[BTS] [BtS] 1200 AD (Earth 217x119)


not Istanbul
Nov 24, 2010
In a van down by the river
Found this ol' thing over halfway done on my old laptop. Figured I'd polish it up and make it playable.

Playable civilizations:
Kingdom of Castile - Represents the numerous Iberian kingdoms of the period. Starts off with four cities plus a stack to begin the siege of Cordoba.
Kingdom of France - Starts off with only three cities but two small stacks to begin retaking France from the Angevins.
Kingdom of England - Starts off with seven cities in the British Isles and France along with a small army of Crusaders in the Holy Land.
Holy Roman Empire - Starts off with seven cities including the holy cities of Rome and Jerusalem. The HRE also controls a stack outside of Constantinople representing the 4th Crusade and a stack of reinforcements nearing the Levant.
Teutonic Order - Starts off with only one city, but has crusading units outside of Riga and Pskov, representing the Northern Crusades.
Kingdom of Poland - A relatively small kingdom with two cities.
Kingdom of Hungary - Starts off with one city and will have to deal with marauding Kipchaks.
Novgorod Republic - A northerly state of the decaying Rus' principalities, the Novgorod Kingdom starts off with four cities and will have to fight off invading Teutonic Knights and Mongols.
Kipchak Khanate - Starts off with four cities and a small stack to capture Kiev, but the Mongol invasions loom over the horizon.
Byzantine Empire - Starts off with six cities and a good deal of technological advancement, but will have to fight off invading crusaders and Seljuks.
Ayyubid Sultanate - Starts off with nine cities and armies positioned near Jerusalem to lay siege to the Crusader states. Controls the Muslim holy city of Mecca.
Khwarazmian Empire - Starts off with eight cities and two small armies to push the Ghurids out of Central Asia, but will have to deal with a massive Mongol stack.
Ghurid Empire - Starts off with eight cities, including the Hindu/Buddhist holy city of Varanasi. Faces a considerable challenge from the Khwarazmians to the west but has the Indian subcontinent wide open.
Song Dynasty - Represents the southern Song dynasty. Starts off with seven cities.
Great Jin - Starts off with eight cities including the Confucian/Taoist holy city of Kaifeng. The most advanced civilization in the game, but will have to face a massive Mongol invasion.
Khmer Empire - Starts off with six cities. Relative isolated, being largely surrounded by barbarians.
Qara Khitai Empire - Starts off with six cities. Technologically and militarily underdeveloped, but does not start off at war with the Mongol Empire.
Mongol Empire - Starts off with only one city but controls several stacks across Eurasia.


Spoiler :

The Reconquista is underway

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The French and English clash over control of France

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The sack of Constantinople and the deterioration of the Roman Empire

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Muslims and Christians fight over the Holy Land

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The Teutonic Order expands into northeast Europe

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The Mongols, Khwarazmians, Ghurids, and Qara Khitai vie over control of Central Asia

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Islam enters India

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The breach of the Great Wall by the Mongols

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A China torn in half

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And per usual, numerous minor civs and pillagers represented by barbarians.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
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In the game file wouldn't NO_CITY_FLIPPING and FLIPPING_AFTER_CONQUEST contradict each other? And i noticed its not in your 1000 AD (really big earth) scenario either . So what is it and is it important?
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