• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

D-Day Diplomacy Game

I've mailed you, but received nothing in the past week. Something's up with your mail, perhaps?
Same problem here. Several emails sent, no response.
Orders Received

Germany - Toasty
F(Den) S F(Hel)-Nth
A(Kie) S F(Den) H
A(Mun) S A(Hol) H (invalid order - no A MUN)
A(Hol) S A(Mun) H (invalid order - no A MUN)

England - kabuki
Nts -> Nwg
Ska -> Nts
Lon s Ska -> Nts

Italy - barron of ideas
Fleet Ionian Sea to Aegean Sea
Fleet E Med supports Fleet Ionian Sea to Agean Sea
Fleet Naples to Ionian Sea.
Army Apulia to Venice
Army Greece supports Austrian Army Bulgaria

France - Bill_in_PDX
A BEL Hold
A PIC support A BEL
A PAR Hold

Austria - Kitten OF Chaos
A Vienna to Bohemia
A Budapest to Trieste
f Trieste to Albania
A Serbia support A Bulgaria
A Bulgaria stands

Russia - Oh Slappy
A Moscow - St Petersburg
A Norway Hold
F Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol Hold
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
F Sweden - Baltic Sea
A Warsaw - Prussia

Turkey - Pontiuth Pilate
no orders received


A Budapest - Trieste
A Bulgaria Hold
A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria
F Trieste - Albania
A Vienna - Bohemia

F London Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Cut*)
F North Sea - Norwegian Sea
F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Fails*)

A Belgium Hold
F English Channel - London (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea
A Paris Hold
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

F Denmark Supports F Helgoland Bight - North Sea
F Helgoland Bight - North Sea
A Holland Hold
A Kiel Supports F Denmark
A Ruhr Hold

A Apulia - Venice
F Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
A Greece Supports A Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
F Naples - Ionian Sea

A Moscow - St Petersburg
A Norway Hold
F Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol Hold
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
F Sweden - Baltic Sea
A Warsaw - Prussia

F Ankara Hold
F Black Sea Hold
A Smyrna Hold

No Retreats

Fall 1903 Orders due Tuesday 20 July @ 2359 hours GMT.


  • dd032.jpg
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Will we be getting any moves from the Turkish player in the future?

He did promise to resist my forces most valiantly.
I don't know, but he hasn't been to CFC in over 4 days, maybe he is on vacation. One more NMR and he will be replaced, or, more likely, Turkey is placed in CD.
Orders Received

Austria - Kitten OF Chaos
A Tri - Tyr
A Boh - Mun
A Bul - Con
A Ser - Bul
F Alb - Tri

Germany - Toasty
A(Kie) S A(Ruh)-Mun
F(Den) S F(Nth)-Ska

France - Bill_in_PDX
F Iri – Lpl
F Eng Convoy A Pic - Wal
F Mid Support F Eng
A Bel holds
A Pic - Wal
A Par - Pic

Italy - barron of ideas
Army Greece to Smyrna convoyed by the Feet Aegean Sea
Fleet Aegean Sea convoys army Greece to Smyrna
Fleet Eastern Mediteranian supports army Greece to Smyrna
Fleet Ionian Sea holds
Army Venice holds

Russia - Oh Slappy
F Baltic Sea - Berlin
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
A Norway Supports F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
A Prussia Supports F Baltic Sea - Berlin
F Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Norway

England - kabuki
failed to submit orders

Turkey - Pontiuth Pilate
failed to submit orders


F Albania - Trieste
A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria - Constantinople
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste - Tyrolia

F London Hold
F Norwegian Sea Hold
F Skagerrak Hold (*Disbanded*)

A Belgium Hold
F English Channel Convoys A Picardy - Wales
F Irish Sea - Liverpool
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F English Channel
A Paris - Picardy
A Picardy - Wales

F Denmark Supports F North Sea - Skagerrak
A Holland - Ruhr
A Kiel Supports A Ruhr - Munich
F North Sea - Skagerrak
A Ruhr - Munich

F Aegean Sea Convoys A Greece - Smyrna
F Eastern Mediterranean Supports A Greece - Smyrna
A Greece - Smyrna
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Venice Hold

F Baltic Sea - Berlin
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
A Norway Supports F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
A Prussia Supports F Baltic Sea - Berlin
F Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol Hold
A St Petersburg Supports A Norway

F Ankara Hold
F Black Sea Hold
A Smyrna Hold (*Dislodged*)



Austria: Supply 6 Unit 5 Build 1
England: Supply 2 Unit 2 Status Quo
France: Supply 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Germany: Supply 4 Unit 5 Remove 1
Italy: Supply 6 Unit 5 Build 1
Russia: Supply 8 Unit 7 Build 1

Turkey: Supply 1 Unit 1 Status Quo

Winter 1903 Adjustments are due Thursday 22 July @ 2359 hours GMT.


  • dd034.jpg
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Build A Budapest

Build A Paris

Remove A Ruhr

Build F Naples

Build A Warsaw

Remove F Black Sea

Spring 1904 Orders are due 2359 hours GMT Tuesday 27 July


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Orders Received

Austria - Kitten OF Chaos
A Tyr S A Boh - Mun
A Boh - Mun
F Tri Stands
A Bud - Vie
A Bul S A Con
A Con S A Smy (Italian) - Ank

Italy - barron of ideas
Fleet E Med to Ionian Sea
Fleet Aegean Sea Hold
Army Smyrna to Ankara
Fleet Ionian Sea to Tunis
Fleet Naples to Tryrhenian Sea
Army Venice Hold

Germany - Toasty
A(Kie) S A(Mun) H
A(Mun) S A(Kie) H

France - Bill_in_PDX
A Par – Bur
A Bel – Ruh
A Pic – Bel
A Wal – Lon
F Eng support A Wal - Lon
F Mid – Wes
F Lpl hold

Russia - Oh Slappy
F Berlin - Baltic Sea
A Norway Supports F Sweden
A Prussia - Berlin
F Rumania Supports A Sevastopol
A Sevastopol Supports F Rumania
A St Petersburg - Moscow
F Sweden Supports A Norway
A Warsaw - Silesia

England - kabuki
failed to submit orders


A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Budapest - Vienna
A Bulgaria Supports A Constantinople
A Constantinople Supports A Smyrna - Ankara
F Trieste Hold
A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia - Munich

F London Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Norwegian Sea Hold

A Belgium - Ruhr
F English Channel Supports A Wales - London
F Liverpool Hold
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean
A Paris - Burgundy
A Picardy - Belgium
A Wales - London

F Denmark - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)
A Kiel Supports A Munich
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak - Denmark (*Fails*)

F Aegean Sea Hold
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Smyrna - Ankara
A Venice Hold

F Berlin - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)
A Norway Supports F Sweden
A Prussia - Berlin (*Fails*)
F Rumania Supports A Sevastopol
A Sevastopol Supports F Rumania
A St Petersburg - Moscow
F Sweden Supports A Norway
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Ankara, no move received (*Disbanded*)

Note: England is considered an abandoned power now in CD and F LON is disbanded, therefore no retreats

Fall 1904 Orders are due Monday 2 August @ 2359 hours GMT.


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Orders Received

Germany - Toasty
F(Ska) S F(Den)
F(Den) S A(Kie)
A(Kie) S A(Mun)
A(Mun) S A(Kie)

France - Bill_in_PDX
F Lpl – Iri
F Eng – Mid
A Lon Hold
A Bel – Hol
A Ruh support F Ber – Kie
A Bur support A Mun
F Wes – Spa (sc)

Russia - Oh Slappy
F Berlin - Kiel
A Moscow - Warsaw
A Norway Supports F Sweden
A Prussia - Berlin
F Rumania - Black Sea
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Silesia - Galicia
F Sweden Supports A Norway

Austria - Kitten OF Chaos
A Tyr S A Boh - Mun
A Boh - Mun
A Vie - Boh
A Bul - Gre
A Con - Bul
F Tri Stands

Italy - barron of ideas
Fleet Aegean Sea to Constantiople
Army Ankara supports fleet Aegean Sea to Coinstantinople
Fleet Tyrrhenian Sea supports Fleet Tunis to Western Mediterranean Sea
Fleet Tunis to Western Mediteranian Sea
Army Venice to Piedmont
Fleet Ionian Sea to Tunis


A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria - Greece
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
F Trieste Hold
A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia - Munich
A Vienna - Bohemia (*Fails*)

F Norwegian Sea, no move received

A Belgium - Holland
A Burgundy Supports A Munich
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
A London Hold
A Ruhr Supports F Berlin - Kiel
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)

F Denmark Supports A Kiel
A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak Supports F Denmark

F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
A Ankara Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tunis - Western Mediterranean
A Venice - Piedmont

F Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Moscow - Warsaw
A Norway Supports F Sweden
A Prussia - Berlin (*Fails*)
F Rumania - Black Sea
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Silesia - Galicia
F Sweden Supports A Norway


Austria: Supply 6 Unit 6
England: Supply 1 Unit 1
France: Supply 9 Unit 7 Build 2
Germany: Supply 3 Unit 4 Remove 1
Italy: Supply 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Russia: Supply 8 Unit 8

Winter 1904 Adjustments are due Thursday 5 August @ 2359 hours GMT.


  • dd044.jpg
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Maybe I just need to change the resolution on my monitor, but I feel sad whenever I look at these screenshots because, at least on my screen, Russian white doesn't display. My lands...even my home provinces...look all unconquered. :(

Disband A(Mun)

F Mar
F Bre

Italy builds fleet Rome

Spring 1905 Orders are due 2359 hours GMT Tuesday 10 August


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Orders Received

Austria - Kitten OF Chaos
A Gre - Ser
A Bul - Rum
F Tri - Alb
A Tyr - Tri
A Boh - Gal
A Vie - Bud

Italy - barron of ideas
Army Ankara to Armenia
Fleet Constantiniople to Black Sea
Fleet Tunis to North Africa
Fleet Western Mediteranian support Fleet Tunis to North Africa
Fleet Tyrrhenian Sea to Gulf of Lyon
Fleet Rome to Tuscany
Army Piedmont to Marseilles

France - Bill_in_PDX
A Bur - Mun
A Hol - Kie
A Lon - Yor
A Ruh Supports A Hol – Kie
F Bre – Eng
F Mid – Por
F Iri – Mid
F Spa Hold
F Mar Hold

Germany - Toasty
A(Ska) S A(Kie)-Den)

Russia - Oh Slappy
F Berlin Supports A Holland - Kiel.
F Black Sea - Armenia.
A Galicia holds.
A Norway Supports F Sweden.
A Prussia - Silesia.
A Rumania holds.
F Sweden Supports A Norway.
A Warsaw Supports A Galicia.


A Bohemia - Galicia (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Greece - Serbia
F Trieste - Albania
A Tyrolia - Trieste
A Vienna - Budapest

F Norwegian Sea, no move received

F Brest - English Channel
A Burgundy - Munich
A Holland - Kiel
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A London - Yorkshire
F Marseilles Hold
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal
A Ruhr Supports A Holland - Kiel
F Spain(sc) Hold

F Denmark - North Sea
A Kiel - Denmark
F Skagerrak Supports A Kiel - Denmark

A Ankara - Armenia (*Bounce*)
F Constantinople - Black Sea (*Fails*)
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
F Rome - Tuscany
F Tunis - North Africa
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tunis - North Africa

F Berlin Supports A Holland - Kiel
F Black Sea - Armenia (*Bounce*)
A Galicia Hold
A Norway Supports F Sweden
A Prussia - Silesia
A Rumania Hold
F Sweden Supports A Norway
A Warsaw, Supports A Galicia

No Retreats

Fall 1905 Orders are due Monday 16 August @ 2359 hours GMT.


  • dd052.jpg
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The treachery of the evil Italian shall not be forgetten!

Hey! The russian white is showing up much better now. Thanks Frank! :)
Orders Received

Germany - Toasty
F(Nth) S F(Ska)-Nor

Austria - Kitten OF Chaos
A Boh - Gal
A Ser - Rum
A Bul S A Ser - Rum
A Bud S A Boh - Gal
F Alb - Gre
A Tri - Vie

France - Bill_in_PDX
A Yor – Edi
A Kie – Hol
A Ruh – Bur
A Mun support F Ber - Kie
F Mar hold
F Spa hold
F Mid hold
F Eng support F Mid hold
F Por support F Spa (sc) hold

Russia - Oh Slappy
F Berlin - Kiel
F Black Sea - Bulgaria
A Galicia - Budapest
A Norway Supports F Sweden
A Rumania Supports F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec)
A Silesia - Bohemia
F Sweden Supports A Norway
A Warsaw - Moscow

Italy - barron of ideas
Fleet Constantinople to Black Sea
Army Ankara holds
Fleet Gulf of Lyon to Marseilles
Army Piedmont supports Fleet Gulf of Lyon to Marseilles
Fleet Western Mediterranean to Spain south coast
Fleet North Africa to Mid - Atlantic Ocean
Fleet Tuscany to Gulf of Lyon


F Albania - Greece
A Bohemia - Galicia
A Budapest Supports A Bohemia - Galicia
A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Rumania (*Cut*)
A Serbia - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Trieste - Vienna

F Norwegian Sea, no move received

F English Channel Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Kiel - Holland
F Marseilles Hold (*Disbanded*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Munich Supports F Berlin - Kiel
F Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
A Ruhr - Burgundy
F Spain(sc) Hold
A Yorkshire - Edinburgh

A Denmark - Sweden (*Fails*)
F North Sea Supports F Skagerrak - Norway
F Skagerrak - Norway

A Ankara Hold
F Constantinople - Black Sea (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles
F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Piedmont Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles
F Tuscany - Gulf of Lyon
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)

F Berlin - Kiel
F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec) (*Fails*)
A Galicia - Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Norway Supports F Sweden (*Dislodged*)
A Rumania Supports F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec) (*Cut*)
A Silesia - Bohemia
F Sweden Supports A Norway (*Cut*)
A Warsaw - Moscow


Russian A Galicia can retreat to Warsaw, Ukraine, Silesia or OTB.
Russian A Norway can retreat to Finland, St Petersburg, or OTB.

Autumn 1905 Retreats are due Tuesday 17 August @ 2359 hours GMT.


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Italy builds A Venice
France builds F Brest and A Paris
Germany removes A Denmark
Russia builds F Sevastopol and A Saint Petersburg

Spring 1906 orders are due Tuesday 24 August.


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Orders Received

Germany - Toasty

France - Bill_in_PDX
A Par – Gas
A Bur – Mar (expecting to cut support)
A Mun support A Boh Hold
A Edi Hold
A Hol – Ruh
F Eng – Lon
F Bre support F Mid
F Por support F Spa (sc)
F Mid Hold
F Spa Hold

Italy - barron of ideas
Fleet Marseilles to Spain, south coast
Fleet Gulf of Lyon supports fleet Mar to Spain, sc
Fleet W Med supports fleet Mar to Spain, sc
Fleet N Africa to Mid-Atlantic Ocean
Army Piedmont to Marseilles
Army Venice to Tyrolia
Fleet Constantinople to Black Sea
Army Ankara to Armenia.

Austria - Kitten OF Chaos
A Bul - Rum
A Ser S A Bul - Rum
F Gre - Bul (south-coast)
A Bud S A Bul - Rum
A Gal S A Vie - Boh
A Vie - Boh

Russia - Oh Slappy
F Black Sea Convoys A Rumania - Armenia
A Bohemia Hold
F Kiel - Denmark
A Moscow - Warsaw
A Rumania - Armenia
F Sevastopol Supports A Rumania - Armenia
A St Petersburg - Moscow
F Sweden Supports F Kiel - Denmark


A Budapest Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Galicia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Vienna - Bohemia (*Fails*)

F Brest Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
A Edinburgh Hold
F English Channel - London
A Holland - Ruhr
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Munich Supports A Bohemia
A Paris - Gascony
F Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
F Spain(sc) Hold (*Disbanded*)

F North Sea - Denmark (*Bounce*)
F Norway - Sweden (*Fails*)

A Ankara - Armenia (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Black Sea (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Marseilles - Spain(sc)
F Marseilles - Spain(sc)
F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
A Venice - Tyrolia
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Marseilles - Spain(sc)

F Black Sea Convoys A Rumania - Armenia
A Bohemia Hold
F Kiel - Denmark (*Bounce*)
A Moscow - Warsaw
A Rumania - Armenia
F Sevastopol Supports A Rumania - Armenia
A St Petersburg - Moscow
F Sweden Supports F Kiel - Denmark (*Cut*)



Fall 1906 Orders due Monday 30 August @ 2359 hours GMT.


  • dd062.jpg
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Orders Received

Russia - Oh Slappy
A Armenia Supports F Black Sea - Ankara
F Black Sea - Ankara
A Bohemia Supports A Ruhr - Munich
F Kiel - Denmark
A Moscow - Ukraine
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F Sweden - Norway
A Warsaw Supports A Munich - Silesia

Germany - Toasty

France - Bill_in_PDX
A Edi – Yor
A Mun – Sil
A Ruh – Mun
A Bur – Mar
A Gas support A Bur – Mar
F Lon – Nth
F Por – Spa (sc)
F Mid hold
F Bre support F Mid hold

Austria - Kitten OF Chaos
A Rum S A Gal
A Gal S A Tyr - Boh
A Vie S A Tyr - Boh
A Bud S A Rum
F Bul.sc - Aeg
A Ser - Bul

Italy - barron of ideas
Fleet Constantinople supports Army Ankara (holding)
Army Ankara supports Fleet Constantinople (holding)
Army Piedmont to Marseilles
Fleet Gulf of Lyon supports Army Piedmont to Marseilles
Fleet Western Mediteranian supports fleet Spain sc to Mid Atlantic Ocean
Fleet Spain sc to Mid Atlantic Ocean
Fleet North Africa support fleet Spain sc to Mid Atlantic Ocean
Army Tyrolia to Bohemia


A Budapest Supports A Rumania
F Bulgaria(sc) - Aegean Sea
A Galicia Supports A Tyrolia - Bohemia
A Rumania Supports A Galicia
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Vienna Supports A Tyrolia - Bohemia

F Brest Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire
A Gascony Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles
F London - North Sea (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Munich - Silesia
F Portugal - Spain(sc)
A Ruhr - Munich

F North Sea - Denmark (*Bounce*)
F Norway - Sweden (*Fails*)

A Ankara Supports F Constantinople (*Cut*)
F Constantinople Supports A Ankara
F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Piedmont - Marseilles
F North Africa Supports F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Tyrolia - Bohemia
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

A Armenia Supports F Black Sea - Ankara
F Black Sea - Ankara (*Fails*)
A Bohemia Supports A Ruhr - Munich (*Disbanded*)
F Kiel - Denmark (*Bounce*)
A Moscow - Ukraine
F Sevastopol - Black Sea (*Fails*)
F Sweden - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Supports A Munich - Silesia


French F Mid-Atlantic Ocean can retreat to North Atlantic Ocean
or Irish Sea or English Channel or Portugal or OTB.

Autumn 1906 Retreat due Tuesday 31 August @ 2359 hours GMT.


  • dd064.jpg
    115.2 KB · Views: 125
This is going to be a long hard war.

I see that Napoleon is marching quickly towards Moscow ;)
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