
Spoiler :

; Skip Main menu
SkipMainMenu = 0

; Custom Art from user folder is not loaded
NoCustomArt = 0

; Custom XML and Python from user folder are not loaded
NoCustomAssets = 0

; No Custom Scenario option in main menu
NoCustomScenario = 0

; No team play allowed
NoTeams = 0

; Always start in the standard era
ForceStandardEra = 0

; Scenario file (Single player)
ForceScenario = 0

; This mod is only for single player games
SinglePlayerOnly = 0

; Allow public maps to be used with this mod
AllowPublicMaps = 1

; Mod Image file
ImageFile = 0

; Name of Mod
Name = Krischan

; Description of Mod
Description = Generic Mod

This is the content of my .ini. I am not sure what could be wrong with it. After thinking about it, I think it is the screen which causes the troubles, because I can't open my civilopedia-screen and the screens in the games don't work.
Ok, you should have a "zRoutes Config.ini" file in your MOD (in the same directory as the INI you just posted). This new INI controls zRoutes and uses the structure that I gave an example of above. Without this file the game will have errors and might do what you say is happening. ;)
It may sound strange, but your mod still does not work in my game. I downloadet it again and installed it for another time, but when I start the game, my screens do not work. I can not see my mistake, I did all exactly in the way you told me. I do not understand why, because when i testet it on another computer one year ago, it worked. So, please, could you tell me how to install it in an existing mod, beginning with the file-extraction and explaining every change I have to do in one of my or your files?
Have you tried to use just zRoutes? Just download it and use the MOD a is when extracted as a MOD, no name changes. It should work.
Maybe it will work, but it is useless for me than - I am just playing and modding one mod, and if I can't use zroutes for this mod, it is not of interest for me. Thank you, it is a great tool, but I can't use it.:(
Okay, thank you, zebra. I tested your mod as a single mod, it works properly, but... :crazyeye: I forgot to set one unit on rails or so. I will test if this works soon.

Edit: I tested it, but I do not know what I did wrong, it seems to have no effect on the game.
My first try was:
Spoiler :
[UNIT_WARRIOR] ;We want to work with the warrior unit
ROUTE_ROAD = True ;the warrior is only allowed to move along roads

[UNITCLASS_ARCHER] ;we want to work with the archer unit class
ROUTE_RAILROAD = True ;the archer unit class can only move along roads and railroads

(removind ";" at the beginning of each line)

My second try was

Spoiler :


; Skip Main menu
SkipMainMenu = 0

; Custom Art from user folder is not loaded
NoCustomArt = 0

; Custom XML and Python from user folder are not loaded
NoCustomAssets = 0

; No Custom Scenario option in main menu
NoCustomScenario = 0

; No team play allowed
NoTeams = 0

; Always start in the standard era
ForceStandardEra = 0

; Scenario file (Single player)
ForceScenario = 0

; This mod is only for single player games
SinglePlayerOnly = 0

; Allow public maps to be used with this mod
AllowPublicMaps = 1

; Mod Image file
ImageFile = 0

; Name of Mod
Name = zRoutes

; Description of Mod
Description = Generic Mod

(Adding the text in the main ini).

Than I have a further question: Is this ModComp for a special version of Bts, or can it be used with all versions? Maybe this is the problem.
This are the files from you mod, the first is the zroutes confic.ini, the second the zroutes.ini
Okay, I tried it, but my warriors can still go everywere, not only on roads. Can you explain me again, how the zroutes config.ini has to be edited?
You are going to put the unit type inside of square braces like this:
Then on the following lines put the route types that it must follow followed by an equals sign and the word True like this:
Sp in the end it could end up looking like this


Okay, I changed my zroutes config ini, as you posted. But still my warriors can go everywere they want.
Forget about my last answers. My python files are missing! I am afraid I extracted them to my mod instead of coping them...
I downloadet your mod again, extract it and load it - and everything happend exactly as I wrote in the beginning. The screens are wrong, but the warrior can run on every terrain. I am afraid, your mod is working correctly, but not with my version of BtS.
I have the same problem as Kathy--the mod might work on its own, but cant seem to get it to work when 'merged' into an existing mod.

my question is, does the z part of the name (zRoute) require the installation of the zMod pack in the python section? (or any other installation)
I have the same problem as Kathy--the mod might work on its own, but cant seem to get it to work when 'merged' into an existing mod.

my question is, does the z part of the name (zRoute) require the installation of the zMod pack in the python section? (or any other installation)

I have experienced the same problem as Kathy and Epicurist. I would love to use this mod with SnafuSmith's Railroad Artillery unit.
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