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Civ 5 sucks. Got 4? Stick with it.

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I've lost my 3 minutes on this. I played demo and its very interesting. It's true tat you have to loose more time on units, but micromanagment has been cut decently. You don't have so many units like in civ . They said that 1 unit in civ 5 is like 3- in civ 4 so you're horsehockyting, man!!! So, you won't loose so many time on moving units because you won't have a lot of them, and with all of those city states you won't have too many cities( I think, not sure yet). So, with all of that micromanagment cut and fewer units, you don't have to cry about that you need to see animation every time. You won't have 100 units in modern times, you'll have (my guess) 50- with big empire that stretches over the 3/4 of map, so, what you said, has nor real basics.

Moderator Action: Please don't swear on these forums, thanks. :)
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Honestly, all these years of work and this is what they came up with? The hex tiles are nice, and maybe a few changes to the battle system are interesting, but what do we really have here? This is basically Civ4 with some stuff taken out, which is terrible since I thought Civ4 was a game made for 12 year olds. Basically all the maintenance system has been boiled down to happiness. Somehow, they even managed to make it more repressive than the maintenance system in Civ4. I just love how my size 1 cities are angry on king level with 3 cities total. Yes, 3 cities total and my cities are unhappy the minute I build it. Even Civ4 had less of a repressive system than this.

Do you just want to turn this into OCC? Is this what we're moving towards? Each game you put out you somehow get it in your head that there's jut TOO MANY GOD DAMN cities on the map! You even have a trait for India that actually discourages buildings cities. What? Are you insane? I won't even get started on the civ traits because...well, obviously you didn't think things through very well. The barbarian bonuses as civ traits is just laugh out loud stupid. I mean I realize you only put MP in the game because you were forced to in order to get good reviews and sell it, but this? Seriously?

So basically your only options to stop unhappiness in the early game is resources. Of course the whole resource idea was flawed from the beginning anyway, but lets just put EVEN MORE emphasis on resources because that's the way they roll at Firaxis. Take something broken and emphasize it, pure genius at work. They even "simplified" the buildings available down to almost nothing. Everywhere I look I see "simplification" which is code for "we think you're too stupid to handle this so we're going to take some more stuff out of the game." Now your only real way to fix unhappiness is in classical age and you have to build a bloody circus. Yes, I am not kidding here. Unless of course you're Egypt, then you can build a burial chamber, which is just slightly overpowered I would think.

Honestly, I can't think of a reason to play this game at this point. They took everything bad about civ4 and took it up a notch. The game is designed for people that only want to build like maybe 5 cities at most. In fact, the game FORCES you to do that. What well designed game can you think of that pretty much forces players to play a certain way and puts so many constraints on what can be done? God, I knew not to get my hopes up, but I really thought it would at least be better than this.
I know they say if you read too many posts on the internet that they all start to look the same, but that post looks VERY familiar...
Have the trolls in the game actually tried to invade a great power? LEt me tell you, the AI knows what its doing at that point. You will need at least 7 or 8 units to make a dent.

I have seen a AI with 3 cities total on prince level, but the rest I saw only had one city. That is an worry actually.
can you stop saying that resources are the ONLY way to gain happiness at the beginning i'm only just downloading the demo but even having not played it yet i know that finding natural wonders boost your global happiness by 1 each time? and seeing as the start of the game is when you find them.....

Basically natural wonders are just super-resources with extra production and gold. To me. that's not really a new strategic option, especially in MP. Not to mention the problem with map-balancing, aren't natural wonders supposed to be unique? But hey, now in SP the Great Barrier Reef becomes a reason to go war! WOW, this is one of the new great game mechanics of Civ5! lol

did your old thread get deleted lol?

Shh.... don't say anything that sounds "negative" or "non-costructive"... it could scare off potential buyers.
Yep, looks like Civ V went in a different direction than you would have liked and you're not happy with it. Oh well, thanks for playing, hope you get your refund and find a game you actually like. I'm going to go back to finishing up my game.

Seriously Sid, I hope you find a game you like. I understand your frustration and need to vent, but you're not going to find much agreement here. This post contains more sympathy for your viewpoint than any other post you will likely see in reply to this thread, and I really do mean it when I say I hope you find a game you like. However, I hope you have the maturity to realize that this new direction appeals to a lot of people and that this is where Civ is going in the future. Hell, you already said most of the features you dislike are present in less developed forms in Civ 4. I advise you to jump ship now and save yourself the heartache of waiting for the next Civ. Trust me, it's easier in the long run.
AI moves have ALWAYS been completely and totally dependent on your CPU. Want to shorten it? play smaller maps (less units) and fewer AIs or city states.

Turn times were about like they are now playing Civ5 with a recommended CPU, of course they got faster as bugs were fixed, computers got better, etc.

Upgrade your CPU in a year, and I bet you'll get a marked decrease in time between turns.

We're talking about a game here. A game.
How much should I be spending on upgrades to play a $50 game. Why not write better code, make it playable for more people.

Wait a year? That's your argument? Wait a year? So every time a new game comes out I should wait a year or two before it becomes playable?
Have any of you wanting to disable animations considered that you'll thank Firaxis when the mods start rolling out? Most unit mods for civ4 don't support the no animations feature (in fact, animating new unit models requires a hack with an existing unit, so the option can't be supported even if there was a desire to), and it was a constant troubleshooting thorn as many users were too stupid to read the sentence saying that no animations was not supported. Already civ5 unit mods have issues with the strategy view.

Btw, if you want no animations, play the strategy view. That's what it's for. Personally, I prefer to have civ be more than glorified chess, though.
Have you read the thread?

Looks like it's pretty well split between fanatics or people that just enjoy it and people who agree that they've made a lot of mistakes and upset a lot of people who were looking forward to the next installment.

Yep, looks like Civ V went in a different direction than you would have liked and you're not happy with it. Oh well, thanks for playing, hope you get your refund and find a game you actually like. I'm going to go back to finishing up my game.

Seriously Sid, I hope you find a game you like. I understand your frustration and need to vent, but you're not going to find much agreement here. This post contains more sympathy for your viewpoint than any other post you will likely see in reply to this thread, and I really do mean it when I say I hope you find a game you like. However, I hope you have the maturity to realize that this new direction appeals to a lot of people and that this is where Civ is going in the future. Hell, you already said most of the features you dislike are present in less developed forms in Civ 4. I advise you to jump ship now and save yourself the heartache of waiting for the next Civ. Trust me, it's easier in the long run.
I really enjoyed the game. Its amazingly fun. I will say that the little things like the road (route) creation and the like could be made better, but I'm sure this is something that will be addressed soon. Until that time, the game is AMAZING. I love the strategy involved in one unit per tile and ranged combat.
seriously hes right its not that good, i agree with the main post, it doesnt suck but its good not good its average

I started with the original CIV (I), and still play SMAC. I bought CIV 3 on the release date, and it was horrible, so buggy and crash prone it was close to unplayable--and my puter was state of the art for that day. It didn't take long for Firaxis to fix it with a bunch of patches.

For that reason, I was a latecomer to CIV 4, and still don't like it much.

I've played the demo--and for a while was tempted to purchase the retail version--because it does seem to be an improvement--but I'm gonna wait about 6 months--or for the second patch whichever comes first.
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