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Clash of the Superpowers


Nov 1, 2006
Clash of the Superpowers

Well! My first story here, but not my first Civ3 game. This first post will be introducing the unique circumstances of my game that is already entered into the 500s or 600s AD, I forget which. Next few posts will be covering what has happened so far.

Now, on to the good stuff. While I enjoy a rip roaring good game of regular old Civ3 vanilla (yet to get Civ3Complete!), lately I have enjoyed the sheer insanity the utility program the Powerbar Trainer that it brings to the table.

For those of you not familiar with the Powerbar Trainer, its a trainer that lets you do a lot of things - such as give you as much as gold as you want, instant research, instant production, instead food box filled, expanding your cities' cultural influence, filling up every tile of your territory with roads and railroads, clearing any jungle, clearing any pollution, and probably something else that I missed. Furthermore, you can also do the opposite of what I listed - suppress research, production, food.

Now you may be thinking, "WOW what a cheater!" or "doesn't that take away the fun of the game or the challenge?" Well, sure, after you've done it millions of times. That's when I jumped from the easiest difficulty setting to the hardest - Deity! Things got interesting for awhile, then monotonous again. So, being the insane one that I am, I put on accelerated production for every game thereafter. Voila, empires with tanks in 250 BC.

I'm still progressing through the fun of that, but for this game I am about to present to you, I have added a new twist - I gave the same advantages to my AI players. So theoretically, we are now equal - or I am at a disadvantage.

Either way, the ongoing game I have is extremely fun, and I sure hope you will all enjoy the proceeding storytelling!


Now for the technical details that I can remember:
60% pangea
4 billion years old
standard sized map
3 Opponents (Babylon, Zululand, India) and I am playing glorious Egypt!


Next post will contain the history (or as much as I can remember) up to the present.
A History Lesson​

The first records date back to as early as 4000 B.C. Not much was known at the time, other than Egypt's lands were rich in food and water. We grew quickly, expanding as fast we could - the rich lands seemed to stretch on forever.

Then we met the Zulu.

The brown skinned devils declared war on us after we refused to hand over knowledge of pottery. Things got dicey for awhile, as our fledgling empire was reduced to a city-state, but as their hordes of "Impi" drew near, we took a defiant stand in front of the gates of Giza and hurled everything we could at them. Luck was on our side, and the Zulu assault was beaten back. It seemed as though that one victory had imbued our warriors with a divine strength and courage. The Zulu defeats kept on coming, and we liberated our cities one by one. Soon, we were back to our fledgling empire status and the Zulu had been driven to the south eastern lands.

With our warriors exhausted, the Queen took the initiative and sued for peace. It appeared as though the Zulu was exhausted as us - though furious, they accepted the offer of a white peace.

For a millennium, Egypt flourished. During that time we encountered the Babylonians to the west, and sent out exploratory galleys to the north, west, and south. Our galley west simply found a land that stretched on seemingly forever, while our galley south found a circular island. It was during these one thousand years that we colonized the Island. Unfortunately, we were not the only ones, for the Zulu had arrived. Fearing they would take it all, we went on a mad settling dash, colonizing as much of the land as we could.

Turns out, much of the land turned out to be everything except the four cities Zululand had founded in the north of the island. By that time our little empire had turned into a great empire, third largest in the world. Our galley to the west had sailed south after a while, and discovered the behemoth civilization of India. To our great surprise, India had settled almost half of the entire southern sub-continent, with approximately thirty cities. Egypt had only twenty cities at the time, and Babylon with twenty three. Zulu were at a pathetic fifteen in comparison.

It was around this time when the first Knights of Egypt were galloping through our lands, meting out justice where ever needed. Thus, it was a great surprise when we declared war on Zulu for revenge, we discovered we were technologically backward - the bastard Zululand had armored musket men defending their cities.

Though we had amassed a large invasion force of Swordsmen and Knights, the Queen knew instantly that it would not be enough. Offering the greedy Babylonians some gold, they signed a military alliance with us against Zulu and declared war. The Babylonian military strength was unknown at the time, so it was a terribly great surprise when we discovered an army hundreds of thousands strong marching through our lands to the enemy city on the coast of the Orange Bay*.

The war against the Zulu raged for a long time, despite the massive strength of the Babylonian army. Turns out they had trouble taking a city, while our Knights were busy getting slaughtered in 50/50 death charges against a hail of smoke and flame. It took about another 500 years before we finally came down and booted the Zulu off our continent. As a note, another massive army of Egyptian Knights effortlessly crushed the Zulu on the island.

Expecting the news that the Zulu had become extinct, we were disappointed when we found New Ngome had been founded as the new capital on the southern coast of the Orange Bay, where some Zulu settlers escaped. Nevertheless, we had achieved our retribution and demanded the Zulu surrender. Understandably furious, they nevertheless accepted and peace reigned once again.

The time was approximately 1750 B.C. Through the trade of world maps, we had found that the Kingdom of India had grown yet more massive, rising to a colossal 42 cities while the Babylonian Empire was at 37 cities. Our empire was at about 33 cities. Technology rapidly advanced as the decades and centuries passed, and before we knew it, we were pumping out infantry, artillery, and ironclads.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of oil, that was all we had. It was discovered Babylon and India were beginning to build the dreaded tanks. Furthermore, India's army was colossal, far outstripping our own in terms of sheer size and just a tad larger than Babylon. Fearing India's strength, Queen Cleopatra XLVI signed a mutual protection pact with the United States of Babylon (then a democracy) and declared war against the Union of Indian Socialist Republics (then a Communist state). Unfortunately, the UISR almost immediately signed a MPP with the USB afterwards, traitors.

However, Queen Cleopatra's cunning was great, and waited until the UISR struck first, forcing the USB to break their pact and declare war against India.
The first clash of the superpowers had begun, around approximately 600 B.C.
Wow...quite a bit happening quite early on. A few questions:

1. What difficulty is this? You mentioned a Diety game but didn't say if this was as well. It seems the AI have out-expanded you slightly though not entirely, and that the Zulu were dominating militarily before a miraculous comeback.

2. Can we see a map? It would help to know the general area where each of the three superpowers are in relation to each other.

3. How extensively have you been powerbarring? I'm guessing quite a bit with tanks in 600 B.C.

4. If you give yourself 5 Musketmen to make a heroic last stand at Giza, and also give the Zulu 5 Musketmen at Bapedi to "make it even" and keep doing this, then you could make it so you always have one more defender than the Zulu do attackers, and you could not be eliminated. How do you work such city defence situations?

5. What does the asterisk by Orange Bay mean?
Continued from previous, "The first clash of the superpowers had begun, around approximately 600 B.C."

While the sides in this war was the Egyptian Empire and the United States of Babylon against the Union of Indian Socialist Republics, it must be said that thanks to the Queen's slyness, Babylon did the majority of the fighting while we provided financial and logistical support. It was during this first clash that we glimpsed how the Babylonian and Indian armies fought.

It was massive - thousands of Babylonians, carrying outdated weapons, charged down the west side of the Orange Bay and engaged hundreds of Indian musket men and riflemen. The first stages of the war saw the UISR storm past the Babylonian attack and sack the four border cities Babylon had. It seemed to turn into a bloody stalemate after that, with Babylon struggling to push them back into India and India struggling to drive further in. Around 300 B.C., Babylon made the technological leap and started producing bombers. With their very small armada of three or four bombers, Babylon began bombing Indian troops and roads.

However, it was not long before India also made the great technological leap, and their riflemen getting bombed were soon infantry getting bombed. Not soon after that they had bombers of their own, and the air war was on! Mysteriously, neither side produced fighters, so the bombers had free reign in bombing troops, cities, and roads.

Around 170 B.C, the United States of Babylon suffered a Communist revolution and transformed into the United Socialist States of Babylon. Not long after, the two warring Communist states signed a peace treaty. Making her move, the wise Queen quickly signed yet another MPP with the USSB after the last had expired. India would not dare to declare war now, and they didn't.

Peace reigned for a couple of centuries. Egypt, still a proud Empire, made amazing technological leaps. Finally discovering oil in the southern Island, we went from the industrial age to the modern age fairly quick. Our harbors were full of battleships and nuclear submarines. Our most protected ones were building mighty aircraft carriers, our cities inland producing stealth bombers and jet fighters. We had hundreds of mechanized infantry divisions, and were just starting the production of modern armor divisions, radar artillery battalions, and stacks of cruise missiles.

The second Clash of the Superpowers began in 300 A.D. when the Egyptian Empire declared war against the Union of Indian Socialist Republics once again. This time, throwing millions of gold at the greedy Babylonians, they agreed to sign a military alliance with us against India and they declared war.

Almost at once our mighty Navy sailed from their harbors, west and east, to combat the massive Indian behemoth. Intelligence reported back that the Indians had at least 23 ironclads and 12 battleships. At first, our nuclear subs did most of the work, blowing the ironclad fleet out of the water. Then their battleships came, now at a size of 17 ships, and blew our nuclear sub fleet out of the water - when they could spot them, of course. They limped back to port, and we engaged the battleships with our AEGIS cruiser fleet and battleship fleet.

Surprisingly, for two hundred years the Indian and Egyptian navy did battle against each other. In Indian lands were divisions of modern armor and mech infantry, desperately trying to push into India, but the Indian hordes just kept on coming. Such is the state now, when aircraft carriers are preparing to bomb Indian cities, and we are producing as fast as we can.

What will the next 1500 years or so hold for the Egyptian Empire? World Conquest, stagnation, or total destruction? Tune in next post to find out!
Wow...quite a bit happening quite early on. A few questions:

1. What difficulty is this? You mentioned a Diety game but didn't say if this was as well. It seems the AI have out-expanded you slightly though not entirely, and that the Zulu were dominating militarily before a miraculous comeback.

2. Can we see a map? It would help to know the general area where each of the three superpowers are in relation to each other.

3. How extensively have you been powerbarring? I'm guessing quite a bit with tanks in 600 B.C.

4. If you give yourself 5 Musketmen to make a heroic last stand at Giza, and also give the Zulu 5 Musketmen at Bapedi to "make it even" and keep doing this, then you could make it so you always have one more defender than the Zulu do attackers, and you could not be eliminated. How do you work such city defence situations?

5. What does the asterisk by Orange Bay mean?

1. It's Deity. Truth be told, i actually reset once (i claim artistic license with the story) because when the Zulu actually did declare war, i was unprepared for their Impi rush into my undefended :)blush: ) cities. My capital held out for a turn before my last defence fell and i was humiliated. *cry* So i reset to the turn they declared war and pumped out as many swordsmen as I could. :p

2. Map comes next post!

3. As much as I could with it. It's addictingly fun. Then again, the AI didn't need no stinkin powerbar to get tanks in 600 B.C... <_<

4. Heh, I can't actually give the AI units other than setting their city's production to instant and throwing gold at them. Nor have I tried to do what you said, but that i'd imagine it'd be pretty un-fun, and fun is the whole point of these types of games. I'd probably make it even and let it play out, even if Giza falls. (This scenario sadly does not apply in the modern age, because tanks can attack twice in one attack and I would likely be dead. :p)

5. I knew I missed that asterisk somewhere.. *grumble* Anyways, I meant to say, the Babylonians sent in a MASSIVE stack of doom to take that one city of Zulu's by the bay. And I mean MASSIVE. I was zoomed out and the list still went on. Bloody AI goes insane in production on Deity in the early stages.
Here is the minimap! :D

Egypt (me) is yellow. Babylon is red, and India is purple. There is one or two black Zulu cities on the very far east coast. They're about to be killed by India, though.

Military Strength:

Egypt: 48 cities

22 workers
3 Marines
20 Swordsmen
24 Pikemen
1 Knight
98 Cavalry
15 Infantry
154 Mech Infantry
26 Modern Armor
2 Artillery
6 Radar Artillery
2 Galleys
3 Ironclads
8 Carriers
37 Battleships
12 AEGIS Cruisers
31 Nuclear Submarines
12 Jet fighters
4 Stealth fighters
27 Stealth bombers
4 Privateers

Total: 513

Babylon: 49 cities

2 Settlers
39 Workers
27 Paratroopers
1 Longbowmen
11 Riflemen
6 Infantry
23 Tanks
181 mech infantry
28 artillery
2 caravels
1 galleon
10 transports
31 Battleships
11 bombers
1 helicopter

Total: 374

India: 53 cities

2 Settlers
47 workers
20 Paratroopers
2 Archers
10 Spearmen
2 Swordsmen
3 Longbowmen
2 Musketmen
5 Riflemen
12 Infantry
15 tanks
175 Mech Infantry
4 catapults
14 artillery
2 galleons
2 ironclads
26 Battleships
12 bombers
4 Jet fighters

Total: 359

And the Demographics screen! (WARNING: The following may shock you. :D)

Pretty nice demographics. But all your top 5 cities are starving. Is it free population or worker-joining? GNP and manufacturing I've had considerably even on regular maps, and population you've got about 50 million on my best, though I'm on the way to closing the gap. For one city, I've had 45 without starvation before, though admittedly that does depend on terrain.

I'm guessing war has the Babylonian and Indian strengths down? That you've got more units on Diety seems surprising, but then again, this isn't a regular Diety game.

And :lol: at the 4 Privateers. Against 57 enemy Battleships, the pirates are still going at it!

Oh, and the question must be asked: what of nuclear weapons? Has Manhatten been built? You could have quite the nuclear war with a world situation like this.
Pretty nice demographics. But all your top 5 cities are starving. Is it free population or worker-joining? GNP and manufacturing I've had considerably even on regular maps, and population you've got about 50 million on my best, though I'm on the way to closing the gap. For one city, I've had 45 without starvation before, though admittedly that does depend on terrain.

I'm guessing war has the Babylonian and Indian strengths down? That you've got more units on Diety seems surprising, but then again, this isn't a regular Diety game.

And :lol: at the 4 Privateers. Against 57 enemy Battleships, the pirates are still going at it!

Oh, and the question must be asked: what of nuclear weapons? Has Manhatten been built? You could have quite the nuclear war with a world situation like this.

Yeah, I've got a couple of tactical and ICBM nukes. Babylon and India still don't have either, though. New post coming now!
A Few Decades of Insanity

When we last left off, it was 560 A.D. and the Egyptian and Indian navies were fighting each other. Not much has changed. For 50 years, we sank each other's ships, while a three groups of modern armor and mech infantry tried to stab into India. The most eastern group failed spectacularly, getting caught up in the hordes of Indian mech infantry that was thrown at us. The group a bit further west had a bit of success gaining some ground before they too were stalled. But the greatest success came from the third group, the most western one. They sacked one city, then another (New Hyderabad), and were poised to drive into western India and split it in half.

Unfortunately, that came to an abrupt end as Egypt and India signed a peace treaty in 610 A.D., leaving the Babylonians to rot. The reason for this was that a Babylonian spy had been caught attempting to enter our capital. The Queen was furious and ordered his execution, then pulled out of the war.
In hindsight, that may not have been the best decision.

On the surface, peace reigned in Egyptian cities for 40 years. Underneath, however, a vicious cold war was being waged by Egypt and Babylon as Babylon was caught time and time again attempting to infiltrate Giza. In 650 A.D., when our Intel Agency had not caught a spy that year, they decided to expose the enemy spy using our own spy in Babylon. The operation failed spectacularly, and our own spy's cover was blown. He was executed on live television, with the Babylonian declaration of war having arrived to the Queen only minutes earlier.

Egyptian diplomats abroad moved quickly. Pretty sure we were being ripped off, we nonetheless acceded to India's conditions for a military alliance and forked over the knowledge of robotics, genetics, a world map, and a staggering $185,000,000,000 (185,000 gold). Now India was locked in a deadly and brutal war with the Babylonians for even longer, this time allied with a previous foe.

The Egyptian Empire mobilized quickly to conquer the Zulu cities Babylon had conquered hundreds of years ago. It was a piece of cake as Ibabanago, New Shuruppak, and Umfolozi was conquered by modern armor battalions.

Vicious, small skirmishes raged along the border for ten years, while the Imperial Egyptian Navy and the Red Navy dueled on the high seas. The Red Navy put up a valiant effort, but they were no match for the awesome power projection of the Imperial Navy. The next few decades would see the Red Navy decimated.

In 660 A.D., ten years after the war began, and thousands of years since the founding of the Egyptian Empire, a great military hero was forged from the fires of war. In a pre-emptive attack against a mechanized infantry army approaching a conquered Babylonian city, modern armour tank crews stepped up to the challenge and beat them back. In the process, Ramses was born, and shortly after created a veteran army of modern armour.

Shortly after Ramses created his army, the Queen received bad news: our Uranium source had been exhausted! No more nuclear weapons or nuclear subs. Even more troubling, we did not discover a new source afterwards. That left only one possible option - conquer more Babylonian cities to get uranium. Unfortunately, the nearest source is a long way away.
This is going to be a long war.

Ordered to Larsa, Ramses' MA army roared up to the gates. There stood a defiant mechanized infantry battalion, daring to challenge the lions of Egypt. Sadly, in a cruel twist of fate, the extremely skilled Babylonian mech infantry destroyed the enemy at the gates, barely suffering a scratch in return. There were no survivors from the massacre at Larsa.

Later that same year, in revenge for the death of Ramses and the destruction of our army, we blitzed and conquered the Babylonian city of Samarra. In the between, artillery from both sides across the border was pounding each other's roads and railways. Babylonian bombers were attacking with impunity, as for some reason our jet fighters have yet to intercept them, a baffling mystery.

In 670 A.D., another army of Babylonian mech infantry and tanks drove into Egypt, in an effort to liberate Samarra and other Babylonian cities. All their attempts failed, badly, and an Egyptian counterattack was mustered rapidly. In a brilliant military maneuver, Egyptian MA destroyed several mech infantry battalions guarding a whole division of Babylonian artillery. As a result of that stunning success, another great military leader was born, and it wasn't long before General Cheops was leading a MA army into battle. The gods were smiling on us that day, as with the help of other MA divisions, the Babylonian armies were routed and destroyed. In the wake of our victory, we captured Zariqum.

Before the years had concluded, we were writing the Heroic Epic of Cheops and building the Asyut Military Academy.

The next ten years saw a massive Babylonian air armada bomb the conquered countryside to bits. Where were our interceptors, we cried out in despair. The Queen answered our pleas, and two MA groups were sent to conquer Eridu, where the air armada was based. In a classic pincer movement, the dual MA groups cut off Eridu and smashed into the city gates, throwing aside and rolling over the defenders. Hundreds of Babylonian aircraft were destroyed in the airport.

It's been thirty years since war began with Babylon, and so far so good - no riots, no war weariness, and barely any setbacks. Here's hoping to another blissful thirty years of glory!
Does anyone know why my jet fighters, ordered to air superiority missions aren't shooting down enemy bombers? :(

EDIT: Heh, nevermind.
Is this thread still alive? Because I love this story
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