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barbarians in the modern age?


can't change my name now
Aug 7, 2004
Mission B.C
I don;t know about anyone else but ive always found it kind of weird why there is still half naked men with axes running around,attacking your cities,after you jus fnished discovering space flight.I think by the time you reach the industrial age,barbarians should turn into let's say. . .terrorists.The primary unit would be the geurilla and it wouldn't make much of a difference as far as the atttack goes because usually by then your army is much stronger than a stupid geurilla.
agreed /sign
Good Job, great idea, and i think they shouldnt be outside your borders anymore, they should be everywhere in the modern age like true terrorists, little camps in and outside of terroitory, but heres the key Terrorist camps inside your terroitory would be less inclined to attack you because they would be of your ethnic backround. But the downside is that there would be terrorists in other areas of the world would be more inclined to attack you depending on your relations with that culuture group, so if you were at war with European civs (ie spain, france, england, you would get random attacks by them). Next, terrorists inside your border would attack you if your people hated you--or if in anarchy
that way you could be like bush and attack everyone for haveing terrorists in there country. j/k :p but anyways if a terrorist were to take your city(s) it would have a 50 50 shot of createing a civ---this would mean haveing a seprate list of civs only for this purpose
well do you think it would be better if civs could create terrorists with a hidden nationality?Or there could be little popups saying your city is being overrun by terrorists.It would be just like a city rioting and you could garrison units in the city to kill off the terrorists.
i think both plus random terrorist everywhere poping out of every open spot,in order to stop them from massing in your country you would need massive garrisons everywhere
Bad idea. Do they put modern armor around Chicago to prevent terrorists from capturing the city? No. Terrorists aren't capable of caputring cities nor are they capable of attacking military units. A unit of 100 tanks or 1,000 national guardsmen (or whatever you invision individual units represent) would never be at risk of being wiped out by a terrorist.
eg577 said:
Bad idea. Do they put modern armor around Chicago to prevent terrorists from capturing the city? No. Terrorists aren't capable of caputring cities nor are they capable of attacking military units. A unit of 100 tanks or 1,000 national guardsmen (or whatever you invision individual units represent) would never be at risk of being wiped out by a terrorist.

well terrorists probally couldn't capture cichago but they might have a chance of capturing a small,peaceful town under the pop. of 3.Or there should be a thing where if you leave a town unguarded for a certian amount of time,it could be overrun by terrorists
there is a reason that they cant take chicago there are military bases around and near every major city in the US besides the borders are guarded and there are no hostile countries near the US but what if the US was on a super contient next to the Arabs or Ottamans and chicago was a smaller border town would you think chicago was safe or if chicago were on the edge of an expanse would you believe then there was no danger, no you wouldnt
Geurillas could capture cities. Terrorists are not soldiers, they murder civilians. They don't want to control territory, they want to murder civilians. Using terrorists in civ would have to be put in this light. Maybe you coudl also have resistance and opposition movements that have units runnign around.
I think that the barbarians should become offshoots of the main civilization. There are many great nations on the planet today and many are struggling to keep up with the richer and more advanced countries. It is easy to see why these civilisations have fanatical groups. It the government is not pleasing the people then "terrorist" or "rebels" or "politically correct goups" or "rights groups" or what ever they wish to be called spring up. They should be inside the borders of whichever civ they belong to, but unless the government "deals" with them, they will attack according to their doctrine, any country to decrease its stability. The long the group goes unchecked the more culture it saps and the more difficult it will be to remove without force.

Likewise and for example ONLY, if say a small Australian group protesting anti drinking laws or trade agreements begins to grow in power and a city begins to fall under this groups control, the government needs to do something about it or else the city will fall into ruin and spit off to a degree. That group can launch deadly attacks against the german controlled beer cartel, by attacking the germans and by doing to bring Australia into war with Germany. They could cause that war, becuase the identity of the "barbarian" is still Australian.

There could be specific diplomatic agreements to deal with these factions, wherethere its a mutual protection agreement against insurgents or request for assistance in removing said groups. Negotiations would be tight because of the relationships being streached because of the actions of a few.
I think there should be an added feature to terrorists. Blasts! What I mean is on a random turn, a city with a terrorist camp in it's borders will be attacked by terrorists without the actual terrorist unit engaging in combat.If the attack is succesful a city improvement/wonder is destroyed. If the city improvement is a nuclear power plant then there is a chance that the city will be struck by a nuclear explosion.Here's another idea,you can hire terrorists.Just like privateers except they can leave at any time they want to. You can either have them blast a city or form a guerilla unit
Gulliver said:
I think there should be an added feature to terrorists. Blasts! What I mean is on a random turn, a city with a terrorist camp in it's borders will be attacked by terrorists without the actual terrorist unit engaging in combat.If the attack is succesful a city improvement/wonder is destroyed. If the city improvement is a nuclear power plant then there is a chance that the city will be struck by a nuclear explosion.Here's another idea,you can hire terrorists.Just like privateers except they can leave at any time they want to. You can either have them blast a city or form a guerilla unit

yeah that is what i said instead of there being terrorists running around there could occasionally be little pop-ups in the city with too much corruption saying that some of your citizens were killed or buildings were destroyed or a bank has been robbed :D and you lose money from you tresury or something.You could hire swat officers or garrison units to stop the terrorists because terrorists usually just want money anyway.Mabye they could even kidnapp your king and then you have to pay a ransom or he\she dies and you lose :) man that would be awesome.
I don;t know about anyone else but ive always found it kind of weird why there is still half naked men with axes running around,attacking your cities,after you jus fnished discovering space flight.I think by the time you reach the industrial age,barbarians should turn into let's say. . .terrorists.The primary unit would be the geurilla and it wouldn't make much of a difference as far as the atttack goes because usually by then your army is much stronger than a stupid geurilla.

They walk around half naked (or fully clothed, prepared for a sandstorm). they just dont have spears but ak-47's. ;)

Just a little reminder... piratism is still a big and dangerous problem in a lot of tropical seas. they are just poor farmer that occasionally pick up some guns to add a little income. Or it is organised crime that employs pirats on the seas. These pirats are serious threats to trade lines across the oceans. They steal complete ships with their cargo, kill crews etc...

It is quiet expensive and difficult to deal with them:

1. they hide and blend very well in local population
2. You can fight them on international water, but in national waters of other nations it is hard to conduct policing actions
3. large spaces of ocean, large stretches of coast, little raiding ships etc.
Yea, I always wanted this.

It should go:
Ancient : Current Barbarians
Middle Ages : Thieves and bandits
Industrial Era : Upset workers
Modern : Terrorists
CIVPhilzilla said:
Yea, I always wanted this.

It should go:
Ancient : Current Barbarians
Middle Ages : Thieves and bandits
Industrial Era : Upset workers
Modern : Terrorists

I agree except for MIddle Ages. In Medieval Europe there were usually local warlords with almost the same weapons as the major feal lords. Those should just be Barbarian armies composed of Knights, Lonbowmen, Musketmen, Pikemen, and Medieval Infantry.
sir_schwick said:
Geurillas could capture cities. Terrorists are not soldiers, they murder civilians. They don't want to control territory, they want to murder civilians. Using terrorists in civ would have to be put in this light. Maybe you coudl also have resistance and opposition movements that have units runnign around.

Not quite right. Terrorist do what they do for a political, religious, or economic goal. They want something. If Civ IV were to model terrorism it could probably be done by a civ or by a 'minor tribe' like barbarians were in Civ III. Terrorist groups could be attacked or funded.

Then again it may make gameplay too complicated.
how far should terrorists on the game go though? are they just like normal units? do they destroy improvements? responsible for diseases such as anthrax? or even plant nukes? there should be an option of turning them off cos they would seriously annoy me bt once i could cope with all the rival civs, it would be a nice option to hav on in later games :)
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