Colonist AI


Jul 7, 2024
Is there a way to force AI to escort colonists and defend outposts? Any defines prioritize that?
I've not witnessed a big issue with AI colonists. I don't see them suiciding into me or being overly available for stealing. Occasionally I get one, sure. But even if alone, they are surprisingly slippery.
They piss off aliens and later suicide into their vicinity. They keep units in their territory instead off escorting a colonist and defending new outpost. That's why I ask: is there a define to force them to escort them.
I'd consider pissing off aliens to be a plus. :)
Where -- and how many -- units the AI keep in their territory is one of my great puzzles with them. I see an AI sponsor getting thrashed by another AI, yet it keeps a squad of ships parked near polar ice or where an alien next *used to be*. Parked. Not coming home to help, just parked. They shuffle their land units around, without any pattern I can see.

In other franchise games, I always escort my settlers. I've been known to send BERT colonists unescorted, if I have a unit or two in the general area and the site is within a few hexes of my borders.
So much potential wasted in this game and yet in defines you can find: religion, great people, great era and nuke entries.
Seems like there was a whole lot we never got. :(
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