Custom Tech Tree Question

Sep 23, 2002
In order to make a custom tech tree, all techs in the custom tech tree need to have the flag "not needed for era advance"
My question is: If you have custom tech trees, does the civ need to research all the techs in a given era before moving on, having all the "not needed for era advance" techs in the cstom tech tree act as needed techs, or can a civ research whatever techs they want?
If they need to research all the techs, a follow up question. Where is the file that has the tech boxes so we can get rid of the crossed-out circle that appeears in the uppe-right hand corner so it doesn't look so annoying?
Thanks all!
A tech with the flag “"not needed for era advance", does not need to be researched at all. You can move on to the next era without them.

But if it’s a “Custom” Tech Tree, it’s obvious you will research those techs in your custom tree, even if they have the “not needed for era advance” flag, before moving on.

For the AI, you need the flavors, to make sure they will research those techs, in their custom tree. There is no point in researching someone else’s tech tree, if it won’t give you nothing, that’s why you have “not needed for era advance flag."

In the end, you can research whatever you want, it doesn't matter whose tech tree it's in. But it's not needed.

Is my answer clear???
What you are saying is havig them all on one tech tree. That's not a custom tech tree, that's a tech tree with Flavors. A custom tech tree is a tech tree where all the techs need an Era_None tech to be researched, along with all prequisites needed. In order for this to wor, however, all the techs need to be flagged as "not needed for era advance" because otherwise no one could get out of the first era, because the Era_None can't be traded. By doing this, Civ also has something nice where if you don't have the Era_None needed, then it doesn't even show you the techs! This is how you make a custom tech tree. Now back to my question, using the above formula, do you need to research everything before moving on or not?
You might need to re-itereate what it is you are asking...

Custom tech tree:... a tech tree that you make...

yet by your response I think your trying to talk about a custom Era.??

From the little that I have played around with it, you cannot research Era None techs in game, you cannot get Era None techs during the game in any way (+1 free advance wonder flags).. so having a tech tree of Era None techs?? I'm fairly sure that wont work....

and p.s. you dont need to worry about the ( / ) graphics if its Era None since you can never see it, Era None does not show up. But the graphic resides in Art/Advisors/non_required.pcx

Ok, I reread your posts and maybe I think you mean about having Era 1 non req techs flow onto Era 2?? if so I'm afriad it can be done either, I Wanted this to work myself.. Having The Magic start in Era 2 and follow on into Era 3 & 4, but players dont have to research it at al...
Bane, thanks for your help, but actually, you can make a custom tech tree for each civ, stuff like that using Era-None techs, the new PTW patch made that possible and the C3C has it as an option, the only problem is that all the techs need to be flagged as "not needed for era advancement" so my question is do you need to research all those techs before moving on or not?
But I'll tell you what, I'm gonna test this tonight and I'll post my findings. I know that Era_None techs can be prequisites as techs for techs in late eras, but I'll see, I'll see.
If you find a way how to do it, please post your answer, I have tried again and again to get Era 2 techs as a pre-req for Era 3 techs.. different tech lists for different races... all in Vain...
The only way you can have a prequisite is if the prequisite is in the same era as the new techs, meaning an Era 2 tech can't be a prequisite for an Era 3 tech, as for custom tech trees for each race, this should be what you're looking for. Hopefully it's easy enough to get you thru, if not PM me and I'll help you out.
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