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Charlemagne Mod?

How does a charlagmane mod appeal for you

  • Meh. i dont care make it if you want.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way im not into holy roman empire stuff

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aww man i was going to make one of these

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Options 1 and 3 are rather similar, no? Anyway, looks like most people (and me) have gone for one of those options, so I say make it. :)

Varwnos might be able to help with the graphics.
this sounds very interesting!

using the MEM mod files would give a perfect start, although only the viking age era could be really used i guess.

the civs list also looks quite promising.

but i wonder if the map will do:confused:
although its perfect for the frankish empire, there is very little space for the moors the avars and the slavs, as well the vikings (danes) wich would invade england around that time would have no "homeland".

on the other hand the map scale will make it necessary to divide the frankish empire from the start into some of its counties otherwise it would be just too big i think.

i`ve croped Aeldiks europe map a while back, wich has a slightly smaller scale to include denmark, whole spain italy and some eastern europe parts.

going with mastermcmillys civs list something like this would come out
View attachment 159716
please see next post

you can see the Duchy of Vasconia (Basques) with its capital Pamplona,
the Moorish Vasall Kingdom of Zaragoza, and the Duchy/Kingdom of Aquitania in the north.

on the mini map you can see the

carolingian empire (dark yellow)
Duchy/Kingdom of Aquitania (blue)
Duchy of Burgundy (dark red)

if the frankish empire would be united right from the start it would be just too big...

so i think diviner is right the mod could start before charlemagne reign,
but after the morrish invasion of spain.

during the late 600s and early 700s the empire was sort of dividing itself, aquitania, bavaria, thuringia, alemania were breaking apart from the central government.

around the 720s Carl Martell unified large parts of the empire again and sucessfully defended it against the moors, his son
Pippin, became King in 751 after the last merowingian King was disposed.

so starting in this time frame it would allow to reconquer first the independent parts of the empire and then go for the final conquests of charlemagne thus not having an over powerful frankish empire in the first place.

but thats just my humble thinking :)

as for city lists:

you can mostly use the MEM city lists like for the

lombards, pavia as capital and then the italy city list

avars, since there are no names (that i know of) known, the capital was something called "the ring" or "hringhum Avarorum" (no not the one with the lord, and neighter the horror movie:D ) wich was located at the danube south of Budapest, so just use the hungary city list of MEM

danes, i would use the term Vikings and place their capital at Haithabu (modern Schleswig north germany) the rest could be a mix of the danish and swedish citys.

brittany is tough... i used Vannes as capital, and the breton names
for those citys i found at least an entry that there existed a settlement in that time. on the other hand there were 3 breton kingdoms in that time?! so there must be a better city list somewhere :confused:

the Breton March later consited of Vannes, Rennes and Nantes, leaving the rest of brittany in loose controle of the empire.

as for the slavs...
there were several slavish kingdoms dutchys and stuff...
like nitra in slowenia and karantania in southern austria, but the slavs setled all the way up to the eastsea in tribes like the sorbs , wilz, abodrites and also the czechs. the slavish territory should strech from east sea along the elbe river to bohemia.

Liubice (Luebeck)
Svarin (schwerin)
Strale (Stralsund)
Szczecin (settin)
Misnia (Meissen)
Chocebuz (Cottbus)
Biesnitz (Görlitz)
Bohnice (Praha)

you can get for almost every city in that area a slavic name :)

here`s a mini map of the map i´m using
View attachment 159717
please see next post

if you like i can send it to you.
hm :confused:

the attachments are gone ... in the preview they were still there


that was the map i had in mind but hopefully you can crop out some more to the east. But hey didnt i say we should have the map focused more on france.

but if you could crop out the north untill there is only a little bit of denmark.
and crop out a bit to the east then more of the game is focused less on all of western Europe during Before and after Charlemagne's period

Sorry about talking but i was saying on the options 1 and 3, 1 was you betta make it or we'll get the bats. and 3 was me make it i dont care i'll teast it when its finished make it if you want (therye not particularly waiting for it but would'nt mind if that scenerio existed) so 1 state make it, make it! number 2 state me i dont care i'll only do anything if you make that scenerio bub!

Well yes i know that france will be undercrowded but no one says it all has to be colinized hmm?
Well yes i know that france will be undercrowded but no one says it all has to be colinized hmm?

of cause it doesn`t have to be all city next to city ;) as long as the teritorry borders are fitting, i placed most cities acording to archbishoprics and important monasterys and just filled larger gaps with modern city names.
but some arears are over crowded, like the area between paris and cologne..

so my map is just sort of working data to make final choices from.

that was the map i had in mind but hopefully you can crop out some more to the east. But hey didnt i say we should have the map focused more on france.

but if you could crop out the north untill there is only a little bit of denmark.
and crop out a bit to the east then more of the game is focused less on all of western Europe during Before and after Charlemagne's period

that map is really awesome, very detailed and very very large :D
i tried to set up a HRE game with MEM on this before, but never played it because of the final size i came up with :eek:

i can crop that map as far as you like, but let me explain the reasons for its particular size first :cool:

it reaced north that far so the vikings would be a quite powerful threat and the danish straits would be naviagable.

but i see the point in reducing the map there, because that area is not really of that much importance.

reducing the map at a line about, half of ireland , york (england) and just the beginning of the danish peninsula would do.

if i may sugest, the vikings, since left with only about 2 citys, could get strong immobile defenders that could last any AI attacks and get 2 wonders, one auto producing longboats, the other producing raiders (these attack without declaring war untis) with this the vikings will be able to raid along the northsea but can`t be conquered easily.
maybe even a locked war with the english kingdoms, so they would invade england and the northern civs would more or less be occupied with themselves as it would be historically correct.

as for the east....

all that territory there is partly annoying i agree with you, but
it`s already croped so far as the avars civ would allow.
now not even half of modern day hungary remains on the map, just cut after the avars capital.
croped further and the avars would have no citys at all because the bavarians are just "around the corner" to the west and the slavs to the north.

on the original france map you are using now (i think its a loulong map) there is even scarcly place for bavaria and no real space for the avars at all.

my sugestion would be to leave the eastern border as it is, and just place "some" slavish citys with high culture (so the territory is occupied by slavs) and making those citys unconquerable like for example in RFRE protected by unpassable forest and spawning raiders or something ?!
the slavs could be in ally with the avars and saxons making those conquests a bit more difficult and would reflect at least partially the historic stetting as well :)

but! since it is your scenario, i`ll also gladly crop the map to the dimensions you`re interested in and could help with city placements as well :cool:
thanks for the help.

you`re welcome, its an interesting time period so im glad i can be of use.

Just please post the map when your'e done.

you want a blank map or with citys placed?
and how far croped? shall i leave out hungary now or only crop the north?

In the credits there'll be 2 creators, bah you already know well just keep in mind what i said.

sorry, my english isn`t that good and i`ve actually no idea what this means :(
you`re welcome, its an interesting time period so im glad i can be of use
. no, im glad i have some new kids to draft from the librarys of history class (no offence if you are that type, but since you're on civ fanatics im suspecting you're that type, no offence if you know what i mean) . Well back to topic, thanks for the help. (go to paragraph 3)

you want a blank map or with citys placed?
and how far croped? shall i leave out hungary now or only crop the north?
first please post a blank map i'll see what i can do with that then if i cant to anything with that then go ahead, but maybe leave out some of the north but leave only the tiniest tip of hungary. and also leave the more southern parts of spain out. if you could that is.

sorry, my english isn`t that good and i`ve actually no idea what this means
that means... you're going to be listed as a creator on the credits page, as long as you... keep up the good work parker (im rusty on line so dont blame the daily bugle)
that means... you're going to be listed as a creator on the credits page, as long as you... keep up the good work parker (im rusty on line so dont blame the daily bugle)

ah kk, well for croping an existing map there`s no need to name me as creator ;)
but if i can help further that would be ok i guess.

. no, im glad i have some new kids to draft from the librarys of history class (no offence if you are that type, but since you're on civ fanatics im suspecting you're that type, no offence if you know what i mean) . Well back to topic, thanks for the help. (go to paragraph 3)

well no offence taken :) my history classes are quite long gone though ;)

as for the map,
i croped the north, so haithabu (hedeby) would just fit on the map.
in the south the duero river (spain)/ naples line is now the border.
the east is cut where you would locate bratislava, if you need some more tiles there, to better fit in the avars, give word.

View attachment Charl.zip
just a thought. i think it would be senseful to extend the borders Budapest-Beograd line. i am not speaking as a patriot (yeah me hungarian), but this way the avars and the western slaves could fit some more cities thus being more reasonable opponents.

about the avar city list, i agree using hungarian city names. the only avar city name that we know is Győr (well Gyor), which is the hungarian equivalent of "the ring fortress" (well not exactly). Avarorum sounds good too.

i think using impassable mountain, hills and forest landmarks could also work to make the whole settling thing more sophisticated at least in the eastern parts of the map. this way you could easily restrict expansion and army marching directions which is good because adds a really realistic element to the game.

BUT its your mod, you are free to decline any of these proposals :)
well no offence taken :) my history classes are quite long gone though ;)
as for the map,
i croped the north, so haithabu (hedeby) would just fit on the map.
in the south the duero river (spain)/ naples line is now the border.
the east is cut where you would locate bratislava, if you need some more tiles there, to better fit in the avars, give word.

Well as for the map it's too small for my liking (i guess the current map will be fine now all i need is those trusy ol' resources:mischief: ) it is nearly half the size (maybe the plain map is too large to start with). But for one pointer, you should try to leave out th rest of the map except for the far east of the alps.

Well thanks for the map anyways. :goodjob:
just a thought. i think it would be senseful to extend the borders Budapest-Beograd line. i am not speaking as a patriot (yeah me hungarian), but this way the avars and the western slaves could fit some more cities thus being more reasonable opponents.

about the avar city list, i agree using hungarian city names. the only avar city name that we know is Győr (well Gyor), which is the hungarian equivalent of "the ring fortress" (well not exactly). Avarorum sounds good too.

i think using impassable mountain, hills and forest landmarks could also work to make the whole settling thing more sophisticated at least in the eastern parts of the map. this way you could easily restrict expansion and army marching directions which is good because adds a really realistic element to the game.

BUT its your mod, you are free to decline any of these proposals
But how would i make them impassable but since theres not going to be any jungle i guess i could switch it around to one of those old restricted zones, but 2 things. Can air units get past impassable terrain? and how will the blocked countrys (if there is any) get past the terrain? the only idea is if i could adjust there units all to be air units but they're range is set specifilcy not to be able to go any further then any meeting water. i'd have the make them non playable and give each city there own range.

Edit: but... Since they have to fallow a specific path that lacks replay ability (for that civ at least) and would also delay the creation period but i must say it is good for historical versions, i have 5 ideas for the scenario 1. The regular story path following scenerio. 2. a free out brawl for the island with tha citys. 3. Fight for starting civilization in the continent. 4. Random starts for the regular story but with now cities so interesting to have the danes fallow the papal states story. 5. random map regular mod type setting.
just a thought. i think it would be senseful to extend the borders Budapest-Beograd line. i am not speaking as a patriot (yeah me hungarian), but this way the avars and the western slaves could fit some more cities thus being more reasonable opponents.

those where my thoughts in the beginning as well, the first map i`ve croped included beograd, but for the map angle this would include the balticum, estonia, lithuania and latvia, and thats just too much space up there...

i finally croped that map at the height of budapest, as you also recomended.
the "western" slavs have a huge territory to settle since the northern tribes, like the wends and sorbs are slavic as well. so the slavs have the territory from the baltic sea down to praha (brno as part of the avars) and from the elbe river to poznan (poland)

the avars occupy in this map the area of hungary, slowenia, croatia, serbia, exept the adriatic towns that belong to the byzantines.

about the avar city list, i agree using hungarian city names. the only avar city name that we know is Győr (well Gyor), which is the hungarian equivalent of "the ring fortress" (well not exactly). Avarorum sounds good too.

ah great, i was looking for some names but all i found was that "hringum regnum avarorum" wich only ment that ring fortress, i guess since they were nomadic, or semi nomadic peoples we won`t find any real city names :(

avar map
Well as for the map it's too small for my liking (i guess the current map will be fine now all i need is those trusy ol' resources ) it is nearly half the size (maybe the plain map is too large to start with). But for one pointer, you should try to leave out th rest of the map except for the far east of the alps.

Well thanks for the map anyways.

:confused: the map is too small now?
but the far east of the alpes should be left out as well?

well you gave no clear broders, just wanted some of the north, the east and the south croped..

if you need another size just name me the "modern" citys that should be on it and i`ll crop it there :)

But how would i make them impassable but since theres not going to be any jungle i guess i could switch it around to one of those old restricted zones, but 2 things. Can air units get past impassable terrain? and how will the blocked countrys (if there is any) get past the terrain? the only idea is if i could adjust there units all to be air units but they're range is set specifilcy not to be able to go any further then any meeting water. i'd have the make them non playable and give each city there own range.

you can select the terrain to be passible by foot or by foot and wheeled units. while checking the units ability of beeing a wheeled or a foot unit you can restrict certain units from entering certain terrain.

i agree with diviner that making some terrain impassible would work very well. like having the alpes and tha pyrenees impassible to all units and only leaving a few passes (hills).
same in the east, while using marshes.

jungle as you mentioned could be switched to a sort of impassble forest, protecting the eastern slavic citys from invasion.

that idea is sort of "perfectly" used in pinktilapias RFRE, where the babarain kingdoms can cross the "ancestral forest" but the romans can`t just by making all their units wheeled ones.

i`m really not shure what you intend with air units?
as far as i know those can`t be restriced for certain terrain types.

could you post your final cropped map (and how the hell you crop a map anyways? :) ) so i could show you and mcmilly what i think of.

i think snow-capped mountains could also be flagged with impassable, but jungle replacement is just as good. mcmilly you only need to rename it and replace the graphics, with some mountain- or marsh-like.

about the avars, i figured out Gyor as capital-name would not be really correct. this is the only hungarian city-name which we legated from the avars, but its a real city in the western parts and does not match with "hringnum regnum avarorum" in location, though means almost exactly the same. so what i would suggest the avar capitol should be named in latin, "Ringnum Avarorum" instead of Gyor what i previously advised and have Gyor as another city in the list. well i am sure most of the people doesn't even bother on this :) but its like a dilemma. how should it be accurate? linguistically (Gyor as capital) or historically (then Gyor would be a minor city and use the latin name of the capital).
well croping a map is really easy once you use something like map tweaker :D

you can cut, add, resize as ever you wish with that utility, the only thing! you have to watch out for starting locations, and placed citys and stuff...
i usually delet all those things first then crop the map because most of the time i got non functional maps by croping a map with starting locations or cities on it :mad:

as for the map i`ll post my final "working" version, it`s quite crowded, but depending on the actual time frame and the overall setup cities can be deleted or others added more easily like this.

as i said i already used the impassable mountains to create a natural barrier at the alpes and the pyrenees with some passes (protected by fortresses)

using impassable, or only by foot passable forest and impassable marshes for the east, specially for the slavs would work perfectly i think, since they were never conquered by the franks and only staied under loose control of the avars in the beginning.

as well i split the frankish empire into it`s major regions, aquitania, alemannia, burgundy and frisia to show the "almost break apart" in the beginning of Carl Martells reign as Majordomus in the early 8th century.
although burgundy was not breaking away from the central power i think :)

list of civs:

-Carolingian Empire

-Wessex, as all saxon kingdoms in england
-Ireland and Bretons
-Vikings, should have special resources to encourage attacking england and the coasts

-Asturia, the visgoth kingdom
-Vasconia, the breton duchy
-Zaragoza, ally to crodoba represents the morrish vasalls that fell to the frankish in the early 800s

-Western Slavs

-Benevent and Spoleto, in ally with the langobards
-Papal States, Rome and Civitas veccia, former realm of byzanz
-Venice, should be byzantine, at least ally

View attachment Mem Charlemagne.zip
G-R-E-A-T map. But Aren't the carologians a bit large from the start? And You should probably keep the civs to a lower level because sometimes when i look at the map it makes me feel like: Should this even be listed as my mod?

But to keep in my mind i think that you should mostly use my civs, but edit them a bit. and maybe use those random civ slots. But what i was meaning by having the map larger is to just increase the square amount to meet around the original map size, because i like the map but it's just too small for my liking, (i just like large maps, ok!?) and anyways only like a half of the map is where i originally planned it to span. oh And also another thing why is france so wide but so short? (so fat but so low in height?)

For the leaderheads where's the files? How will i find the right leaderhead? And, it looks more like you scraped up the files from MEM changed the civs a bit then threw some citys on. (not trying to sound mean though) because when i took a deep look the rules, i saw the nonconstructive criticism i said before.

Just saying that im making mine up from scratch (im a rigger yipee) and you use others work switch it around and throw it around (your a hardcore yipee) and Diviner just says stuff and gets all the credit (he's a career yipee) (i just used all 3 of the tony hawk proving ground classes) well back to topic (sorry) just saying if this were to be released it would make more sense to just call it an updated western Europe mod for the carologian ages.

Well looks like you put a lot of work on it, but next time i'd prefer if you'd just slap on resources to the map im using and add cities to the civs (if thats alright with you!:) )

Edit: you should probably change the franks into the major reigons on my plate then just go and copy the civs from your mod to mine. Because since the map i'm using is so large it would make sence to split it up.
hmm do you guys mind if i alter this map and post then as an alternative? (basically i would only edit the eastern landscape a little and of course city placement).
G-R-E-A-T map. But Aren't the carologians a bit large from the start? And You should probably keep the civs to a lower level because sometimes when i look at the map it makes me feel like: Should this even be listed as my mod?

thats what i said before the space for the frankish empire is very large, thats why its all divided. well that is a MAP it`s no mod :)
it reflects the actual situation in that time period, seen on a larger scale that is.
as most civs are placed on my map it would be even rather the reign of carl martell half a century before charlemagne

when carlemagne became king, asturias burgundy and alemannia were already in control of the empire, but since total historic accurancy sometimes criples the gameplay, some "adjustments" to history must be as always accepted.

diviner asked for my "working sheet map" and since i`m not that picky about sharing "works" i just posted it.

But to keep in my mind i think that you should mostly use my civs, but edit them a bit. and maybe use those random civ slots. But what i was meaning by having the map larger is to just increase the square amount to meet around the original map size, because i like the map but it's just too small for my liking, (i just like large maps, ok!?) and anyways only like a half of the map is where i originally planned it to span. oh And also another thing why is france so wide but so short? (so fat but so low in height?)

well that last posted map is, as mentioned, sort of my working sheet, i`ve made this when MEM came out anusing aeldriks map back then and placing the citys , when i found the charlemagne thread i made that map smaller and added civs that had been discused here along civs that i thought nedded for historical accurancy.
hm the scale of aeldriks map is slightly smaller that that of loulongs france map, so thats why there are not so many tiles (i think this is what you ment with the amount of squares?!) that scale can`t be changed though.

this is also the reason for the "flatness". while lou long used another angle view the land is more streched.
aeldiks map looks flattend because of the square system of civ itself. dunno how to explain that...
when you take a plain map and you convert it to a civ map it flattens due to the lesser hight of eache tile compared to its width.
this is the case in many maps, i think all that are convertions.

For the leaderheads where's the files? How will i find the right leaderhead? And, it looks more like you scraped up the files from MEM changed the civs a bit then threw some citys on. (not trying to sound mean though) because when i took a deep look the rules, i saw the nonconstructive criticism i said before.

i finally see the point, you missunderstood me and i missunderstood you...
of cause this is a MEm map, as the name inflicts MEM Charlemagne, my original map was intended for mem and just altered like i said before.
for seeing the outcome of this "workingsheet" you just have to import it to the mem mod in the edior.

this is, as said, JUST a map, and not a mod. if it would be a mod i would have asked the MEM creators for allowance and for their help as well.

Just saying that im making mine up from scratch (im a rigger yipee) and you use others work switch it around and throw it around (your a hardcore yipee) and Diviner just says stuff and gets all the credit (he's a career yipee) (i just used all 3 of the tony hawk proving ground classes) well back to topic (sorry) just saying if this were to be released it would make more sense to just call it an updated western Europe mod for the carologian ages.

well you`re a bit harsh, as far as i understood, you asked for help concerning the map, city lists and stuff, all we do is offer that help and make suggestions on how things could be handled, it`s not necessary to include everyone who points out something to the credits of your mod.
as well you shouldn`t be set off just because we want to give our thoughts and options on how YOUR mod could be improved.

Well looks like you put a lot of work on it, but next time i'd prefer if you'd just slap on resources to the map im using and add cities to the civs (if thats alright with you! )

as said, the work was done before, so this was really no big deal, maybe half an hour for adjusting the original map to the charlemangne idea.

as for the map you´re using, which one is it now? the original loulong map? the croped map i made of aedlriks wich you find too small?
or did you ask for a enlarged version of lou longs map in the first place?

you should try to tell the things you want a bit more clear, i have no problem putting my work to a nice use and outcome, but if i don`t get the point in what you really want i can`t do it ;)

and so far,
you asked for a clean croped map of my original version, that i posted
and you asked for city lists for some of the civs you want to use, where i pointed out that the mem lists work in 98% of the cases.

Edit: you should probably change the franks into the major reigons on my plate then just go and copy the civs from your mod to mine. Because since the map i'm using is so large it would make sence to split it up.

you see i`m sorry but i fear this just won`t work,
you should probably change the franks into the major reigons on my plate
i just really don`t get the point of that...
the civs from my MAP are the civs that had been discused in the thread, plus some additoins, but they are not finshed just named, as workingdata.

Because since the map i'm using is so large it would make sence to split it up

so i think, and have to apologize for that, but i really din`t get it when you told about my croped map beeing to small and stuff, that you will definite use loulongs france map.

then i have to repeat my advice, that it is too big in scale, and too small for the covered area.
there is even more space for the frankish in there than in the croped aeldrik map.
and more disturbing there is no splace at all for the avars, the slavs, and only partly for the saxons and the bavaria civ.

i also like big maps :) thats why i tried to make a large europe map for mem in the first place, but as said before, sometimes big is just a tiny scale too big.
lou longs map is really great and detailed, but focuses to much on france, and to less on the areas charlemagne conquered in the end.
hmm do you guys mind if i alter this map and post then as an alternative? (basically i would only edit the eastern landscape a little and of course city placement).

sure, its a map and in the end has nothing to do with mcmillys mod.
as mentiond its my "working sheet" :)

would be great if you could send me your edit later on,
for i`ve thought of the usage of marshes and forests to make the east more "uncivilized" but din`t come up with a nice looking idea so far :crazyeye:
as well my reserces on the slavs were always very brief, so that east really could use a lot of improving....

but just like the avars i find seldom useful data on the slavic tribes, specially which cities and where...

the cities placed so far are just the modern ones, with their slavic origin, if there was one.
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