Any mod for faster animation speed for movement and combat?


Nov 3, 2017
When the quick movement and quick attack settings are disabled the movement and attack speed is too slow. When they are enabled it is so fast u can't even see what is going on. Is there any mod that puts animations like 50% faster, so u can actually see some animations but it isn't super boring to watch. A balance between speed and immersion. It's just too slow as it stands in the vanilla.
I would LOVE a mod that does this, and especially for Air units. It's horrible how slow those animations are. I also don't like that bombing a unit does not display the damage animation until the aircraft have landed back at the base.
I like the animations for the sake of immersion, but I have to use quick combat and movement otherwise the game is borderline unplayable past the industrial era. Units and especially Great People move insanely slowly!

A mod that sped up movement / combat animations by a variable amount would be incredible.
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