I am looking for a Mod or scenario which has a large map of the Earth (like the 18 civ one), yet allows you to choose which nations will be on it. I remember Civ II when they allowed you to choose X amount of civs to play against on the earth map and then put them in their accurate start up locations.
I am not a modder (I have tried to learn, but don't have the chops for it)...anyone know if this sort of thing is even possible in Civ IV? Or do I have to load the Earth map and then use the World Builder to add players each time?
*Note, I have read the manual for the new world builder that is included on this site, yet when I'm in the WB mode, I can only see one portion of the map and cannot move it.
Thanks for your help!
I am not a modder (I have tried to learn, but don't have the chops for it)...anyone know if this sort of thing is even possible in Civ IV? Or do I have to load the Earth map and then use the World Builder to add players each time?
*Note, I have read the manual for the new world builder that is included on this site, yet when I'm in the WB mode, I can only see one portion of the map and cannot move it.
Thanks for your help!