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Civ 6 Leader Statistics


Sep 1, 2016
Bogotá, Colombia
Considering that many of you here in the forums talk about the way in which the current Civs in the game represent and cover the world and speculate about who can lead possible future Civs in the game, I've gather some statistics regarding the current leaders in the game as of the Byzantium and Gaul Pack. I've included information such as location, time period, language, culture, gender, etc. I apologize in advance for any error/bias or information that I could have missed when I gathered the data.

I am considering adding the YouTube First View video views for every leader. I'll probably do that later in the day.

13 Catholic: 26.00% (Catherine, Eleanor, Frederick, Harald, Jadwiga, Kristina, Corvinus, Mvemba, Pedro, Philip, Robert the Bruce, Simón Bolívar, Laurier)
5 Hellenic Pagan: 10.00% (Alexander, Cleopatra, Gorgo, Pericles, Trajan)
4 Middle East Pagan: 8.00% (Amanitore, Dido, Gilgamesh, Tomyris)
3 Buddhist: 6.00% (Tokimune, Jayavarman, Seondeok)
3 Orthodox: 6.00% (Basil, Peter, Tamar)
3 Protestant: 6.00% (Roosevelt, Victoria, Wilhelmina)
3 Sunni: 6.00% (Mansa Musa, Saladin, Suleiman)
2 Hindu: 4.00% (Gandhi, Gitarja)
2 Native South American: 4.00% (Lautaro, Pachacuti)
2 Mesoamerican: 4.00% (Six Sky, Montezuma)
1 Agnostic: 2.00% (Curtin)
1 Other European Pagan: 2.00% (Ambiorix)
1 Chinese Religion: 2.00% (Qin)
1 Ethiopian Orthodox: 2.00% (Menelik)
1 Native North American: 2.00% (Poundmaker)
1 Jain: 2.00% (Chandragupta)
1 Polynesian: 2.00% (Kupe)
1 Tengri: 2.00% (Genghis)
1 Zoroastrian: 2.00% (Cyrus)
1 Southern African: 2.00% (Shaka)

Religion group:
20 Christian: 40.00% (Basil, Catherine, Eleanor, Frederick, Harald, Jadwiga, Kristina, Corvinus, Menelik, Mvemba, Pedro, Peter, Philip, Robert the Bruce, Simón Bolívar, Tamar, Roosevelt, Victoria, Laurier, Wilhelmina)
10 Traditional religion: 20.00% (Genghis, Kupe, Six Sky, Lautaro, Montezuma, Pachacuti, Poundmaker, Qin, Shaka)
9 Pagan: 18.00% (Alexander, Amanitore, Ambiorix, Cleopatra, Dido, Gilgamesh, Gorgo, Pericles, Tomyris, Trajan)
3 Muslim: 6.00% (Mansa Musa, Saladin, Suleiman)
3 Hindu-Jain: 6.00% (Chandragupta, Gandhi, Gitarja)
3 Buddhist: 6.00% (Tokimune, Jayavarman, Seondeok)
1 Agnostic: 2.00% (Curtin)
1 Zoroastrian: 2.00% (Cyrus)

In bold those who have claimed the title of Roman Emperor or similar
12 Emperors: 24% (Alexander, Basil, Chandragupta, Cyrus, Frederick, Menelik, Montezuma, Pachacuti, Pedro, Peter, Qin, Trajan)
1 Khan: 2% (Genghis)
1 Empress/Queen: 2% (Victoria)
10 Kings: 20% (Gilgamesh, Harald, Jadwiga, Jayavarman, Mansa Musa, Corvinus, Mvemba, Philip, Robert the Bruce, Shaka
2 Sultans: 4% (Saladin, Suleiman)
11 Queens: 22% (Amanitore, Cleopatra, Dido, Gitarja, Gorgo, Kristina, Six Sky, Seondeok, Tamar, Tomyris, Wilhelmina)
2 Presidents: 4% (Simón Bolívar, Roosevelt)
2 Prime Ministers: 4% (Curtin, Laurier)
4 Chiefs: 8% (Ambiorix, Kupe, Lautaro, Poundmaker)
1 Duchess/Queen consort: 2% (Eleanor)
1 Queen consort: 2% (Catherine)
1 General: 2% (Pericles)
1 Regent: 2% (Tokimune)
1 Social Leader: 2% (Gandhi)

Time-period of leader life:
4 Ancient: 8% (Cyrus, Dido, Gilgamesh, Tomyris)
9 Classical: 18% (Alexander, Amanitore, Ambiorix, Chandragupta, Cleopatra, Gorgo, Pericles, Qin, Trajan)
16 Medieval: 32% (Basil, Eleanor, Frederick, Genghis, Gitarja, Harald, Tokimune, Jadwiga, Jayavarman, Kupe, Six Sky, Mansa Musa, Robert the Bruce, Saladin, Seondeok, Tamar)
12 Early Modern (1492-1830): 24% (Catherine, Kristina, Lautaro, Corvinus, Montezuma, Mvemba, Pachacuti, Peter, Philip, Simón Bolívar, Suleiman)
9 Modern (1830-2020): 18% (Gandhi, Curtin, Menelik, Pedro, Poundmaker, Shaka, Roosevelt, Victoria, Laurier, Wilhelmina)

9 Western Europe: 18% (Ambiorix, Catherine, Eleanor, Frederick, Philip, Robert the Bruce, Trajan, Victoria, Wilhelmina)
7 Middle East: 14% (Amanitore, Cleopatra, Cyrus, Dido, Gilgamesh, Saladin, Suleiman)
6 Eastern Europe: 12% (Alexander, Basil, Gorgo, Pericles, Peter, Tamar)
4 Eastern Asia: 8% (Genghis, Tokimune, Qin, Seondeok)
4 South America: 8% (Lautaro, Pachacuti, Pedro, Simón Bolívar)
4 Sub-Saharan Africa: 8% (Mansa Musa, Menelik, Mvemba, Shaka)
3 North America: 6% (Poundmaker, Roosevelt, Laurier)
2 Central Europe: 4% (Jadwiga, Corvinus)
2 India: 4% (Chandragupta, Gandhi)
2 Mesoamerica: 4% (Six Sky, Montezuma)
2 Northern Europe: 4% (Harald, Kristina)
2 Oceania: 4% (Curtin, Kupe)
2 Southeast Asia: 4% (Gitarja, Jayavarman)
1 Central Asia: 2% (Tomyris)

16 Western: 32% (Catherine, Eleanor, Frederick, Harald, Jadwiga, Curtin, Kristina, Corvinus, Pedro, Philip, Robert the Bruce, Simón Bolívar, Roosevelt, Victoria, Laurier, Wilhelmina)
5 East Asian: 10% (Genghis, Tokimune, Jayavarman, Qin, Seondeok)
5 Greco-Roman: 10% (Alexander, Cleopatra, Gorgo, Pericles, Trajan)
3 Muslim: 6% (Mansa Musa, Saladin, Suleiman)
3 Orthodox: 6% (Basil, Peter, Tamar)
3 Indian: 6% (Chandragupta, Gandhi, Gitarja)
2 Mesoamerican: 4% (Six Sky, Montezuma)
2 Iranian: 4% (Cyrus, Tomyris)
2 Mesopotamian: 4% (Dido, Gilgamesh)
2 African: 4% (Mvemba, Shaka)
1 North American: 2% (Poundmaker)
1 Ethiopian: 2% (Menelik)
1 Celtic: 2% (Ambiorix)
1 Andean: 2% (Pachacuti)
1 Egyptian: 2% (Amanitore)
1 Lowland South American: 2% (Lautaro
1 Polynesian: 2% (Kupe)

35 Male: 70% (Alexander, Ambiorix, Basil, Chandragupta, Cyrus, Frederick, Gandhi, Genghis, Gilgamesh, Harald, Tokimune, Jayavarman, Curtin, Kupe, Lautaro, Mansa Musa, Corvinus, Menelik, Montezuma, Mvemba, Pachacuti, Pedro, Pericles, Peter, Philip, Poundmaker, Qin, Robert the Bruce, Saladin, Shaka, Simón Bolívar, Suleiman, Roosevelt, Trajan, Laurier)
15 Female: 30% (Amanitore, Catherine, Cleopatra, Dido, Eleanor, Gitarja, Gorgo, Jadwiga, Kristina, Six Sky, Seondeok, Tamar, Tomyris, Victoria, Wilhelmina)

Language Family:
28 Indo-European: 56% (Alexander, Ambiorix, Basil, Catherine, Chandragupta, Cleopatra, Cyrus, Eleanor, Frederick, Gandhi, Gorgo, Harald, Jadwiga, Curtin, Kristina, Pedro, Pericles, Peter, Philip, Robert the Bruce, Saladin, Simón Bolívar, Roosevelt, Tomyris, Trajan, Victoria, Laurier, Wilhemina)
3 Niger-Congo: 6% (Mansa Musa, Mvemba, Shaka)
2 Austronesian: 4% (Gitarja, Kupe)
2 Afro-Asiatic: 4% (Dido, Menelik)
1 Uto-Aztecan: 2% (Montezuma)
1 Uralic: 2% (Corvinus)
1 Turkic: 2% (Suleiman)
1 Sumerian: 2% (Gilgamesh)
1 Sino-Tibetan: 2% (Qin)
1 Quechua: 2% (Pachacuti)
1 Nilo-Saharan: 2% (Amanitore)
1 Mongolic: 2% (Genghis)
1 Mayan: 2% (Six Sky)
1 Koreanic: 2% (Seondeok)
1 Kartvelian: 2% (Tamar)
1 Japonic: 2% (Tokimune)
1 Austroasiatic: 2% (Jayavarman)
1 Araucanian: 2% (Lautaro)
1 Algic: 2% (Poundmaker)

Language Sub-family:
8 Germanic: 16% (Frederick, Harald, Curtin, Kristina, Robert the Bruce, Roosevelt, Victoria, Wilhelmina)
7 Romance/Italic: 14% (Catherine, Eleanor, Pedro, Philip, Simón Bolívar, Trajan, Laurier)
5 Hellenic: 10% (Alexander, Basil, Cleopatra, Gorgo, Pericles)
3 Iranian: 6% (Cyrus, Saladin, Tomyris)
2 Bantu: 4% (Mvemba, Shaka)
2 Indian: 4% (Chandragupta, Gandhi)
2 Semitic: 4% (Dido, Menelik)
2 Slavic: 4% (Jadwiga, Peter)
1 Algonquian: 2% (Poundmaker)
1 Celtic: 2% (Ambiorix)
1 Hungarian: 2% (Corvinus)
1 Indonesian: 2% (Gitarja)
1 Japanese: 2% (Tokimune)
1 Kartvelian: 2% (Tamar)
1 Khmer: 2% (Jayavarman)
1 Korean: 2% (Seondeok)
1 Mande: 2% (Mansa Musa)
1 Mapuche: 2% (Lautaro)
1 Mayan: 2% (Six Sky)
1 Mongolic: 2% (Genghis)
1 Nahuan: 2% (Montezuma)
1 Nubian: 2% (Amanitore)
1 Polynesian: 2% (Kupe)
1 Quechua: 2% (Pachacuti)
1 Sinitic: 2% (Qin)
1 Sumerian: 2% (Gilgamesh)
1 Turkic: 2% (Suleiman)

Native Language:
5 Greek: 10% (Alexander, Basil, Cleopatra, Gorgo, Pericles)
3 English: 6% (Curtin, Roosevelt, Victoria)
2 Spanish: 4% (Philip, Simón Bolívar)
1 Amharic: 2% (Menelik)
1 Chinese: 2% (Qin)
1 Cree: 2% (Poundmaker)
1 Dutch: 2% (Wilhelmina)
1 French: 2% (Laurier)
1 Gaulish: 2% (Ambiorix)
1 Georgian: 2% (Tamar)
1 Swabian German: 2% (Frederick)
1 Gujarati: 2% (Gandhi)
1 Hungarian: 2% (Corvinus)
1 Japanese: 2% (Tokimune)
1 Javanese: 2% (Gitarja)
1 Khmer: 2% (Jayavarman)
1 Kongolese: 2% (Mvemba)
1 Korean: 2% (Seondeok)
1 Kurdish: 2% (Saladin)
1 Latin: 2% (Trajan)
1 Magadhi Prakrit: 2% (Chandragupta)
1 Mandinka: 2% (Mansa Musa)
1 Māori: 2% (Kupe)
1 Mapudungun: 2% (Lautaro)
1 Mayan: 2% (Six Sky)
1 Mongolian: 2% (Genghis)
1 Nahuatl: 2% (Montezuma)
1 Norse/Norwegian: 2% (Harald)
1 Nubian: 2% (Amanitore)
1 Occitan: 2% (Eleanor)
1 Persian: 2% (Cyrus)
1 Polish: 2% (Jadwiga)
1 Portuguese: 2% (Pedro)
1 Punic: 2% (Dido)
1 Quechua: 2% (Pachacuti)
1 Russian: 2% (Peter)
1 Scots: 2% (Robert the Bruce)
1 Scythian: 2% (Tomyris)
1 Sumerian: 2% (Gilgamesh)
1 Swedish: 2% (Kristina)
1 Turkish: 2% (Suleiman)
1 Tuscan: 2% (Catherine)
1 Zulu: 2% (Shaka)

Status of the Civilizations they lead in the present:
-33 Civilizations still exist as a sovereign state today: 66% (France, India, Egypt; Iran, Germany, Mongolia, Indonesia, Greece, Norway, Japan, Poland, Cambodia, Australia, Sweden, Mali, Hungary, Ethiopia, Congo, Brazil, Russia, Spain, China, Arabia, Korea, Colombia, Turkey, Georgia, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Netherlands
-17 Civilization don't exist as a sovereign state today: 34% (Macedon, Nubia, Gaul, Byzantium, Phoenicia, Aquitaine, Sumer, Māori, Maya, Mapuche, Aztec, Inca, Cree, Scotland, Zulu, Scythia, Rome

-43 Civilization still exist as living ethnic groups today: 86% (Nubian, French, Indians, Egyptians, Persians, Occitans, Germans, Mongols, Indonesians, Greeks, Norwegians, Japanese, Polish, Khmers, Australians, Swedish, Māori, Mayans, Mapuche, Malians, Hungarians, Ethiopians, Nahuas, Kongolese, Quechua, Brazilians, Russians, Spanish, Cree, Chinese, Scottish, Arabs, Koreans, Zulu, Colombians, Turkish, Georgians, Americans, English, Canadians, Dutch
-7 Civilization don't exist as living ethnic groups today: 14% (Macedon, Gauls, Byzantines, Phoenicians, Sumerians, Scythians, Romans
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A question and a suggestion. The suggestion is to change "Coptic" to "Kemetic"; otherwise that's liable to be read as "Coptic Orthodox Christian." As for the question, who's the agnostic? Curtin?
A question and a suggestion. The suggestion is to change "Coptic" to "Kemetic"; otherwise that's liable to be read as "Coptic Orthodox Christian." As for the question, who's the agnostic? Curtin?

The Coptic one is Menelik, though I wasn't sure which "label" to use for his own particular kind of Ethiopian Christianity. I added Cleopatra in the Hellenic Pagan category and Amanitore in the Middle Eastern Pagan category, where I grouped Mesopotamian and Egyptian religions. Yeah, the agnostic one is John Curtin
Who's the fifth "East Asian Culture" leader? Even if count Genghis Khan in - I should say he was very much not East Asia, it would better be "Mongolian" or "Steppe" - that's only 4.
Who's the fifth "East Asian Culture" leader? Even if count Genghis Khan in - I should say he was very much not East Asia, it would better be "Mongolian" or "Steppe" - that's only 4.

Yeah, it is Genghis Khan. I really had a hard time deciding some of these, so it may happen that one leader fits into another "category", just as you mention, or maybe even into two. I guess I'll add the specific leaders for each item in the list
What, exactly, do you classify as a "pagan" religion? Considering pagan is relatively broad term mostly used in relation to Christianity I wouldn't know which 20% have a pagan religion?

It's hard making these labels like you do (and I genuinely wish you the best of luck on your project), which in my opinion just reflects how silly sometimes our "Belgium is represented in Civ VI by Ambiorix"-statements are. Modern day Dutch would definitely be able to speak to Wilhelmina and relate to her to a certain degree, but Germans to Barbarossa? Norwegians to Harald? Belgians to Ambiorix? "Pagan" to me shares the same oddity. When is something pagan? When it isn't Christian? When it isn't Christian plus it's polytheistic? When it's both those things but not a religion most people have heard of? Is the Greek pantheon any less pagan than the Germanic or Celtic? I'm not trying to say what is right or wrong, I'm just asking what the prerequisites for your categories are : )

Since Firaxis plucks all these leaders from different eras, we can't speak of a single representation anyway. We like to think in geographical structures, but once we get rid of that box and start thinking in eras, all of a sudden there are huge gaps on the world map.
The Coptic one is Menelik, though I wasn't sure which "label" to use for his own particular kind of Ethiopian Christianity.
Ah. I'd love to see Oriental Orthodoxy (the correct term for Coptic, Ethiopian, and Syriac Orthodoxy + the Armenian Apostolic Church and Malankar Syriac Orthodox Church of India) made its own thing in the future, but in Civ terms I'd count them as Orthodox. NB the Oriental Orthodox churches are in full communion with the Patriarch of Constantinople, even though they have a few doctrinal and hierarchical distinctions.

I added Cleopatra in the Hellenic Pagan category
Amanitore in the Middle Eastern Pagan category, where I grouped Mesopotamian and Egyptian religions.
That makes sense.
What, exactly, do you classify as a "pagan" religion? Considering pagan is relatively broad term mostly used in relation to Christianity I wouldn't know which 20% have a pagan religion?

It's hard making these labels like you do (and I genuinely wish you the best of luck on your project), which in my opinion just reflects how silly sometimes our "Belgium is represented in Civ VI by Ambiorix"-statements are. Modern day Dutch would definitely be able to speak to Wilhelmina and relate to her to a certain degree, but Germans to Barbarossa? Norwegians to Harald? Belgians to Ambiorix? "Pagan" to me shares the same oddity. When is something pagan? When it isn't Christian? When it isn't Christian plus it's polytheistic? When it's both those things but not a religion most people have heard of? Is the Greek pantheon any less pagan than the Germanic or Celtic? I'm not trying to say what is right or wrong, I'm just asking what the prerequisites for your categories are : )

Since Firaxis plucks all these leaders from different eras, we can't speak of a single representation anyway. We like to think in geographical structures, but once we get rid of that box and start thinking in eras, all of a sudden there are huge gaps on the world map.

I totally agree on what you're saying, that's why I wrote some of this tags in italics because of their ambiguous nature in some cases. "Pagan" is such a label. In this list I used Pagan as meaning the polytheistic religions in Europe and the Middle East which, like you said, had some contact with Christianity or were widespread in those area where later Christianity and Islam would dominate. To sum it up: Hellenic, Roman, Celtic, Canaanite, Mesopotamian, Sumerian, etc. Other "ethnic religions" such as Chinese or Native American religions were included under different "labels". I understand the connotations that the word Pagan has, but I couldn't think of an alternative to group those religions I mentioned.

You could say that definitely Barbarossa is definitely different and unrelated to modern day Germans, but it can be argued that he forms part of the cultural and historical past that lead to the modern German people, even though he's clearly not the same, but the connection is still there. Though with Ambiorix the connection with Belgians is indeed much more distant to even be non-existent
In terms of labels for traditions from South Asia, I personally come from a school of thought where the term Hindu is avoided before the 18th century wherever possible although in contexts like this one it's hard to think of a better substitute. One thing I would add is that the Jains are much closer philosophically to Buddhists and I would argue for a śramaṇa group over a Hindu-Jain one.

A fun thing on the language side of things is that the Incas themselves (i.e. the nobility) may have been Pukina speakers based on things like toponomy and the existence of a secret language. We can reconstruct Pukina based on some colonial documents but considering how badly wrong Lady Six Sky's voice acting was it's probably best just to find a Quechua speaker. If we stick with Quechua, the sub-family would be Quechua IIB or Southern Quechua under standard conventions based on Cuzco-Collao language and the greater family Quechuan more properly, although outside of linguistics I don't think it's common practice.
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