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Captured Wonder = No Culture?


Nov 26, 2001

I recently captured Moscow, which also holds the Hanging Gardens wonder, and it's not producing any culture points. The war has been over for a while now, and I've connected roads to it and everything. I have the Monarchy tech. Everything looks normal, it's just not producing culture.

Is this because it's a captured wonder, and I didn't actually build it? Or do I have to wait X turns/years before it begins producing culture? Or is it something else? Will it ever give me the 4 culture per turn it's supposed to?
If you capture a wonder it produces no culture, but otherwise functions normally. I think Firaxis did this for 2 reasons.

1) The other civ build it therefore is culturally famous for having it, while you took it, so you aren't earning culture from it.

2) When you take a city over part of the danger is that you have no innitial cultural influence in that city, and if the wonder produced culture, you would quickly have enoguh culture to hold the city forever, this proving that the cities people are not proud of their heritage and their hardwork but instead are quite mutable in their allegience.
Ahh, thanks for the explanations; they certainly make sense.

It would be nice if after, say, 500-1,000 years or so they began producing at least *half* of their old culture again. You'd think that the people who overtook the wonder would eventually "grow into" it, and come to be associated with it -- at least a little bit.
That would make sense. Too bad it isnt' like that (say 1000 years, when culture normally doubles, captured culture comes back).
just a bogus note, but -- if you haven't discovered writing, who the heck is gonna know about some civ you destroyed 500 years ago? there definitely should be a time where such items don't produce culture, but there also should be a time where they do.
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