Cross platform Play


Jan 3, 2010
So I have Civ 6 on PC while my friend finally got around to getting the game for his Mac. When we tried to play together, we got an error that we had the wrong version of the game when I tried to join his lobby. I take it that is because the Mac hasn't gotten the most recent patch yet? Not because I am using a PC.
Once the patched comes out for Mac, will we be able to play together?
Nope. As far as I understand cross platform
Still not released. Aspyr have been "working on it" - but no sign as yet. I wouldn't hold your breath - could be days. Could be months.
Cross platform between Windows and non-Windows operating systems was promised on the "60 day patch" after the October 21, 2016 release, and has subsequently been kicked down the road ever since. To keep an eye on the current status of cross-platform play, you can periodically check Aspyr's support page for the steam version of Civ6 here:

That said, there IS cross-platform for Mac & Linux. Depending on your and/or your friend's tech savviness and willingness to tolerate an unfamiliar OS, you could take advantage of the fact that Linux is a free, open source OS and create Linux partition(s) to play together.
AspyrWoo posted this on Steam earlier today:

"Hey everyone, status update on the Summer 2017 Patch for Mac/Linux:

It is with huge regret and sad faces that we, again, have to delay the release of cross-platform multiplayer.

We are moving forward with the launch of the Summer 2017 Update for Mac and Linux, which will offer all of the available content as the Windows update. After thorough investigation, we’ve decided that we cannot hold back the content any longer in lieu of some nasty cross-platform bugs.

We’ve consistently stood behind a quality bar for our products, and it’s a standard that our partners and players have also come to expect. For those of you who were looking forward to cross-platform multiplayer, we urge you to understand that should the feature have come into the live environment, desyncs would have been guaranteed and frequent to the point of an extremely poor experience."

Incredible! Cannot believe it myself, but DLC05, Summer 2017 update, will be released shortly, I am assuming. The files on the Steam Depots have been updated twice so for today. Enjoy the update!
Since I read the problems with High Sierra, I think x-platform is also not highest priority. At least I hope so...
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