Bigger tech web?


20% accurate as usual, Morty
Apr 5, 2013
Now I ain't asking for 800 new techs like we got from the disgruntled Civ V apologists. But I expected five rings on that tech web, and three rings was just the preview build when it was capped at 100-turn.

Reconsidering, with quadratic growth, five is a ton, but four should be doable. And a faux-fifth tier just like there's a faux-fourth tier now.

There's all kinds of directions Physics could branch into. There are so many ways Genetics could be exploited other than the Harmony direction. BE lacks for buildings that require other buildings - which is great to avoid the chore of CiV housekeeping - but it means that, say, if I tech Engineering, I don't get a real production boost and need the Recycler (chem) for that. If something in Engineering required the Recycler it could be a large payoff building .

I don't have much of a concrete idea here, but I can sketch at least that the left side could spread out more, and the right side could just keep going. The bottom side seems shallow in another way, and I am dissatisfied with the lack of intervening cybernetics. Perhaps a proliferation of leaf techs would suit the bottom side ?

I'm thrumming support for the idea in its conception. Who wants more techs? Perhaps after release we shall see.

The other thing I wish was that Cognition and Artificial Intelligence were close, not far. Mechanizing A.I. is a step in the naturalistic process of cognitive science. It would make sense if Cognition allowed you to tech A.I. , but if A.I. represents not actual minds but just smart drones, then the reverse direction can be omitted.
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