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- Dec 25, 2008
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Quite some time ago I attempted an overambitious project to create two sets of factions, fourteen in all, that would take place after Alien Crossfire. Right now it's pretty much a fanfiction, though if AC 2 is ever released I am totally doing some modding.
The story is about the Federated Countries Ship Sovereignty, an Earth craft that was, like Unity, crash-built. My spin on Earth was that there was a war between opposing national blocs- the UN and the International Federation of Countries. Several years after the Unity was launched, at circa AD 2070, the Soverignty was sent after a truce.
What follows are the leader profiles following Firaxis format:
Michael Garrison
Colonization Specialist/
Settler Representative
United States of America
Service Record:
Born 2030, Bloomington, Indiana. Educated to a high school level, as a youth he was often discontent living in a city with one of the highest percentages of senior citizens in America, as well as one of the highest ratings for stability. Joined U.N. Resettling Program in Patagonia after graduating with a 2.5 GPA. Managed to demonstrate hardiness and ingenuity in a harsh environment. Promoted several times within program, eventually becoming ecologic adjuster.
After saving a settlement from a flood during the El Bestia cycle and expanding the colonies under his custody fivefold with no loss of threatened species, members of the Resettlement Commission designated him leader of the Antarctican Settling Program. Despite subzero conditions, he was able to resettle the refugees from the Crusader Wars with no losses, and had a knack to preserving the natural state around settled areas. After the United Nations/ International Federation of Countries armistice, he received an appointment to the post of Colonization Specialist from the U.N.-F.C. Trucial Alpha2 Committee.
Psych Profile: Pioneer Harmonist
Ability to create and maintain large communities within the wilderness shows a deep strength of leadership and resolve. Sense of wonder and appreciation of nature is enhanced by restlessness, a desire for new frontiers to explore and to claim. Strong survival skills create a sense of calmness in the face of a dangerous environment. Childhood records show an inclination for the “Settlers” gang-clique, a post-Boy Scouts organization stressing individual efforts and exploration rather than regimentation and discipline.
While claiming not to be “a sissy WorOrthChuGa,” subject shows a deep understanding of natural equilibrium despite rejection of the Gaian religion. Previous achievements demonstrate a keen ability to coexist with surroundings without causing harmful change. Coupled with skills and likeable, homespun personality, subject’s ability to harmonize with the environment make him a leader of considerable strengths.
Robin Huxley
Master Sergeant
Chief of Security
United Kingdom
Service Record:
Born 2035, Cornwall, United Kingdom, to a nomadic family with strong military tradition. Attended Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and excelled at counterinsurgency tactics, mechanized weapon technologies, and political sciences. Joined British Territorial Army upon graduating, saw action in Edinburgh Retaliation (Second Scottish War of Independence outside U.K.) in a tank division she later commanded. During the near end of the war, her efficient anti-militia tactics crushed all nationalist opposition in Northumberland, earning her the nickname of “Boudicaa” from Briton and Scot alike and leading to a less humiliating defeat.
Later served in the Commonwealth Crisis, the “British Pax Decay.” In her five month tour of duty in North America, she played an instrumental part in defeating the Quebecois radicals in the brutal Battle of Montreal, and was awarded honors from both the Confederation of Canada and the Dominion of Newfoundland for fighting renegade hyper-survivalists. One of her most infamous tactics was using “stealth” attacks with modified speeder tanks she helped to modify.
After her transfer to Australia, she saw less fighting and settled down somewhat. She became a guest professor on governmental theory at the Northern Territory University, studied aboriginal societies, and formed a close unit of fellow anti-militiamen, the Darwin Road Warriors.
The U.K., a member of the Big Nine, was able to assign her as a colonist for the Alpha2 Enterprise. As a renowned anti-survivalist and war heroine, she became the chief of security onboard the FCS Sovereignty and placed many anti-survivalists in key positions. In the last days before the Second Ship’s arrival at Planet, she, many of her security force, and members of the science team were all unaccounted for, as well as a colony module.
Psych Profile: Wanderer Restorationist
Strong combat prowess due to knowledge of military tactics and talent at adapting opponent strategies to her own use. Capable commander and capable of gathering great amounts of followers to her cause. Not content to stay in one place, favors movement and activity instead of sedentariness and complacency. Scorn for well-content and settled possibly due to lower middleclass upbringing.
Intellectual background is of interest. Though known to be an outspoken critic of Nat Holm’s neo-feudalistic survivalism, she is in favor of his assertions of a slow “dum-dum decay” of civilization, leading to an inevitable collapse and complete dark age. Unlike Holmist survivalists, however, she is fundamentally against the hypothetical catastrophe of a crash. Her ideals were stated in her teachings at NTU, inspiration unclear, possibly twentieth century works.
Gennaro Almeida
Chief Archivist
Service Record:
Born 2009, Recife, Brazil. Moved to Rio de Janeiro at age seven; father was a social worker at the hillside favelas and World Trade Organization representative for Brazil, mother worked for network security of the Brazilian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information. Studied library sciences and psychological analysis of history at Federal University of Pernambuco. Worked as information manager for the government; first claim to fame in 2034 for implementing new datalink technology to successfully record and back-up all of the National Library’s four million volumes. Involved with the Legacy Project in 2038 to store and save all of the sum total of Latin American cultural, historical, and technological knowledge, pioneered use of the yottabyte datacube.
Served as staff member on the compilation of the database of the ship Tiradentes during the country’s “Novo Brasil” period. Became prominent member of Brazilian Space Corps aboard the Museu da Vida, the “Museum of Life”, a national spacecraft that would contain vast databanks of all of humanity’s information. In 2040, at the zenith of the nation’s participation in the Space Age, abruptly left the Corps to teach reading and writing to children of the Amazonian Indians. Abducted in the 2042 Amazonian War by the eco-terrorist/indigenous tribalist group Smoke Jaguars for five weeks, rescued after the end of what has been described as “the worst jungle war of the 21st century.”
Remained a private citizen except for a brief stint as Unity datacore consultant until the Alpha2 Enterprise was begun. Worked on the Sovereignty cubematrix, later appointed chief archivist of the shipwide library and accepted position.
Psych Profile: Unifier Preservationist
Possesses comprehensive knowledge on the cataloguing of knowledge in electronic libraries, as well as a deeply in-grained desire to create united efforts in approaching problems. Conscientious, believes in dire necessity to protect knowledge. Beliefs of the immediate need to establish peace and reconciliation caused by weariness of political turmoil witnessed since young. Intellectualism and erudite speech may project false airs of mental superiority. Considered by some to be too pessimistic, too alarmist, nicknamed the "Malthus Librarian of Sociopolitics."
The Smoke Jaguar Affair caused an immense effect on subject. Personal beliefs regarding peaceful resolution held prior to kidnapping amplified by first-hand experience of Hobbesian chaos and disorder. Uprooting and destruction of millennia-old cultures caused subject to believe in the urgent need to protect humanity’s works and thoughts.
Slightly pacifistic tendencies seem to stem from guilt from the Palmares scandal. Presumed to be the whistleblower who leaked the BSC’s plans to militarize space. Subsequent denouncements exacted heavy social toll.
The Executive Board
Various Companies, Various Countries
Founding Date Unknown
Service Record:
Though the actual leadership of the Global Energy Exchange is often unknown, historians have suggested that the original Executive Board was founded by an offshoot of the Julius Society, an anti-laissez faire, anti-deregulatory international think-tank. Founded with a goal to “prevent economic royalism and currency destabilization”, several of the society’s members apparently were passengers on the UNS Unity and the FCS Soverignty.
Psych Profile: Unknown
No actual information. Popular sentiment considers the board members to be austere in their goals and ruthless in business practices.
Alexander Borokhov
Executive Officer
Second-in-Command (Sovereignty)
Service Record:
Born 2015, Odessa, Ukraine. Child of liberal-democratic activists, grew up with acute awareness of the change undergoing in his nation. Followed in parents' footsteps since a young age, began local chapter of the Pora! student movement in primary school, continued political activities throughout academic career, achieved early recognition for organizing mass youth rallies in favor of reform. Studied International Law at Lviv University, postgraduate work interrupted by outbreak of the Slavic Resurgence. Lobbied heavily for Ukrainian entrance into Euro Union, identified by the government as a 'questionable personality' and drafted into the Ground Forces after apprehension at one of the pro-democratic Orange Rallies by MVS agents.
Subsquently fought in the Crimean Campaign, one of the worst theaters of the conflict, in an unit that saw eighty percent fatalities. Returned after the Great Rodina expansionist movement fell with the first Russian economic crash in 2041. Attempted to return to politics, became disillusioned by the failure of the Pancolor Revolution within his country, and the apparent apathy of the international establishment without. Traveled to the Americas, eventually settling in Buenos Aires in 2044. As a combat veteran, became an ardent follower of Rafael Cruz, bringing his personal eloquence and administrative abilities to the secessionist campaign. Eventually became a military commander and Cruz's personal envoy during the Federative War, seeing combat in Central America and Indonesia. Served in the 2066 peace talks, ended up as International Federation of Countries attaché to the Alpha2 Enterprise, then as Cruz's direct subordinate aboard the Sovereignty.
Psych Profile: Autonomist Legalist
Subject exhibits strongly paradoxical beliefs reflected by political activities. Former idealism of a worldwide community ordered around democratic principles and human rights- the same goals of the United Nations- are no longer possessed by subject, though remnants exist as artifacts of a youthful past. Disillusionment in the abilities of human beings to coexist through constitutional civil society led to an ideological mix of both authoritarian and classical liberal ideals- subject is a champion of a strict international system designed to maintain peace, yet allowing member nations to freely remain unintegrated from the central power. As a one-time pupil of Rafael Cruz, subject believes in supranational interventionist actions to prevent tyranny and infringement against human rights, but also in allowing "responsible nations" to maintain high levels of sovereignty apart for the world order. Possesses fervently skeptical, even paranoid views against the U.N. Disrespects mission regulations and protocol.
The truce with the Federated Countries remains tenuous at best. Loss of contact with the UNS Unity speculated to be result of sabotage, internal balkanization. Initiatives must remain in place to prevent any such betrayal of the Alpha2 mission by FC partisans. Subject's natural leadership and personal beliefs mark him as highly suspect. Contingency measures regard him as liability only second in priority to Secretary-General Cruz.
Avril Walker
Video Mechanics Chief (Sovereignty)
Service Record:
Born 1977, Vancouver, Canada to an upper middle class family. Graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Masters in Media Studies and Communications. After a failed early acting career, she entered the corporate world via her parents' company, True View Limited. Gradually became a project manager during the second Netboom in 2005 on the multi-platform Watch 2.0 widget, gaining renown as an able manager and for her exploitation of the rise of selfcentric media. Her involvement in refining the popular application and the youthful, colorful personality she projected to the press made her the public face of the company. Though dismissed by skeptics as an opportunist with limited managerial and technical experience, she moved on to spearheading several associated memeapps, including the Now! Network, the Primeape Zone, and investment in panopticon technology, culminating in the centerpiece of her family's future, TrueVu Googles. Released in 2014 as the first widespread mainstream panoptics, T-V revolutionized digital culture and brought about the fourth Netboom, and earned a VP position within the company and the Gates/Fiorina Award. However, due to the rapidly increasing use of the portable recorders for government and counter-government surveillance, she was called upon by Parliament to testify in 2028 following the Farnham Incident. Within days, True View Ltd. was bombarded by multiple lawsuits and accused of "selling the public volatile and privacy-invading devices." Though she, and TVL, were eventually exonerated by the Supreme Court, the matter was not settled until the U.N. Declaration of Multilateral Secrecy in 2033.
By then she had long since resigned as Vice President of her company in favor of her brother, though not before introducing several successful incarnations of TrueVu Googles, including the Neutronium Edition, which almost singlehandedly brought the Helix OS to prominence in the public eye. After a brief stint as an independent consultant and as a producer for her Now! Network, she surprised many by moving from the private sector to international governance. Scorned by detractors as an attention-seeking dabbler or as a corporate cat's paw, she nontheless began a diplomatic career at the United Nations, representing various NGOs related to global communications and serving as an architect of the 2033 Declaration. Began philanthropic work with the Rockingham Foundation, providing aid to infrastructure in the developing world. Became involved in reconstruction of Los Angeles after the Year of Panic; later dismissed for nepotism in securing contracts for Global Manticore. Received experimental Edenic treatments in 2043, including extensive telomerase modifications. Entered space as one of the first guests at the Virgin Orbital Hilton in 2047 at the height of the Gaza Crisis. Heavily criticized for her excesses, as well as the generation she came from. After the passage of the Augmented Seniors Tax in 2056, she became a champion for the rights of aged persons in Canada and at the U.N. Ultimately appointed head of Video Mechanics of the Sovereignty for the Alpha2 Enterprise after serving as chairwoman of the United Nations Senior Rights Committee for only one term.
Psych Profile: Invasive Watcher
Innovative and tenacious personality. Subject's corporate career and personal life indicate preference for a variety of projects and initiatives, without any long-time commitment to any single one. Though not ruthless, personality and generational origin indicate a capricious attitude towards others except those considered to be in her personal network. Exhibits both voyeuristic and exhibitionist tendencies characteristic of "Generation Me and Mine." Despite this, subject possesses high emotional intelligence and the ability to effectively utilize electronic media to command others. Persistent presence in business for over fifty years indicates a high level of adaptation, abilities to survive and thrive, and usable experience. Expert knowledge of surveillance technologies will be invaluable to preventing sabotage. Main concern is subject's misplaced loyalty towards her fellow co-ages; may favor older members of the mission at the expense of those she deems "too young."
The story is about the Federated Countries Ship Sovereignty, an Earth craft that was, like Unity, crash-built. My spin on Earth was that there was a war between opposing national blocs- the UN and the International Federation of Countries. Several years after the Unity was launched, at circa AD 2070, the Soverignty was sent after a truce.
What follows are the leader profiles following Firaxis format:
Michael Garrison
Colonization Specialist/
Settler Representative
United States of America
Service Record:
Born 2030, Bloomington, Indiana. Educated to a high school level, as a youth he was often discontent living in a city with one of the highest percentages of senior citizens in America, as well as one of the highest ratings for stability. Joined U.N. Resettling Program in Patagonia after graduating with a 2.5 GPA. Managed to demonstrate hardiness and ingenuity in a harsh environment. Promoted several times within program, eventually becoming ecologic adjuster.
After saving a settlement from a flood during the El Bestia cycle and expanding the colonies under his custody fivefold with no loss of threatened species, members of the Resettlement Commission designated him leader of the Antarctican Settling Program. Despite subzero conditions, he was able to resettle the refugees from the Crusader Wars with no losses, and had a knack to preserving the natural state around settled areas. After the United Nations/ International Federation of Countries armistice, he received an appointment to the post of Colonization Specialist from the U.N.-F.C. Trucial Alpha2 Committee.
Psych Profile: Pioneer Harmonist
Ability to create and maintain large communities within the wilderness shows a deep strength of leadership and resolve. Sense of wonder and appreciation of nature is enhanced by restlessness, a desire for new frontiers to explore and to claim. Strong survival skills create a sense of calmness in the face of a dangerous environment. Childhood records show an inclination for the “Settlers” gang-clique, a post-Boy Scouts organization stressing individual efforts and exploration rather than regimentation and discipline.
While claiming not to be “a sissy WorOrthChuGa,” subject shows a deep understanding of natural equilibrium despite rejection of the Gaian religion. Previous achievements demonstrate a keen ability to coexist with surroundings without causing harmful change. Coupled with skills and likeable, homespun personality, subject’s ability to harmonize with the environment make him a leader of considerable strengths.
Robin Huxley
Master Sergeant
Chief of Security
United Kingdom
Service Record:
Born 2035, Cornwall, United Kingdom, to a nomadic family with strong military tradition. Attended Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and excelled at counterinsurgency tactics, mechanized weapon technologies, and political sciences. Joined British Territorial Army upon graduating, saw action in Edinburgh Retaliation (Second Scottish War of Independence outside U.K.) in a tank division she later commanded. During the near end of the war, her efficient anti-militia tactics crushed all nationalist opposition in Northumberland, earning her the nickname of “Boudicaa” from Briton and Scot alike and leading to a less humiliating defeat.
Later served in the Commonwealth Crisis, the “British Pax Decay.” In her five month tour of duty in North America, she played an instrumental part in defeating the Quebecois radicals in the brutal Battle of Montreal, and was awarded honors from both the Confederation of Canada and the Dominion of Newfoundland for fighting renegade hyper-survivalists. One of her most infamous tactics was using “stealth” attacks with modified speeder tanks she helped to modify.
After her transfer to Australia, she saw less fighting and settled down somewhat. She became a guest professor on governmental theory at the Northern Territory University, studied aboriginal societies, and formed a close unit of fellow anti-militiamen, the Darwin Road Warriors.
The U.K., a member of the Big Nine, was able to assign her as a colonist for the Alpha2 Enterprise. As a renowned anti-survivalist and war heroine, she became the chief of security onboard the FCS Sovereignty and placed many anti-survivalists in key positions. In the last days before the Second Ship’s arrival at Planet, she, many of her security force, and members of the science team were all unaccounted for, as well as a colony module.
Psych Profile: Wanderer Restorationist
Strong combat prowess due to knowledge of military tactics and talent at adapting opponent strategies to her own use. Capable commander and capable of gathering great amounts of followers to her cause. Not content to stay in one place, favors movement and activity instead of sedentariness and complacency. Scorn for well-content and settled possibly due to lower middleclass upbringing.
Intellectual background is of interest. Though known to be an outspoken critic of Nat Holm’s neo-feudalistic survivalism, she is in favor of his assertions of a slow “dum-dum decay” of civilization, leading to an inevitable collapse and complete dark age. Unlike Holmist survivalists, however, she is fundamentally against the hypothetical catastrophe of a crash. Her ideals were stated in her teachings at NTU, inspiration unclear, possibly twentieth century works.
Gennaro Almeida
Chief Archivist
Service Record:
Born 2009, Recife, Brazil. Moved to Rio de Janeiro at age seven; father was a social worker at the hillside favelas and World Trade Organization representative for Brazil, mother worked for network security of the Brazilian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information. Studied library sciences and psychological analysis of history at Federal University of Pernambuco. Worked as information manager for the government; first claim to fame in 2034 for implementing new datalink technology to successfully record and back-up all of the National Library’s four million volumes. Involved with the Legacy Project in 2038 to store and save all of the sum total of Latin American cultural, historical, and technological knowledge, pioneered use of the yottabyte datacube.
Served as staff member on the compilation of the database of the ship Tiradentes during the country’s “Novo Brasil” period. Became prominent member of Brazilian Space Corps aboard the Museu da Vida, the “Museum of Life”, a national spacecraft that would contain vast databanks of all of humanity’s information. In 2040, at the zenith of the nation’s participation in the Space Age, abruptly left the Corps to teach reading and writing to children of the Amazonian Indians. Abducted in the 2042 Amazonian War by the eco-terrorist/indigenous tribalist group Smoke Jaguars for five weeks, rescued after the end of what has been described as “the worst jungle war of the 21st century.”
Remained a private citizen except for a brief stint as Unity datacore consultant until the Alpha2 Enterprise was begun. Worked on the Sovereignty cubematrix, later appointed chief archivist of the shipwide library and accepted position.
Psych Profile: Unifier Preservationist
Possesses comprehensive knowledge on the cataloguing of knowledge in electronic libraries, as well as a deeply in-grained desire to create united efforts in approaching problems. Conscientious, believes in dire necessity to protect knowledge. Beliefs of the immediate need to establish peace and reconciliation caused by weariness of political turmoil witnessed since young. Intellectualism and erudite speech may project false airs of mental superiority. Considered by some to be too pessimistic, too alarmist, nicknamed the "Malthus Librarian of Sociopolitics."
The Smoke Jaguar Affair caused an immense effect on subject. Personal beliefs regarding peaceful resolution held prior to kidnapping amplified by first-hand experience of Hobbesian chaos and disorder. Uprooting and destruction of millennia-old cultures caused subject to believe in the urgent need to protect humanity’s works and thoughts.
Slightly pacifistic tendencies seem to stem from guilt from the Palmares scandal. Presumed to be the whistleblower who leaked the BSC’s plans to militarize space. Subsequent denouncements exacted heavy social toll.
The Executive Board
Various Companies, Various Countries
Founding Date Unknown
Service Record:
Though the actual leadership of the Global Energy Exchange is often unknown, historians have suggested that the original Executive Board was founded by an offshoot of the Julius Society, an anti-laissez faire, anti-deregulatory international think-tank. Founded with a goal to “prevent economic royalism and currency destabilization”, several of the society’s members apparently were passengers on the UNS Unity and the FCS Soverignty.
Psych Profile: Unknown
No actual information. Popular sentiment considers the board members to be austere in their goals and ruthless in business practices.
Alexander Borokhov
Executive Officer
Second-in-Command (Sovereignty)
Service Record:
Born 2015, Odessa, Ukraine. Child of liberal-democratic activists, grew up with acute awareness of the change undergoing in his nation. Followed in parents' footsteps since a young age, began local chapter of the Pora! student movement in primary school, continued political activities throughout academic career, achieved early recognition for organizing mass youth rallies in favor of reform. Studied International Law at Lviv University, postgraduate work interrupted by outbreak of the Slavic Resurgence. Lobbied heavily for Ukrainian entrance into Euro Union, identified by the government as a 'questionable personality' and drafted into the Ground Forces after apprehension at one of the pro-democratic Orange Rallies by MVS agents.
Subsquently fought in the Crimean Campaign, one of the worst theaters of the conflict, in an unit that saw eighty percent fatalities. Returned after the Great Rodina expansionist movement fell with the first Russian economic crash in 2041. Attempted to return to politics, became disillusioned by the failure of the Pancolor Revolution within his country, and the apparent apathy of the international establishment without. Traveled to the Americas, eventually settling in Buenos Aires in 2044. As a combat veteran, became an ardent follower of Rafael Cruz, bringing his personal eloquence and administrative abilities to the secessionist campaign. Eventually became a military commander and Cruz's personal envoy during the Federative War, seeing combat in Central America and Indonesia. Served in the 2066 peace talks, ended up as International Federation of Countries attaché to the Alpha2 Enterprise, then as Cruz's direct subordinate aboard the Sovereignty.
Psych Profile: Autonomist Legalist
Subject exhibits strongly paradoxical beliefs reflected by political activities. Former idealism of a worldwide community ordered around democratic principles and human rights- the same goals of the United Nations- are no longer possessed by subject, though remnants exist as artifacts of a youthful past. Disillusionment in the abilities of human beings to coexist through constitutional civil society led to an ideological mix of both authoritarian and classical liberal ideals- subject is a champion of a strict international system designed to maintain peace, yet allowing member nations to freely remain unintegrated from the central power. As a one-time pupil of Rafael Cruz, subject believes in supranational interventionist actions to prevent tyranny and infringement against human rights, but also in allowing "responsible nations" to maintain high levels of sovereignty apart for the world order. Possesses fervently skeptical, even paranoid views against the U.N. Disrespects mission regulations and protocol.
The truce with the Federated Countries remains tenuous at best. Loss of contact with the UNS Unity speculated to be result of sabotage, internal balkanization. Initiatives must remain in place to prevent any such betrayal of the Alpha2 mission by FC partisans. Subject's natural leadership and personal beliefs mark him as highly suspect. Contingency measures regard him as liability only second in priority to Secretary-General Cruz.
Avril Walker
Video Mechanics Chief (Sovereignty)
Service Record:
Born 1977, Vancouver, Canada to an upper middle class family. Graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Masters in Media Studies and Communications. After a failed early acting career, she entered the corporate world via her parents' company, True View Limited. Gradually became a project manager during the second Netboom in 2005 on the multi-platform Watch 2.0 widget, gaining renown as an able manager and for her exploitation of the rise of selfcentric media. Her involvement in refining the popular application and the youthful, colorful personality she projected to the press made her the public face of the company. Though dismissed by skeptics as an opportunist with limited managerial and technical experience, she moved on to spearheading several associated memeapps, including the Now! Network, the Primeape Zone, and investment in panopticon technology, culminating in the centerpiece of her family's future, TrueVu Googles. Released in 2014 as the first widespread mainstream panoptics, T-V revolutionized digital culture and brought about the fourth Netboom, and earned a VP position within the company and the Gates/Fiorina Award. However, due to the rapidly increasing use of the portable recorders for government and counter-government surveillance, she was called upon by Parliament to testify in 2028 following the Farnham Incident. Within days, True View Ltd. was bombarded by multiple lawsuits and accused of "selling the public volatile and privacy-invading devices." Though she, and TVL, were eventually exonerated by the Supreme Court, the matter was not settled until the U.N. Declaration of Multilateral Secrecy in 2033.
By then she had long since resigned as Vice President of her company in favor of her brother, though not before introducing several successful incarnations of TrueVu Googles, including the Neutronium Edition, which almost singlehandedly brought the Helix OS to prominence in the public eye. After a brief stint as an independent consultant and as a producer for her Now! Network, she surprised many by moving from the private sector to international governance. Scorned by detractors as an attention-seeking dabbler or as a corporate cat's paw, she nontheless began a diplomatic career at the United Nations, representing various NGOs related to global communications and serving as an architect of the 2033 Declaration. Began philanthropic work with the Rockingham Foundation, providing aid to infrastructure in the developing world. Became involved in reconstruction of Los Angeles after the Year of Panic; later dismissed for nepotism in securing contracts for Global Manticore. Received experimental Edenic treatments in 2043, including extensive telomerase modifications. Entered space as one of the first guests at the Virgin Orbital Hilton in 2047 at the height of the Gaza Crisis. Heavily criticized for her excesses, as well as the generation she came from. After the passage of the Augmented Seniors Tax in 2056, she became a champion for the rights of aged persons in Canada and at the U.N. Ultimately appointed head of Video Mechanics of the Sovereignty for the Alpha2 Enterprise after serving as chairwoman of the United Nations Senior Rights Committee for only one term.
Psych Profile: Invasive Watcher
Innovative and tenacious personality. Subject's corporate career and personal life indicate preference for a variety of projects and initiatives, without any long-time commitment to any single one. Though not ruthless, personality and generational origin indicate a capricious attitude towards others except those considered to be in her personal network. Exhibits both voyeuristic and exhibitionist tendencies characteristic of "Generation Me and Mine." Despite this, subject possesses high emotional intelligence and the ability to effectively utilize electronic media to command others. Persistent presence in business for over fifty years indicates a high level of adaptation, abilities to survive and thrive, and usable experience. Expert knowledge of surveillance technologies will be invaluable to preventing sabotage. Main concern is subject's misplaced loyalty towards her fellow co-ages; may favor older members of the mission at the expense of those she deems "too young."