Donovan Zoi
The Return
Welcome to the DG4 Code of Laws Progress Indicator.
The idea here is to either confirm or replace all text in blue. New laws or standards confirmed by either unanimous discussion or conclusive poll will be adopted, after which progress will be tracked by changing the passage to black text.
Due to the size of DG2's second book, I have divided it into the first two posts.
This thread is for informational purposes only. This is not a discussion thread.
The idea here is to either confirm or replace all text in blue. New laws or standards confirmed by either unanimous discussion or conclusive poll will be adopted, after which progress will be tracked by changing the passage to black text.
Due to the size of DG2's second book, I have divided it into the first two posts.
This thread is for informational purposes only. This is not a discussion thread.
[color=blue][b]The Code of Laws(Part 1: Articles A-D)[/b]
A. Citizen Rights
1. Right to Assemble
A. Citizens may form civilian agencies/groups to perform specific tasks or
promote specific agendas.
1. Examples include a history tracking group and activists for or
against war.
2. Citizen groups may lobby for candidates and agendas.
B. Political parties (slate polling) are not permitted.
2. Right to Free Movement
A. Each citizen resides in a city of Fanatika.
B. Citizens choose where they live and may change this location at will.
3. Right to Free Speech
A. Citizens may post their comments in forum threads wherever
B. Citizens may post their comments in chats wherever appropriate.
C. Citizens may create discussion threads on any topic.
D. Citizens may create polls on any topic.
4. Right to a Fair Trial
A. A citizen accused of a crime is considered innocent until proven otherwise.
B. Cases will be tried by the judiciary and citizenry through discussion and
judged and sentenced by votes of the citizenry.
5. Right to Representation
A. The citizenry forms the Congress and thereby controls the passage of
laws and amendments.
6. Right to Demand Satisfaction
A. Any citizen may call to account any violation of the Constitution or
Code of Laws.
B. Any citizen can request that a departmental leader post a poll that lies
within that leaders responsibilities.
1. If two other citizens agree with the proposed poll (proposal
seconded and carried) the request becomes a demand and the
leader must comply.
7. Right to Vote
A. All citizens have the right to vote in all public polls.
B. No citizen will be forced to cast their vote against their conscience.
C. No citizen will vote more than once in the same poll.
B. Game Play Restriction
1. It is unlawful to play through actions, move troops, make deals or take any
other action that would change the state of the playing game from that of the
saved game.
A. Exception: The structure of peace renegotiation treaties requires an
action to be taken to view the bargaining possibilities. Specifically, once
the deal is broached it must result in a new deal or a declaration of war.
Once the bargaining possibilities have been noted the altered game must
be immediately closed without saving. Further activity in the altered
game is not allowed.
C. The Executive Branch
1. Presidency
A. The Leader of the Executive Branch is the President.
B. The Deputy of the Presidency is the Vice President.
C. The Vice President assumes all powers and responsibilities of the
Presidency during the absence of the President.
D. May initiate Administrative, Legislative, Mobilization and Spot Council
E. Casts a tie-breaking vote in Council Votes.
F. Organizes decisions on what to do with Great Leaders.
G. Organizes worker activities.
H. Has veto power over Legislative Council Votes (votes on Standards).
I. Organizes policy, plans and agendas for departments when these have
not been set by a department.
J. Organizes policy, plans and agendas for items and activities that have
not been defined as a task of an individual department or leader.
2. Council
A. The Council of the Executive Branch consists of the Leaders of the 6
B. Each department will have a deputy. The departmental deputy assumes
all powers and responsibilities of the department during the absence of
the leader.
C. Each department may also have one or more chat representatives. The
chat representative assumes all powers and responsibilities of the
department during the absence of the leader and deputy in a turn chat
D. Department Leaders share several powers and responsibilities,
regardless of department.
1. Post polls and discussions to determine citizen desires for
departmental policies, plans and agendas.
2. Cast a tie-breaking vote in the polls determining their
departmental policies, plans and agendas.
3. Formulate departmental policies, plans and agendas based on
citizen feedback.
4. Formulate departmental policies, plans and agendas of their
own in the absence of citizen feedback (forum outage, low
participation, etc).
5. Convey these policies, plans and agendas to the President for
play in the game.
6. Call Legislative and Override Council Votes.
7. Vote in Council Votes of all types.
E. Some departmental powers and responsibilities overlap. If overlap
should cause the creation of non-complementary plans, departmental
precedence will be determined by rank in the Chain of Command.
F. Domestic Department
1. Organize decisions about settler placement.
2. Organize decisions about wonder building.
3. Organize the science/tax/luxury rate.
4. Organize departmental and provincial budgets.
5. Governor of cities that do not have a provincial governor.
6. Call a Mobilization Council Vote to determine if the economy
should be mobilized.
7. Organize mapping of Provincial Borders.
G. Military Department
1. Organize decisions on troop movements.
2. Organize decisions on defensive plans.
3. Organize decisions on offensive plans.
4. Organize decisions on troop upgrades and terminations.
5. Call a Mobilization Council Vote to determine if the economy
should be mobilized.
6. When the economy is mobilized for war, becomes the defacto
President, superceding the President in the Chain of Command.
7. Can supercede a provincial build queue with military units or
improvements during time of invasion.
A. Invasion is the presence of offensive troops belonging
to a country we are at war with inside the borders of the
province to be superceded.
H. Foreign Affairs Department
1. Organize decisions on declarations of war.
2. Organize decisions on peace treaties.
3. Organize decisions on construction of embassies.
4. Organize decisions on rights of passage.
5. Organize decisions on trade embargoes.
6. Organize decisions on mutual protection pacts.
7. Organize decisions on placement of spies.
8. Organize decisions on intelligence gathering, spying and sabotage.
I. Science Department
1. Organize tech research queue.
2. Organize tech trades.
3. Organize tech espionage.
J. Culture Department
1. Can supercede a provincial build queue with cultural
improvements when:
A. The city does not control its full 20 tile radius due to
lack of cultural expansion; or
B. The city does not control its full cultural radius due to
foreign cultural borders.
K. Trade Department
1. Organize trade deals.
2. Track the status and expiration of established deals.
3. Council Votes (Executive Branch)
A. A quorum requires the attendance of 2/3 of the Council.
B. Administrative Council Vote
1. Called by the President.
2. Affirmative result overrules an elected officials instructions and
decisions for game play.
3. Simple majority of respondents required to override the official.
C. Legislative Council Vote
1. Called by any Department Leader or the President.
2. An affirmative result amends the Code of Standards.
A. The President can veto a legislative vote.
B. The Presidential veto can be overruled by an Override
3. Simple majority of respondents required to pass the proposed
measure to amend the Code of Standards.
4. Judicial Review may occur at any time when requested by the
sponsor of the proposal or immediately upon the vote being
D. Override Council Vote
1. Called by any Department Leader.
2. An affirmative result overrules a presidential veto.
3. Unanimous support is required to override the veto.
E. Confirmation Council Vote
1. Called by the President.
2. An affirmative result confirms a Legislative, Judicial or
Provincial Governor position.
3. Simple majority of respondents required to confirm the official.
F. Mobilization Council Vote.
1. Called by the President, Military Leader or Domestic Leader.
2. An affirmative result mobilizes the economy.
3. Simple majority of respondents required to mobilize the
G. Spot Council Vote
1. An Administrative vote called and carried out in the turn chat.
2. Tallied immediately in the turn chat.
3. Simple majority of respondents required to pass the proposed
H. Process and Procedure
1. Poll is posted by the sponsoring official.
2. Proposal must be in Yes/No/Abstain format.
3. Forum polls will stay open until:
A. All votes have been cast, or;
B. A quorum has responded and further votes cannot
affect the outcome of the vote, or;
C. The posted poll closing time has been reached.
1. Minimum duration to run a poll is 48 hours.
4. Each Department Leader casts one vote.
5. In the event of a tie where a simple majority is required, the
President will cast the deciding vote.
D. The Legislative Branch
1. The Senate (Governors)
A. Provinces
1. Provincial borders are geography based and will be approved
by the Congress.
2. A province may contain any number of cities.
3. Provincial borders shall be defined well ahead of expansion.
B. Each province will have a deputy. The Deputy Governor assumes all
powers and responsibilities of the provincial office during the absence of
the governor.
C. A governor organizes the production (building queues) of the cities in a
1. A governors build queues may be preempted under certain
A. Presidential decree supported by Administrative
Council Vote.
B. Military Leader decree during invasion of the province.
C. Cultural Leader decree for cultural border expansion
or defense.
D. A governor organizes the tile use in his province.
1. If a tile is unused, it may be used by a city in a neighboring
E. A governor organizes tile development in his province.
F. The Domestic Leader is the governor of all cities that lack a
provincial governor.
1. When a defined province grows to 3 cities during an election
term, a provincial governor may be appointed.
2. The Congress (Citizens)
A. Comprised of all registered citizens of Fanatika.
3. Legislative Votes
A. Poll mechanics
1. Congressional and Senatorial polls will be posted by the
Judiciary upon completion of Judicial Review.
A. Congressional polls are in anonymous responder
format (standard Forum poll option).
B. Senatorial polls are in open response format (normal
thread, no Forum poll option).
2. Proposal must be in Yes/No/Abstain format.
3. Polls will stay open until:
A. All votes have been cast, or;
B. A quorum has responded and further votes cannot
affect the outcome of the vote, or;
C. The posted poll closing time has been reached.
1. Minimum duration to run a poll is 48 hours.
4. The quorum for changes in the Code of Laws is 1/2 of the
active census.
5. A 2/3 majority of support is required to adopt or alter a law. [/color]