Call for Peaceful Citizens!

LOL :)

On a more serious note however, if you want more people to come here then give people something to do! This was my main reason for advocating Parties (a subject that seems to be completely misunderstood) so those people not directly involved in government could make their own entertainment. All that stuff about influencing elections was I thought a bit lame considering people will usually vote for people they are familiar with and unless there is some process of the unelected becoming known then the whole game will consist of the same few people being repeatedly elected :yawn:

Basically I heard about this game in the chat room one night and was immediately intreiged, however as things have progressed Ive totally lost track of whats actually going on and to be honest become less interested. This is why I have been posting on this kind of subject because I hate the thought of a damn good idea becoming a closed little game that is only interesting to a little group of people.

On a more serious note however, if you want more people to come here then give people something to do!

Sometimes you just have to take the bull by the horns. If you see something that needs to be done, do it. You want a political party, start one. You might want to call it a citizen's group though.;)

It's an open game - we can start threads, post screen shots, maybe even post polls. I'm not sure about the last one. Since polls can be an 'official' government thingy I'm not sure if us citizen's should be initiating polls. What's the government's position on this?
Originally posted by donsig

Sometimes you just have to take the bull by the horns. If you see something that needs to be done, do it. You want a political party, start one. You might want to call it a citizen's group though.;)

It's an open game - we can start threads, post screen shots, maybe even post polls. I'm not sure about the last one. Since polls can be an 'official' government thingy I'm not sure if us citizen's should be initiating polls. What's the government's position on this?

Polls can be started by anyone as long as it is relavent to the game. The results are not binding, though they can certainly influence the decisions of the government. For instance, I started a poll about whether we should build a settler in Eyr or military buildup, because I suspected that, while the most vocal posters complained it needed a barracks, the majority of citizens actually support some more peaceful expansion first. Judgin by the results so far, I was correct in my suspicion, and unless something drastically changes, Eyr will build at least one more settler. The only posts non-cabinet members may not make are ones calling for a cabinet vote, as far as I am concerned. These, even when initiated by a cabinet member, should probably be preceded by a citizen poll to make sure the populace supports such a measure, anyway. Post all you want, and please do post polls, as my recent experience taught me that minorities can be VERY vocal, and I intend to support the majority except in the most extreme circumstances.
For instance, I started a poll about whether we should build a settler in Eyr or military buildup, because I suspected that, while the most vocal posters complained it needed a barracks, the majority of citizens actually support some more peaceful expansion first.

Voting for producing a settler in Eyr is not the same as voting against military expansion. Advocating military expansion is not the same as advocating not making any settlers to build our own cities!
Originally posted by eyrei
I think you overestimate the number of people here who played the civ2 game. Noone in the current government played, and I think these veteran players post mostly in the warmonger threads for some reason. It makes me wonder what happened to the more peaceful members of that game.
Only me, Ohwell, Duck, joespaniel and eyrei (occasionally but not sure; I think I did see his posts) played at all in the Civ2 demo game. Maybe I miss a few.... Duck, Ohwell and I are the more active ones; Ohwell and joe were the Mil Leaders at one time. Duck was the 1st Prez and the whole game was dreamed up by him.

The Civ2 demo game was started and almost run by the 'oldie' and 'regular' posters exclusively. Most of them chose not to come here, for some reason. ;)

I'm sorry if I keep referring to the Civ2 demo game. I'd suggest you guys to read thru the Civ2 demo threads (esp the oldest ones) to get an idea of just how it evolves. And why the rules in this Civ3 demo game, as set by Duck, are as they are.

Since my summarized points of the Civ2 demo thread are not welcomed here, well I'll shut up about it. ;) Apologies.
Originally posted by Kentonio
I think one problem is that in order to find out what the hell is going on you have to wade through numerous threads, many of which make bugger all sense most of the time. Why not have a single sticky thread called Progress Journal or suchlike that ONLY lists exactly what has been happening, no discussions, no opinions, just a simple account of events.
All of the different Leader and dept threads are supposed to be only reporting threads. Esp the Prez one. ;)

For some reason, after citizens began posting as well, well Duck allowed it, seeing no good reason to halt it (or ability to stop it). That's what becomes of it now.
So, we're going to rename this thread "Call for Peaceful CDB and War Church Citizens? jk;)
Originally posted by Cyc
edit: @immortal - donsig must have posted nano-seconds before me. be aware I as a peace-monger took many a hit for my stance. hold true to your beliefs. (and btw, aren't you posting in the CDB?)

yes, yes, you're absolutely right. you sound like me in my younger days. but i feel that we NEED that Northern Territory to grow and be able to fend off the rest of the world. It's a must.

Yes, Im in the CDB, however, from what they are describing themselves as, they might be more militaristic then I thought from the post from Ohwell, I thought they believed in defensive forces, and very little aggression.

Im not saying we should NEVER attack anyone, only make sure the consequences are very thoroughly debated, war is not easily stepped into, and i have no idea what kind of allies the americans and the babylonians have,
Originally posted by Knight-Dragon
Only me, Ohwell, Duck, joespaniel and eyrei (occasionally but not sure; I think I did see his posts) played at all in the Civ2 demo game. Maybe I miss a few.... Duck, Ohwell and I are the more active ones; Ohwell and joe were the Mil Leaders at one time. Duck was the 1st Prez and the whole game was dreamed up by him.

No, I did not ever join the civ2 game. I did read up on what was going on occasionally, and did see, to some extent, it begin to fall apart. I have, however, posted in nearly every other forum at this site.:D

My purpose behind this thread, was twofold. First, I wanted to figure out how the citizenry stands as far as the warmonger/peaceful-builder debate goes. Second, I wanted to get the two sides of this debate to communicate, because this game is just going to be a headache for everyone if we do not cooperate.
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