Hiya! I've been wanting to get back into Civ V modding after tinkering with it a little bit a loooong time ago, and I'm currently thinking over some ideas for a civ based on Medicine Melancholy from Touhou; one such idea is a defensive unique improvement that's a field of poison gas, meant to mimic her poison gas attacks from the games:
...and with this in mind, I figured a fallout tile edited to be purple in coloration would be a perfect fit. However, fallout seems to be a uniquely difficult feature to view and edit compared to other models and textures; I can't really seem to find any success with it, and I haven't been able to find anyone else who has either. Does anyone happen to know how this might be done, or if it's even possible? Or if not, then does anyone have ideas for a workable alternative?
For editing civ 5 fallout effect.
It is possible if you have a program that can interact with .psb files (also called particle some times)
I dont have that a program that can do that. Those programs will cost you and are overkill for making things for civ 5.
On the other hand I can make you something similar to the fallout and a little more like the video you posted.
Won't be perfect and it will take some testing.
But making a new effect and adding it to the game will require my more effects mod.
Found here
This mod will add new effects to be used for civilization. i will add more effects as they become relevant. this is a graphics mod component. this mod does not apply the effects to any unit. this mod only add the frame work for the effects. you...
I can make the effect add it to that.
Then send you a blank model that will be set to make use of the effect.
Civ 5 does the same thing with various effects like fallout and a few others.
They are super tiny triangles placed below ground level. So tiny it really doesn't matter where they are.
The only purpose is to the link the effect to it.
Another thing that goes along with creating and adding new effects like from my more effects mod is that it can only be added through the dlc unless some one can show me another way. The dlc folder is the only method I found that can do it.
The more effects mod is written as a new dlc pack for the game.
The only thing it does is provide the frame work for new effects along with the effect files themselves.
The mod is compatible with everything.
It basically lays dormant until a unit/feature/improvement references the new effects.
As for my more effects mod, installation is easy just place it in the dlc folder then launch the game. It must be done prior to starting up the game.
To uninstall you just delete or move it.
It doesn't effect the way you do your mods. All you need is something with the fx trigger that references a new effect. Which I will provide.
My more effects mod is a slow work in progress I plan to add more and more effects to it.
The only thing slowing me down is the testing time and the need for things that use the new effects.
The new effects are useless unless there is something that will use it.
So that has slowed me down.
on my units and improvement pages i already have a few things the make use of new effects. i personally have focused on the sci-fi end adding new laser beams and other stuff to the game (unless some one makes a request like you
I'm hoping the new effects mod catches on as a descent component to the game. with new custom made effects the possibilities are endless. if we can think it we can get it into the game now.
the only downside i see is that i probably cant get it to spiral. but i can get it to move like a mist like the regular fallout.