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Charlemagne Mod?

How does a charlagmane mod appeal for you

  • Meh. i dont care make it if you want.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way im not into holy roman empire stuff

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aww man i was going to make one of these

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
yes i realized, and i dont mind this. i would do the same though :)

sure, tomorrow i will create my version, maybe use some cropping with this maptweaker, also think of putting some marshes and foresting the today's big plains in the carpathian basin (once it was heavily forested, even tigers lived there and were brought to rome from there), impassable mountains and stuff. but only tomorrow. sry but im just too tired today to make some worthy works :)
well that last posted map is, as mentioned, sort of my working sheet, i`ve made this when MEM came out anusing aeldriks map back then and placing the citys , when i found the charlemagne thread i made that map smaller and added civs that had been discused here along civs that i thought nedded for historical accurancy.
hm the scale of aeldriks map is slightly smaller that that of loulongs france map, so thats why there are not so many tiles (i think this is what you ment with the amount of squares?!) that scale can`t be changed though.
Ok so the map you have can't be changed inless completely remaking the map right? So thats odd a europe mod being smaller then a full Europe map, which that was cropped to fit a certain area. And yeas what yoe explained is what i was trying to say.

i finally see the point, you missunderstood me and i missunderstood you...
of cause this is a MEm map, as the name inflicts MEM Charlemagne, my original map was intended for mem and just altered like i said before.
for seeing the outcome of this "workingsheet" you just have to import it to the mem mod in the editor.
Sure i'll import stuff from your game into mine, i thought this was real stuff i thought wrong then.

this is, as said, JUST a map, and not a mod. if it would be a mod i would have asked the MEM creators for allowance and for their help as well.
Oh so i guess i'm thanking everyone too much. So it is just a map ok, if you say so.

well you`re a bit harsh, as far as i understood, you asked for help concerning the map, city lists and stuff, all we do is offer that help and make suggestions on how things could be handled, it`s not necessary to include everyone who points out something to the credits of your mod.
as well you shouldn`t be set off just because we want to give our thoughts and options on how YOUR mod could be improved.
I know i'm not putting in credits for someone who said that charlegmane wasnt in the holy roman empire. Well this is really my first time doing things on the internet so im just a noob when it comes to this. What do you mean by "set off?" i'll try to improve on what i think will be reasonable for the mod. (or map or scenerio or whatever you think it is) But i should stop going off topic on my own thread because i think if it has these marks : () they dont have to be on topic. I guess i should'nt bring up silly things.

as said, the work was done before, so this was really no big deal, maybe half an hour for adjusting the original map to the charlemangne idea.
I guess im just too thankfull. :mad: gotta practice more on that!

as for the map you´re using, which one is it now? the original loulong map?
At this map im using Loulongs map.

you should try to tell the things you want a bit more clear, i have no problem putting my work to a nice use and outcome, but if i don`t get the point in what you really want i can`t do it ;)
as i was saying earlier i have to keep my brain better focused (i know im sounding like a kid who's ready to hit the ball outta the park) I'll try to be more clear in the future.
you see i`m sorry but i fear this just won`t work,

i just really don`t get the point of that...
the civs from my MAP are the civs that had been discused in the thread, plus some additoins, but they are not finshed just named, as workingdata.
Oh so i'll keep in mind to use those civ names and if you ever do use any other things.

so i think, and have to apologize for that, but i really din`t get it when you told about my croped map beeing to small and stuff, that you will definite use loulongs france map.
Well i dont really know how to explain the amount of squares being to small. I'll use this as an example: if your'e map was 100x100 i'd want it to be 150x150.

there is even more space for the frankish in there than in the croped aeldrik map.
and more disturbing there is no place at all for the avars, the slavs, and only partly for the saxons and the bavaria civ.
on the map i have stored on my pc it looks fine. But i'll move the carologians north but i need a germany map then i'll be good (i mean germany and france).

lou longs map is really great and detailed, but focuses to much on france, and to less on the areas charlemagne conquered in the end
oh i get what you're saying now. I guess i thought wrong on the france area. But yes i do agree it is nice but does'nt focus on where he conquered (im guessing more around Hungary and Germany not France).
well as said before we were partially talking into difrent directions, wich just wouldn`t work.

along you should try to change way of being thankful, cause it more sounds like you`re annoyed that you`ll have to put more names to your credits.

as long as someone is interested in a certain mod or scenario he or she will just try to improve it, i know too many cooks ... but you see it was difficult for me to understand in wich direction you`re heading.

so we should skip that, and come back to the mod, just please be clear about what you need and the decissions you make on what you use and why, that would eleminate working into difrent directions, like as i thought you were admiting in the first place that the loulong map just can`t be used because many important parts are missing.

you see when creating something with a large historical background, people will ask and be critic about leaving out important things, wrong city or civ placement and stuff.

i have a good historic background on that time period, including historic maps books and that stuff, that`s why i offered my help to stick on the history line as far as gameplay will allow.

so, loulongs map can be used, BUT it would only focuse on the rise of the frankish empire, streteching maybe from the late 400s to the middle 700s,
that would work fine on the map.

but for charlemagne either the map has to be streched more east or a diffrent map should be used.

another thing could be to ask loulong via PM if there was a larger version of that map including more of the north and the east.

so i can place cities and regular resources on lou longs map for you, but it won`t work for a full charlemange mod in my eys, thats why i was talking about all that map stuff and didn`t realized you were alredy on to the next step.
finally i've started to work, though i have much less time from now for the reason called university.

so i've cropped aeldrik's ww2 map with the original editor (maptweaker didnt work for me because i cant get download the needed dll file). well thats smaller than civchris's one, but i think its big and accurate enough.

my map stretches from ireland to contantinople and from gibraltar to novgorod. the claim on the east felt necessary to me as it would be kinda weird to have byzantines in the game and no constantinople or any of greece. other reasons were to enlarge eastern territory, now it should be fine at least geographically.

avars could claim the whole territory that was originally theirs. bulgarians, byzantines and western slavic tribes could play a more important and historically accurate role. although the map is really large, but only 87x131 in fact - i dont feel necessary to have huge maps here as even now the lands are big enough eventually to fit many cities, the 150x150 mcmilly wanted imo is just too big for this medieval non-railroad game, or am i wrong? i even find the map cropped by civchris so big,with its 100x133, but covers less area. well back to the topic, i want to keep the eastern lands as unsettleable as they were in that time always to slow down the expansion very much.

i also plan to edit some rules, to change civilizations and some other stuff. settlers will cost much more in shields and population than they do now to prevent the weird all-expanding AI to fit cities in the other half of the map and such stuff. i dont want to get involved in the game rules though as its not my duty :)

this map should only play the role to enlight my viewpoint how should such map be structured in this time period including civilization placement, city placement and maybe resource locating (but im not sure about the last as i dont know which resources will you use) not to give the ultimate charlemagne map. well this is far from my goal and whatever happens i should not be mentioned in the credits for anything really. imo my contribution are so small compared to the one, who actually creates the mod :)
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