and has a very high Combat Strength (27 compared to 21). Upgrades directly to Rifleman and obsoletes at Rifling.
You still have full rights to any interesting Civs you want to do from the Fiat Lux "Oh God It's Coming This Way"-sized list of ideas. Here ya go! =]

Ah right, thanks, I guess :p


Croatia - Tomislav I (BNW)

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Spoiler :
Emphasized on: Income (primary) | Production (secondary) | Growth (tertiary)

UA: Makarska Riviera - All coastal Cities get a free Lighthouse. Harbors increase the Gold yield of coastal Tiles by 1. No maintenance cost for maritime buildings.

UB: Bunja. Replaces the Granary. Extra effect(s):
> +2 Production

UU: Uskok. Replaces the Privateer. Extra effect(s):
> Land unit that can act as a Privateer when embarked. When disembarking, free Promotions applied to Naval Units are removed, but earned Naval Promotions are retained
> When stationed in a coastal city, the city gains extra Defensive Strength and Gold

Uskok graphics by Danrell (recolored)
Bunja: Alan Mandic
(Grenz Infantry uses Napoleonic era Austrians graphics by Bernie14)

Croatia updated:
- New leaderart
- New UU (Uskok), replacing the Grenz Infantry
- Mod support for Unique Cultural Influence, Ethnic Units and YnAEMP (internally)
- color scheme changed
Any chance there'd be a way to download all of these at once? Seems like this could take a while to get done once I get home.
If you would like, I could suggest some stuff for Events and Decision support :) (and possibly music, which I've added to a few of your mods already)
Any chance there'd be a way to download all of these at once? Seems like this could take a while to get done once I get home.

Sorry I don't think that's gonna happen :crazyeye:

If you would like, I could suggest some stuff for Events and Decision support :) (and possibly music, which I've added to a few of your mods already)

I'd like to hear about the music, I should be able to add that easily. However, I don't think I'll add Events and Decisions anytime soon.
These are what I've added (some are not as good as others, but I did try lol), and I'll see what I can find for the others :)

Peace: Instrumental version of their national anthem (video title: National Anthem of Azerbaijan - Instrumental)
War: EU4 OST - Ride Forth Victoriously

Peace: Francisco Tarrega - Recuerdos de la Alhambra
War: CK2 OST - Horns of Hattin and Aftermath

Peace: Civ4 OST - Arabia Theme (placeholder unless/until I found something better)
War: EU3 Soundtrack - East vs. West

Peace: Civ4 OST - India (placeholder unless/until I found something better)
War: CK2 OST - Rajas of India - Charge of the War Elephants

Peace: Johann Sebastian Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
War: Van Helsing Complete Score CD2 22 - End Titles Continued

Peace: Andre Rieu & Johann Strauss Orchestra - Waves of the Danube
War: Supreme Ruler Cold War Soundtrack - Main Theme
*There's a song about Tito I REALLY wanted to use, but I couldn't find an instrumental version of it.
Sad face here, too. But I figure I'll try my hand at some for the ones I've downloaded, at least :)
Sorry I don't think that's gonna happen :crazyeye:

I'd like to hear about the music, I should be able to add that easily. However, I don't think I'll add Events and Decisions anytime soon.

Do the Kazakhs have E&D support?
(I guess i should have asked that before l started a game with them...)
I don't think they do.

I'll be using the Sikhs as the guinea pig for my first stab at actually coding something. The XML and One True Code I should be able to get without too much issue (with JFD's awesome coding as a guide). The lua, on the other hand.... I've read the tutorial and I still can't make heads or tails of it, lol.
Do the Kazakhs have E&D support?
(I guess i should have asked that before l started a game with them...)

Sorry for the late reply, but no, none of my mods do. First I'll update the mod to support the following mods:

- YnAEMP (internally)
- Unique Cultural Influence
- Ethnic Units
- Civ IV Leader Traits in Civ V

These should be relatively easy to add. The mods requiring little to no attention besides mod support will be updated first. Then those in need of a new trait etc. (e.g. Romania, Nepal) will get mod support. Finally, those with the worst leader art (e.g. Khmer, Serbia) will get mod support.

Then perhaps later I'll add E&D. Of course I don't mind if someone else provides me with support for E&D :lol: Other than that, I should probably reorganize my OP(s).

I don't think they do.

I'll be using the Sikhs as the guinea pig for my first stab at actually coding something. The XML and One True Code I should be able to get without too much issue (with JFD's awesome coding as a guide). The lua, on the other hand.... I've read the tutorial and I still can't make heads or tails of it, lol.

I suggest you copy/paste everything of the mod and just change whatever you need to change :p The code for the uniques should be taken from the game files, though. Also, I usually don't use 'TXT_KEYs' for all of my .. text-related stuff, such as the leader's name. That's just because I'm lazy. You might wanna use TXT_KEYs for everything if you want to support other languages. Anyway, good luck! ;)
I probably shoulda been a little more specific. I meant I was going to use the Sikhs as a guinea pig attempt to add E&D support to something. I was also going to add Map Label, Cultural Diversity and Piety and Prestige as well. I guess if I'm gonna do all that, I should add YnAEMP and Civ4 Traits, too. I haven't found an example of Cultural Influence yet. I figure this way, I could help you out at least a little bit adding compatibilities :)
I probably shoulda been a little more specific. I meant I was going to use the Sikhs as a guinea pig attempt to add E&D support to something. I was also going to add Map Label, Cultural Diversity and Piety and Prestige as well. I guess if I'm gonna do all that, I should add YnAEMP and Civ4 Traits, too. I haven't found an example of Cultural Influence yet. I figure this way, I could help you out at least a little bit adding compatibilities :)

That would be great :) Except you don't have to add YnAEMP, as I already got that and I'm busy with the Civ4 Traits thing. But for the other mods, go ahead, thanks :D
Here's what I'm thinking for the Sikhs, posting to see if there's anything you'd want to change and if Gold costs seemed okay before I start trying to code any of this:

Spoiler :
Decision: Enforce Religious Tolerance in the Empire
Cost: 300? Gold
Cost: 2 Magistrates
Can only be enacted once per game.
Gain +1 happiness in each city for each religion present in that city.
The cost of future Social Policies is reduced by 10%
Not the greatest for a super pious game, but it was one of the biggest draws of the Sikh Empire at the time.

Decision: Form the Khalsa
Cost: 600? Gold
Cost: 1 Magistrate
May only be enacted once per game.
One Akali Nihang General appears in the capital.
Three free (melee/gunpowder) units appear outside the capital.
Sikh units gain +50% Combat Strength inside own territory.

Event: Prem Sumarag Granth is written by anonymous Sikh.
Elevate the writer in the religious community. A Great Prophet appears in the Capital.
Use it to normalize public life in the empire. Gain a lump sum of faith. (Amount rises with number of cities in empire)
Preserve the work for posterity. Gain "Prem Sumarag Granth" Great Work of Writing.

Event: Improved Sikh Artillery
*Would only appear after Chemistry is researched*
Fully implement the advances into the army. -500? Gold 3 Siege Units appear outside the capital.
Test these new advances. 200? Gold 1 Siege Unit appears in the capital.
We do not need these advances. (Does nothing)
All hail the CEO of DonStamos creative, inc.!
(Now, grab tour assistants , and give me more ideas!)
I made a change to one of the Sikh events, because I'm fairly certain Great Works of Writing aren't TOO difficult to work in.

The only other leader I have any real ideas for atm is Tito:

Spoiler :
Decision: Organize the Non-Aligned Movement
Cost: 500? Gold
2 Magistrates
Must be allied with at least one City-State
Must be in the Industrial era or later
May only be enacted once per game.
Gain 1 delegate to the World Congress for each friendly Civilization.
Gifts to City-States are 50% more effective.
I thought bringing in how Tito was able to be on both sides of the Cold War would be awesome.

Decision: Reform the Yugoslavian Economy
Cost: 2 Magistrates
Cost: 1 Great Engineer (must be in capital)
May only be enacted once per game.
Each specialist in the empire produces +1 (+2?) more of their yield.
Tito had arguably the most successful Communist economy between the 50s and 80s. The bonus on this one is strong, but I also was originally thinking to just boost tile yields, which I guess would have been STUPID STRONG.

Event: Popular Uprising (based on Croatian Spring)
Introduce a new constitution: "We Love the King Day" in all cities.
Suppress the rebellion: Barbarian units appear outside *city*

Event: *Civ* Assassin Caught!
Return the favor (or Train new infiltrator): -300 Gold; Gain 1 spy.
Improve the capital's anti-espionage efforts: -200 Gold; Free anti-espionage building in capital.
Improve our spies' training: All spies level up.
Mostly a reason to play around with spies and use one of my favorite quotes ever:
"Stop sending people to kill me. We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle (...) If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send a second."
I like both of them. However, isnt 50% combat strength too high? I must admit that im not all that familiar with the mod, though.
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