BTS/NextWar Worldbuilder does not save to Scenario?


Dec 21, 2008
Idstein, Germany

I have astrange problem: When I try to create a scenario with the World Builder and SAVE my work, it doesn't show in the main menu as selectable option anywhere. The save file is on the HD, but it cannot be selected at all..?

Any suggestions? :confused:

p.s.: Civilization IV Complete
p.p.s.: I have tried saving the file to different directories and from within different add-ons (warlords, bts, civ4). Nothing helped..
Is it that you are saving and then cannot find it later, or it is simply not doing anything when you try to save? Because really, in WB when you hit the third buton from the right on the top row of the stuff clustered in the northeast corner, you get a chance to browse to where you want to save it, and there's a blank line down below for you to type in a name for the new scenario, then no more feedback. You should be able to browse to where the scenario is saved. Best bet is to put them pretty high when saving, simply browse up to Documents/Games. (I have vista). Then from the desktop, explore into Documents/Games and you should see it there, Documents/Games/MyScenario.wbs. You can cut it from there, then browse into Documents/Games/BeyondTheSword/PublicMaps and place it there. Then you should be able to find it to play it. If the WB save is simply not where you placed it when you saved it, not evident when you go out and try to find it again, I don't know what to tell you.

You shouldn't have to add on the suffix, world builder does it for you.
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