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CIV III multiplayer : Idea


Jan 24, 2002
A long time ago on my ATARI I had a game that depicted the russian Front of WWII. where the Germans had to reach Moscow before the Winter to win the game.
the game was much like CIV iii with a map and units but without the production aspect of cities. It also had air support for ground units through the existance of Air bases.
the idea of gameplay was that the human player and the computer got time to plan their unit moves and then it was executed in a batch method and if two units met they would fight and maybe win/retreat .
this gave the game some kind of more realistic tactics rather than CIV III. since you would have to judge the uncertainty of the other opponent moves. maybe drag him into an ambush where the terrain would favour your units. it also emhasised in territorial wars where most of the battles were fough out of the cities to gain the territory rather than beat the garrison of a city to conqure it.
I was thinking that this might be a good idea for gameplay in CIV ,
specially muliplayer edition.
however I think it might need a total change to the current game engine.

anyway I just wanted to hear your opinions and If you might have more ideas to add to this.
An Eastern Front war sim.....for the the Atari?? Which one of Atari's systems were you refering to? Surely not the 2600, unless you mistook such titillating classics like Dodge 'em, Home Run, and Keystone Capers for war strategy games. :crazyeyes
Originally posted by Minuteman
An Eastern Front war sim.....for the the Atari?? Which one of Atari's systems were you refering to? Surely not the 2600

Actually it was about 10 -12 years ago . I dont remember the model. but It was a system that run a kind of Basic language.
the game was called Operation something " LAme Me " I dont even remember the games name. But I remeber that it was an awsome one :crazyeyes :D
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