Custom wonder animation track groups issues


Oct 25, 2016
I've been trying to create animations for a custom wonder and I'm encountering a problem where I cant figure out how to create a fgx with multiple track groups to allow me to animate both the wonder model and the camera just like how current existing wonder fgx have. When I import the fbx into CivNexus6 it still only creates a single track group even if I created the fbx to include both my camera armature and wonder model/armature in blender. @Deliverator It sounds like you might be the most knowledgable with using CivNexus6, any idea?

To be honest I have never imported camera animations this way and I don't think it is even supported by CivNexus6.

All I've done is re-used the camera animations from other existing Wonders. For example Abu Simbel used the Hermitage Camera animations as you can see in this asset file. All the Community Wonders can be found in my Github if you want to refer to them.
That's what I've feared, at the moment I'm doing exactly like those existing wonder mod, the downside being I cant have custom animations on wonder reveal except from using the camera animation or vice versa. Its either one or the other I guess.
Thanks for clarifying!
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