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Dr Nick Doom's Let's Plays

You probably are best off taking the peace deal at this time since you are short on units. Actually you have been short the whole war. You should have started the war with several more ballista at the very least, and gone after Shanghai first so you could have a safe route to Beijing from the south. During the 10 turn peace deal you can build more troops (at least 2 more siege and another legion or 2) and upgrade your legions to longswords. Then you shouldn't have a problem taking Beijing unless she gets CKN (which I'm surprised she doesn't have already). It looks like you have another unimproved iron tile west of Cumae on the Chinese border, so you should improve that ASAP. You could also try trading for iron so that you can get siege unit production started immediately - 45 gold for 30 turns is the usual price from a friendly AI.

For your money problems you can make sure you are manually working the good gold tiles rather than relying on default settings. And research Currency after Steel so you can build markets. I would ditch all of the wonder building except for Notre Dame in the capital (try to work more production to get this faster) and build troops instead in your other cities, then markets.
Another tip: When you started the war with China it would have been better to just fortify your troops first and let the Chinese troops suicide against them. Then after they are worn down you can push into their territory. The goal is to surround their city with melee troops in as few turns as possible, while setting up siege right behind them so you can take down the city quickly. That way you have far fewer casualties. But you need to move all of your troops in a coordinated effort. Moving troops a few at a time into heavily defended territory is exactly what the AI usually does, and it doesn't work out very well for them either.
FYI, regarding the last video, here are standard amounts that you should expect to receive for selling to friendly AI (if they are truly friendly, not pseudo-friendly):

Open borders - 50 gold
Lux resource - 240 gold
Strategic resource - 45 gold

If some of the payment is in gold/turn then it decreases slightly, e.g.,

Open borders - 1 gold/turn (30 turns) + 19 gold
Lux resource - 7 gold/turn (30 turns) + 20 gold

For Research Agreements, if you are an era ahead (e.g., in Renaissance when they are still in Medieval) then expect to pay the standard cost + 100 gold.

In your deal with Elizabeth, the reason she changed her money offer was because she also added in her open borders.

You should be ok now that you have some longswords, but a few more siege would have made it so much easier.
I've watched through to episode 14 and while you've got an interesting presentation style, you're making a large number of mistakes. One big one I spotted was building your National college in a place that wasn't your capital. For a number of reasons, your capital will usually end up being where you store the vast majority of your wonders, and in your case you had the Great Library there. While the "bonus" would appear minute, every little bit of science counts and over the course of a game, you want as much science as possible.

Efficiency is the cornerstone of a fantastic empire.

As well as this, you were building it in a city with no improved tiles at all, so it was taking something ludicrous to build like 24 turns. Not only does this deprive you of a city for 24 turns of anything useful, the end result won't be helpful to your situation.

And as a matter of personal preference, the videos should be longer than 15 minutes at a time :P
the vids are 15m part so i can keep they daily ish part due to me having limited Hard drive space part as it takes my computer 1H 45M some times to render and part as you tube always seem to mess up with me when i try any thing bigger

but its why i try to remember to keep adding them in to the playlists so people who say just watch ones a week can watch them all in one go as if they was one long vid

also as with RedRover57 advice with your suggestion i will strive be better and more Efficient :D
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