[C3C] Creating Unit Animations in Civ 3 Conquests


Jun 5, 2023
I am interested in getting into editing the .flc unit animations and was wondering if anyone knew where I can get software that allows me to edit a .flc file. I would prefer free software if possible, and I would be willing to substitute software that could convert into a .flc file if there aren't any direct editors. This is a new area for me, so I was wondering what software is currently in use by people creating Civ 3 unit animations.

I already have found flicster to convert the civ 3 .flc files into normal .flc files. I am specifically looking for a 3d animation editing tool that can work with these regular .flc files.

Thanks in advance.
I am specifically looking for a 3d animation editing tool that can work with these regular .flc files.

Hello Klauros and Welcome to Civfanatics

The term "work with" is a rather broad statement... Work with in what way?
Here are some programs concerning working with and making Unit Animations:

SBB v 1.06 is Free here.
Flicster and Civ3FlcEdit free here.
Jasc Animation Shop 3.11 is free.
FastStone Photo Resizer 4.4 is free.
PEdit palette editor is free.

Photo Editing Program... Gimp is free. There are many programs you can buy. I prefer Paint Shop Pro 9 Full Version if you can find it possibly at EBay, etc...

Sound editing program... Audacity is free. I like Sound Forge Audio Studio to buy.

3d Animation Program... There are several free programs such as Daz Studio and Blender but I prefer Poser. You can look for at least an old version such as Poser 6 to buy from some one possibly at EBay, etc...
Keep in mind that ALL 3d Animation Programs (free or not) have a "Learning Curve" that you will have to spend time to learn.

UVMapper is Free to work on Texture Maps for 3d Models, used in 3d Animation Programs.

Note: Keep in mind that you cannot use a 3d Animation Program to edit an existing flc because you have to have the 3d Model that was used as well as the Animation files that were made for the Animations.
3d Animations are for loading 3d Models and animating them. the other programs are used in various ways to create the Flcs from the Rendered animations made in a 3d Animation Program.

You can manually adjust Storyboards made with Flicster using a Photo Editing Program. This can be simple or complex to the point of being very time consuming and limited.

IF you want to make your own Unit Flcs you need to start with 3d Models and a 3d Animation Program... that said, you can use a Good Photo Editing program or Animation Shop to manually create a Unit Flc.

It really depends on what you want to do concerning Flcs.
For example, if you just wanted to make some simple adjustments you can use Flicster to generate Storyboards then edit them in several ways in a Photo Editor. There have been many Flcs made with Photo Editors using Copy and Paste techniques.

If after you understand everything involved concerning creating new Units and want to do it as a serious Hobby, I recommend buying Poser and Paint Shop Pro.

Begin with deciding on what you want to do specifically, then go from there. Then you can add more programs for new abilities as you understand what is needed.

One last point: when you get into the creation of Art work and possibly 3d Animation, you will be "hooked" for life because it is all Great Fun and Very Rewarding :yup:
Thank you so much for all the information. I think I will start by trying out Gimp, Blender, and Audacity as my programs for my first attempt, and maybe buy some programs if all goes well. I think I understand what I need to create a unit .flc file.

Again, thanks so much for replying.
Sound editing program... Audacity is free. I like Sound Forge Audio Studio to buy.
When I edit the Sound of an unit, i just enter an online video platform and I change it to an mp3, but it makes it sound all poopy
When I edit the Sound of an unit, i just enter an online video platform and I change it to an mp3, but it makes it sound all poopy
the Civ Units do not use mp3... Units use .wav
Audio Sample Rate 22,050 16 bit Mono

Klauros... Glad to help. Good Luck with your endeavors. Blender is a Good Free Program but will require time to learn.
Last edited:
the Civ Units do not use mp3... Units use .wav
Audio Sample Rate 22,050 16 bit Mono

Klauros... Glad to help. Good Luck with your endeavors. Blender is a Good Free Program but will require time to learn.
sorry i meant wav, typo. :lol:
A bit late to the party, but as clarification on .flc files is that they are basically a bunch of images stuck together. Its more like a movie than a 3d art asset.
Personally I followed the Utahjazz tutorial for making units. I remember being very lost and it took me over 6 months to finally be able to create a unit. I was completely new to 3d software and image editing and had to follow the tutorial word for word. This is not really possible if you use something besides poser.

I've recently also tried getting into Blender, but to use Utahjazz's tutorial there would require much more setup and knowledge of blender itself. you can apparently get a free trial on https://www.posersoftware.com/, and the oldest version costs 100 dollars which should work fine for this purpose (i have an old version of poser as well).

Picture and palette editing should be doable in many free programs mentioned in Utahjazz's tutorial. Most of the programs used do very simple things and can definitely be done in different ways. I've swapped programs over the years as well.

Should I learn more about blender rigging and animating I could tell you more, but if you have questions regarding unitmaking don't be afraid to ask. I wasn't either and despite feeling quite stupid looking back at all the stuff I asked, at the end everyone here is quite friendly!

But do heed Vuldacon's warning. Once you start, it's very addicting. Even if you take a long break, you'll be back.
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