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Couple of Questions!


Oct 13, 2008
I have done a little searching on this - but I want to get some feedback I guess.

I am looking to start a pitboss game for several friends of mine.

I have been doing PBEM games for a bit now - BUT - we want to try this as a new alternative.

We are thinking of a pitboss game with 2 - 12 hour turn periods a day. We were thinking 10pm and 10am... So in theory - you could just take 2 turns one at 9:45pm then wait till 10pm for the next turn and get 2 turns a day.

Ok - So my main questions then are this:

1. Pitboss - once setup - do people connect direct to IP - or is it run through the in game multi-player/server selection? (Or under multi-player do they direct connect to an IP address.)

2. Is there a way to offer a few more settlers at the start of the game? (To make things more interesting and not so slow at the early stages we thought of upping the start settlers to 3.) I hadn't seen an option to change that in Pitboss - would one need to edit the save-game you would start with - or would you need to make a scenario from scratch?

3. How are users handled then? Once I log in and pick my character - is there a password setup? I guess I'm curious if there is any sort of authentication and what not. I ask this as we would like to do simultaneous turns - that way we aren't hung up on one person if they forget to log-in for a day or two... the rest of us can still play and they are just outta luck then...

I think that's all I have for now. I have 4-8 (we'll see once we start) people who are interested in this - so I am also assuming my old P4 - 2gb ram pc will MORE than handle - even with 8 people possibly connected - the load of all the players.

Thanks for any help and suggestions you have to offer!
1) Depends on how you set up game- you can use both ways.
2) You can use advanced start- it can be what you're searching for
3)You choose password the first time you enter your civilization.

I think that for hosting pitboss game you don't need killer machine :)
You can use advanced start or make a worldbuilder scenario and start that up in pitboss, both works fine. There is a password if you have direct ip. If you are using lan you won't have a pw...
I guess I will just have to do a trial run with just one of my buddies to try and work out the kinks. :)

It will be hosted at my home IP - which isn't static - but can be made static very cheaply... so no big issue for me there.

Will be an internet game - so I will have to fuss with that.

I did just load up the pitboss - and I do not see the "advanced" start. Now I should ask - we are playing without any of the expansions... is the pitboss different with the expansions?
it should be free to get a staric adressing on www.no-ip.org no? Advanced start is a feature of bts i belive...
Sweet - Thanks for the no-ip link! That will make things much easier! And looks like I have a reason to get beyond the sword now - I will check that out. Thanks for the answers!!!

One more!

IF I get the BTS expansion - and setup a pitboss game - will everyone playing need BTS?
Ya, everyone needs to be playing the same version of civ... BTS does have alot of extra features though, not just extra costum options.
Yeah - I am looking at it right now. :)

I like the idea of the advanced start - I am assuming on can set the start for any certain era and work from there (more points depending on the era.) I am downloading the demo right now with the hopes I can try that feature. :)

How about Warlords? Would you skip that one - being that BTS seems to have all the feature sets we are really looking for?
warlords have nothing but the ability to play with other warlords users and some extra scenarios if you already have bts...
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