Earth Maps


Nov 5, 2002
I am looking for a Mod or scenario which has a large map of the Earth (like the 18 civ one), yet allows you to choose which nations will be on it. I remember Civ II when they allowed you to choose X amount of civs to play against on the earth map and then put them in their accurate start up locations.

I am not a modder (I have tried to learn, but don't have the chops for it)...anyone know if this sort of thing is even possible in Civ IV? Or do I have to load the Earth map and then use the World Builder to add players each time?

*Note, I have read the manual for the new world builder that is included on this site, yet when I'm in the WB mode, I can only see one portion of the map and cannot move it.

Thanks for your help!
Can anyone help with either of my questions? (The Earth map and the WB question?)

Pretty please?:cool:
Here is one of the questions i would get if i did it, right now lets say theres 35 civs, probably more than that, but "which 35 starting locations do you pick from and which civ"? You can only have 18! Thats why it is only of "personal" useage that you make your own, or have someone make it for you. Do you leave off (examples) France, Albania, Georgia Republic or Canada? Then you have about 10 different maps to choose from. Resources for each country you want in the game. Do you add elephants in America? This is just some of the questions, not so easy, HUH? But in regards to your question, it could be done, but only to each persons preference. Not everyone is from where you are.
I appreciate the response, but you are missing the point.

In Civ II (or maybe it was III), they had the Earth map already created (So there are no worries about resource placement etc). In Civ IV there are two Earth maps which were created by modders here (The 18 civ and the 8 civ version). Again, no worries about the resource placement.

In Civ II, you could choose that map, then decide which opponents you are going to play against and the computer would start the AI teams in their correct locations on the pre-created map. That was a cool option that they have since taken off with Civ IV for some reason. I want to know if there is a way to put that feature back into the game from the many great modders on here.

My other question, is, using the Earth maps included in Civ IV (mainly on the 8), is there a way to vary the teams you play against without having to use the world builder for each permutation? Right now I believe on the eight map you can only play with: Mongolia, China, Japan, India, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Rome and Germany. I want to use that map but rotate who I play with and against (and, if possible, add in the new civs from Warloards). But since I am not a modder and my attempts to use the WB have been futile despite reading the manuals found on here, I need help.

If I cannot get back that "choose your opponents" feature, then I would like to know how to use the map feature on the WB, because when I open the Earth map, I can only edit about a quarter of the map (it won't let me scan across the globe). I am sure there is a simple fix to that, and any help would be wonderful.

Thanks again.
I agree with the OP. I have tried all the map scripting mods and have yet to find what I want as well: a working Earth map script. It seems that someway, somehow someone can tweak the settings so that we can choose earth instead of either random islands or else editing xml code everytime we start a game.

The OP makes a good point about this being in earlier CIVs. It is like they got so caught up in random scripting of planets and set scenarios that they forgot to include what seems like was always there(maybe not in 3 either?).

Anyways I would be joyous if a modder out there could come up with a way to load a earth map into the normal 'Custom Game' menu, so that we could pick the civs easily, set aggressive AI, permanent alliances, and the many other options that are missing when we do scenario. As it is, it seems like the people who don't like random geography or set scenarios, ie. the alternate history on earth crowd, are stuck with a half a game.

PS. don't mean to rant, civ4 is a great game and all, just it is natural to rant when there is a seemingly basic thing that would make a great game 100x better.

Would appreciate any thoughts on this matter from the modders. Thanks.
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