Building a New PC - First Time

I was talking about the GPU market. I doubt any of your OSX games are GPU intensive.

Because in the context of "providing the market with a CPU alternative to Intel", there are plenty of iOS/OS X games. (Quick check shows 8/10 top 10 Steam games available on OS X. Anecdotally, my unplayed list of Steam games is like 400 PC games and 250 OS X games, so in either case, many more than I have time for.)

What list are you looking at? When I google "top 10 steam games" I get their list of top sellers (I am guessing this is recent top sellers) and only 4 of the 10 are OSX compatible, and none of the AAA titles are OSX compatible.

Which is the state of iOS/OSX gaming really. Yes you can play Valve games, or Minecraft, or some indie titles or basically every phone and tablet game...but the "AAA" PC game market, i.e. the big selling console games and what now amount to their PC ports, is basically all Windows. I don't see Apple getting into that market space, because I don't think they have to when Bejeweled and Words with Friends type games are already huge and are the type of games their customers play anyway. So, it follows they are basically irrelevant when it comes to competing in the discrete GPU space, which is all Nvidia and AMD (and lately, all Nvidia).
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