Civ3 Scenario Creator
because he had to halt because he ran out of gas...
Originally posted by Case
As Hudson points out, you most certainly can. Some of the British and Canadian beaches were every bit as well defenced as Omaha, but British tactics proved superior then the tactics employed by the Americans (who had foolishly turned down a British gift of large numbers of the specialised tanks which were to prove so useful). If the Americans had used the methods the British used then taking Omaha would have been a lot easier.
Just to clarify about the actual landings, the British and Canadian beaches were certainly not as well defended as Omaha.
Omaha - The second beach from the right, Omaha, was also the largest. Over 6 miles in length. 100-foot cliffs over looked the entire beach, and the latter third of the beach had a 10-foot seawall. The Germans had built up some tough defenses. The beach was heavily mined, and the Germans had built 5 strong holds called Widerstandsnester ("resistance nests"). The battle itself went entirely wrong for the allied forces, 27 of the 29 amphibious support tanks sank in the rough waters of the channel. The allies lost more then 2400 soldiers in taking Omaha beach, but by the end of the day, they had managed to land more then 34,000 troops.
Utah - The farthest beach to the right, Utah, had light defenses compared to that of Omaha beach. Consisting of some automatic weapons, and a small number of inland artillery batteries. Utah was much easier to take then was Omaha, and the allies only lost 300 men, 1/8 of the troops lost taking Omaha. The landing went wrong again, as the troops landed almost 2000 yards off target. But luckily, they ended up in a less defended area.
Gold - Gold beach was the middle beach, little infantry resistance and no German armor made this assault very effective. The British lost around 400 men, but by the end of the day, managed to land more then 25,000 men.
Sword - Located on the left of the other beaches, was Sword beach. It also had light defenses, mainly consisting of far off artillery. The Germans had machine gun nests hidden in the dunes, along with mines. The British lost around 700 men, but managed to land 29,000 by the end of the day.
Juno - Juno was the second beach from the left. The main thing the landing troops had to worry about was not the German troops, but the offshore reefs and shoals. The Landing craft were running late, so most of the water defense was already at least partially submerged. The ships paid a heavy price for being late, with over 30% of the landing craft being destroyed. 1200 out of the 21,400 troops that landed perished in taking Juno beach.
Originally posted by privatehudson
Arnhem I still have a bugbear about, if I had been Ike I would have handed Patton the role, not because I consider Patton better than monty, I don't, but Patton faced better terrain in some ways
Not so. The whole point of Market-Garden was that if the Allies could blitz through Holland, they would both be in the vital Rhur industrial area and on the best and shortest road to Berlin. Add in the possibility of opening Germany's North Sea ports for supplies, and you have the reason why a single thrust along Patton's axis doesn't seem to have been seriously considered.
Originally posted by privatehudson
But that has to balanced against the atrocious terrain that lead through the Market Garden route
I do though think that the plan that they used really needed a good overhaul to correct some glaring errors at the bare minimum, if not rejected the plan overall for it's strategic problems. It was his role partly to decide overall strategy, and some of the strategic decisions were so blatantly going to cause severe tactical problems that it should have shouted NO!!!!!!!!!![]()
Btw case, do you happen to know which commander the battles in Hurtgen forest fell under?[/B]
Originally posted by Sarevok
that was because bradley didnt let patton close the gap because monty was north of him. Patton naturally was pretty pissed off.
Originally posted by civilleader
So what exactly is an army group commander?
Originally posted by Sarevok
there was also the army groups that were made by the Germans in russia (army group North, AG center, AG south)