

Straight Shooter
Nov 18, 2000
Chicago, il, usa
Is there an easy way to determine wich cities have airports? It easy when you have a few cities but toward the end of the game you have so many cities is tough to tell which have airports. Is there a menu I could look at which will tell me?
The unit you wish to airlift must be in a city with an airport in order to use the airlift command. If the city does not have an airport you recieve the message " Units may only be airlifted between cities with airports." If the unit is not in a city and you use the airlift command (L) then you recevie the same message but the icon of the city displaying the city size is not displayed.
When you send a unit on a "GO" command , then the cities which have airports & are on that continent have the word "Airport" in front of them in brackets . I think you'll have atleast one unit on a continent in which you have a city .
Yes. I know a better a unit, then press g. And you will see all cities, and those who have airport.

aa, you beat me to it!
I never noticed because I never use the go command. I especially like the fact that it only shows cites located on the continent you are on. Very cool,

Is there an easy way to determine wich cities have airports?
Excruciatingly easy, if you attend the Starlifter School of Trade: Any city that you own! All cities have airports... Well, all cities that are capable of late game trade (freight). No airport, no trade.

How to determine which AI cities have airports: Count to Zero. LOL, the game is over before the AI can build one... and only the Civs that you gift the advance of Radio can build one anyway. That single civ (with only one city) can be watched with the spy you doubtless have outside the city.

If I could pay to build the AI some airports (and Superhighways for Republics/Democracies), I'd spend my own gold to do it!! :lol: In GOTM 8, my ally (the Sioux) is building sooooo slooowwwww that I doubt they will finish much more than one additional improvement before the game is over.

You can greatly speed up airport transfers by naming your cities in patterns, by group & geographical location. Cycle thru the city names by hitting the key of the first letter. This will allow the freight to really fly on a big map (pun?!).


I really need to read the strategy guides; I am stuck on the warlord level. Since coming to this board and reading about other player’s strategies and their accomplishments (I.E scores from the gotm) I have found my strategy is lacking in a huge way. I find it amazing that players such as your self Starlifter know the CIV II game engine so well you can get the scores and defeat an enemy as quickly as you do or build your space ship so early. This is the appeal of the game I would imagine. All the nuances, which are required in order to be successful at the harder levels, increase the re-playablity of the game. Anyway I am going to read the guides prior to asking such rudimentary questions.
thanks for the response:D

I thouht I closed this thread because the question was answered :confused:
Eyes of Night came up with a clever idea when we were toying around with all tech on prince by 1000bc.
To increase his trade bonus,he built up a nice big city with all the goodies in it.Then he let the ai capture it.Yes some improvements are lost but still that city is much better than the typical AI city.That is about the only way to get an AI city "up to snuff".
Having the airports for trade later in the game is inportant I have learned. I create at least 1 airport on every continent, this way you can airlift the freight to it then move the freight over land. Pretty basic but I am learning.:) I have been reading the strategy guides. I am sure they will help. I guess my biggest problem is not creating cities to perform spefic task early in the game I.E trade, Science Military... cities and so on. The War Acadamey is just what I needed. Looking forwrd to implementing some of the strategies I am learning from it.:goodjob:
Having the airports for trade later in the game is inportant I have learned. I create at least 1 airport on every continent, this way you can airlift the freight to it then move the freight over land. Pretty basic but I am learning.

I will not bore you with the math (I've put it in other threads anyway :) ), but here is a good general rule if you want mongo gold for your freight: After Flight, do NOT deliver freight until both the source and destination city have airports. You lose 33% of your trade after Flight, but get a 50% bonus for the airports. So get Radio on the same turn as Flight (Double advance), have your key airports pre-started, and make sure they finish on the next turn. The increase in gold and science initial bonuses alone will more than fund the rushed airports.

Eyes of Night came up with a clever idea when we were toying around with all tech on prince by 1000bc. To increase his trade bonus,he built up a nice big city with all the goodies in it.Then he let the ai capture it.Yes some improvements are lost but still that city is much better than the typical AI city.That is about the only way to get an AI city "up to snuff".

When speed speed speed is not as important (e.g., non-GOTM games), it is pretty easy to steer the AI to airports if you create/remove the right threats, and give the advances or "let" them get captured/traded from a rival civ. When speed is important, even at Deity the AI does not really have the time to build, esp. since it always senses the human breathing down its neck and won't perfect as much.

Last fall, I tried a similar thing, but nixed the idea when I determined it was completely impossible for the AI to take a city by force that kept both the Airport and the Superhighway. I wanted the AI to have both, but discovered in the process that the loss of improvements is not random... there is a pattern, which allows one of two sets of improvements to be kept... one set excludes the other, and so for me I dropped the idea, and instead use gifting, seeding, and threats/friendliness to steer their own construction. But in fast games, this has almost no efect. In GOTM 8, my Ally (Sioux) has been making Superhighways for hundreds of years, and times have moved on such that it no longer matters because he has no sewer and is stuck at size 12 anyway. So now I have my own cities just booming in the right physical locations to start max trading in about AD 1.

This may sound like a silly question but "how do you get the double advance so late in the game?
Doubles are pretty easy, esp. if you don't sustain them evey turn. The late game Triples, Quads, Quints, and Sixers are tougher.

For a double, all you need is to trade enough caravans/freight to exceed the price of the next advance. Then set you science and scientists to slighty exceed even that cost, and you'll have a double. This may cause you to run a tax deficit, and in extreme cases, suspend empire growth for 2 turns. For me, I don't do the latter in late game. Growth is Job#1, and even science is second bananna to that.

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