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Civ 3 too hard!

As far as defenses go, guard the squares that the AI can reach in one turn.

There is a risk that if an AI can take one of your settlements in one turn, your undefended settlements behind it are now vulnerable within that same turn, so you may consider layering your defense- heavy on the borders, lighter behind it- that of course leaves your borders more vulnerable, but could limit the damage from losing multiple cities from a strong first strike to losing just one.

In addition to your defenders, it is good to keep a mobile attack squad to pick off stray attackers or eat at a stack of death.

As long as your cities are close enough for your defenders to move from one city to the next in one turn, faster than your attackers, you can play a shell game with an AI attacker. As long as you can move your defenders from one city to the other in one turn while it takes your AI attackers two turns to move from city to city, you can keep moving your defense from one to the other from turn to turn, forcing the AI to switch its target to the undefended city from turn to turn. While the AI attackers run around in circles, you can hit them with your attack squad and/or artillery each turn until you whittle them away.

As to tech research, some techs are "dead-end" techs. Those are techs that are not necessary to move to the next era, and Democracy is one of those dead-end techs. (They have the stop symbols in the upper right-hand corner of the boxes on the tech tree.) So you can skip Democracy and Printing Press if you never plan to enter Democracy. Only the techs on the last, far right column of the tech tree are necessary to move to the next age.

Disband obsolete units. Spearmen have the same upkeep cost as mechanized infantry. So your modern age spearmen are just eating away at your economy. How far obsolete they should be before you disband them is up to you. Upgrading is always an option, but expensive (if you have Leonardo's Workshop, it's less expensive). If they are one level below your best unit (say spearmen when you can build pikemen), maybe keep them around in case you need to do an emergency upgrade due to an unexpected AI attack. Otherwise, disband them in cities that can use the extra production and build replacements.

I'm not good at specializing my cities, it's not a skill I have developed yet. The main thing is to just be aware that (1) building one improvement prevents you from building another improvement or units, and (2) buildings have upkeep costs. If you are concerned about happiness, increasing your gold production and using the slider to devote 10% of your income to happiness may be more cost effective at providing happiness. Though you may want culture from the temple too. And maybe you think you are being a responsible leader by providing everyone with a temple. But be aware of the costs, alternatives for achieving your goals, and where things fit on your priority list. I tend to build temples everywhere in my games too, but unless my civilization has the Religious trait (which I do like), temples come after population growth (e.g. granaries) and economic growth (e.g. marketplaces).

Granaries and marketplaces are almost always good in any city. Building them as quickly as possible exponentially expands your growth. Early in the game you may want to delay a marketplace in your settler factory, or to build a barracks or two to get your defense rolling. A barracks in every city in your core for emergency unit production may be a good idea, but if you are not using the city primarily to build units, it should go at the bottom of your priority list.
You learn well for a teacher, teacher. ;)

You have enough information to master the level you are at and move up a level (at least 1). Let us know if you have any troubles when you get there. :thumbsup:
As long as you're strong, you shouldn't care at all about leaving cities undefended, except for those on the border that can be taken over in one turn with a fast attacker.
Keep your forces on the border and you won't have to worry about possible surprise attacks. Then, when your military is big enough, just go war-frenzy. Offense is the best defense :D
Oh yeah! I bumped myself up to the lofty title of Regent and (mostly) kicked butt. CxxC, marketplaces, granaries, short wars, and irrigation made it much easier to stay on top. Still, I had some trouble with the modern age (I haven't spent much time there), and about the time I got cruise missles, somebody started rolling over me and I gave up.
So I went back to Monarch and played the Iroquois (someone said it was easiest) and I won my first game! Thanks, ya'll.
One problem is that I come from years of playing Age of Empires and I don't quite feel like I won when the other players still exist. Is it really OK that they go on breathing?
Cool. But did you get to Emperor on your rise up the ladder? It goes Regent, Monarch, Emperor. Monarch is a good learning level. You are pretty much equal to the AI in most settings. This is where you can find out who the AI are and why they do what they do. I like Monarch a lot. But don't spend too much time there. Try to use Emperor as you base level. That's where you can start to iron out the strategies you've put together against a tougher crowd. It's from Emperor that you will springboard to the upper levels.

Don't let the bastards drag ya down. You did well throwing that one game away. Don't spend too much time getting your butt kicked. Just try to recognize your mistake and start again. Glad to see you're doing so well.

In the Modern Age, I personally take a defensive attitude to start. Computers get you the Mech Infantry. If you've got a lot of Barracks (which is how I handle upgrades), and you saved a lot of gold, press shift and U to upgrade your Infantry. Mech Infantry does Wonders for keeping the AI at bay. Then I go for Fission so I can switch my pre-build to the UN. If someone else builds the UN, it doesn't matter how well you've done, they can still vote another tribe the winner. End of game. I build the UN, put it in my back pocket, and never hold a vote.

The fun in Age of Empires lasted about 3 games for me. It started to turn into one of those errand boy games, where they always try to keep you busy. Go here, do this, watch that, go faster... I gave the game away. You'll find it very hard be able to eliminate everyone in a Civ game. Once you've attained 66% of the land area and 66% of the population, then the Domination Victory Condition will kick in and give you the Victory.
Oh yeah! I bumped myself up to the lofty title of Regent and (mostly) kicked butt. CxxC, marketplaces, granaries, short wars, and irrigation made it much easier to stay on top. Still, I had some trouble with the modern age (I haven't spent much time there), and about the time I got cruise missles, somebody started rolling over me and I gave up.
So I went back to Monarch and played the Iroquois (someone said it was easiest) and I won my first game! Thanks, ya'll.
One problem is that I come from years of playing Age of Empires and I don't quite feel like I won when the other players still exist. Is it really OK that they go on breathing?

I've never felt satisfied after a victory other than domination or conquest. I also never check the option that defeated AI's get a replacement. After the game has started it's like we're in another reality. Another time, you might say.
Nobody goes home. Nobody else comes through.
It's just them and me.
I like the domination victories. But sometimes when the game drags out into the modern age and moving around big stacks of units gets tedious, it's good to have more than one win possibility.
In the Modern Age, I don't use big stacks. I use my Armies on the Railroads with a hit and run tactic. I also have a lot of back-up units to mop things up. I never have liked the Stack of Death way of playing.
Well in Chieftain I had gotten Modern Armors while other civs were still only several techs into the Middle age... so it's an easy difficulty for me, in Monarch it starts to get difficult
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