Art Nouveau Interface

Art Nouveau Interface 2016-10-05

I have finally gotten my game up and secure so I thought I might try your interface. The trouble is that when I extracted it all the folders are empty and all the files are just in open territory IYKWIM. I knew where some stuff belonged but not all of it. Is there a dl with the stuff in folders or is there a list somewhere of what goes into which folder?
darski - no offense, but I think the problem is at your end. I just Re-downloaded the rar file, and everything seems to be in order there.

Try this (humor me): open your RAR program and go to Options/File List and make sure "Flat Folders View" (Ctrl+H) is unchecked, or just open the Nouveau RAR and see what happens if you click (Ctrl+H).
darski - no offense, but I think the problem is at your end. I just Re-downloaded the rar file, and everything seems to be in order there.

Try this (humor me): open your RAR program and go to Options/File List and make sure "Flat Folders View" (Ctrl+H) is unchecked, or just open the Nouveau RAR and see what happens if you click (Ctrl+H).

will go and check it out... be back soon.
I have Izarc and it doesn't have a flat folders view.

I tried Cont H in IZArc and nothing happened

ETA: I have an update to install will get back in a sec.
it is the extraction process that takes them out of the folders. They are fine in the Zip.
I had to click "restore original folders"... thank you for your time and your help.

Let me also add that I assumed the problem was at my end
I just noticed you artwork Balthasar. Outstanding! Thank you very much
Just a quick note... on the science screen you have used a medium blue for the tech you are working on and another medium blue for the tech you have. My old eyes cannot see the difference without a careful look. (I am used to the red, green and blue from the game) is there somewhere that I can change a pallet colour to make this easier?

the icons are gorgeous :drool:
I dunno, darksi. But I made you an attached set with enhanced colors (View attachment 409655). See if it does the trick for you. Don't forget to rename it (and save the old one just in case..) ;)

- and thank you for the kind words.

Thank you so much. (((hugs)))
So i've been using this interface as part of my own mod for a while, and I've noticed that the border around the "next turn" box (which shows you what unit you have selected, as well as your tech, sliders and government) can sometimes make it hard to read longer strings of text, especially at the bottom.
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