Basic Question: More than 18 civs


Jun 8, 2015
I know there are other threads on this, but they all seem fiendishly complicated when I remember it being very simple because I used to have this mod set up on my previous computer.

I want to edit the Earth 18 Civs map to have more than 18 civs. I feel like there's a pretty simple thing to download and then just some minor changes.

Somebody must know the really basic steps necessary to achieve this goal
I think you remember correctly. You need a DLL (CvGameCoreDLL.dll) that allows a higher civ count. So long as you don't use a mod that comes with its own DLL, you can just get a DLL from the CFC database that allows more civs and makes no other changes. This one allows 34 civs; doesn't say that it's for BtS 3.19 (which, I assume, is what you have), but, since it was first uploaded in 2013, I suppose it is. This is the tightest limit I can find, others allow 50 or 100, which isn't ideal because you'll need to add a team and a player description to the scenario file (WBSave) for each civ allowed (and a high limit also slows the DLL down a little bit). Will need to use a text editor to add the extra civs to the WBSave. For the unused teams, just
should suffice, for the players
– with increasing team IDs. You could also take a look at the WBSave in this mod, which uses 34 actual civs and a 40-civ DLL. As for loading your version of the DLL, you could put it in a folder "Assets" inside a folder "MyMod" (or something), place that in the Mods folder of your BtS installation and load the mod manually from the BtS opening menu or through a shortcut to Civ4BeyondSword.exe with a space and mod=\MyMod added to the Target field in the file properties of the shortcut. (Different procedure for Steam.) Your modified WBSave could also be part of the mod – inside a "PrivateMaps" folder at the same level as "Assets".
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