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Egyptian Burial Tombs- Anyone ever see them built?


Mar 30, 2011

I've never been able to get the achievement for raising a city with an Egyptian Burial tomb in it because I've never even seen Egypt build one in a game. For a while I was even cooking every game I played by choosing Egypt as on of the A.I and I'd always save them last for conquering. Even in the industrial and modern era they still hadn't built any. I stopped doing that a while ago but it was jolted back to my memory after reading a post about Egypt today. Anyone else have this problem? Is there any way to cook a game to guarantee Egypt will have a Burial Tomb? I've even tried force starting games on Modern in hopes that it will be one of the starting buildings for them but it only gives Monuments to new cities.

they have a 0% capture rate. i suspect if you modded that this might work.
I have just got the achievement "tomb raider" if this is what you mean?

It's my last achievement actually on a Prince game with Japan.
I think I got the achievement the first time I ever captured an Egyptian city. Maybe you're just really unlucky.
Global stats now show about 10% of players with the "Tomb Raider" achievement.

I'm not one of them, but then again, I've never been at war with Egypt in my games so far.

Edit: I got that achievement in my first war against Egypt; first city I captured. The war wasn't until so late that Egypt had built Tombs in all cities.
Play Egypt against Egypt, build a burial tomb in one of your cities, gift it to the other Egypt. Then declare war and recapture it. This should get you the achievment.
Any mistakes there?
I got Tomb Raider. I don't remember when, though.
Just start a game with 12 Egypts or so and go on a mad conquering spree, if you don't random personality them they should be busy building wonders while you raid their cities, it can get a bit confusing trying to do diplomacy with 12 guys who look the same but I imagine you can work with it, usually when I just got a new DLC installed I would run a game with 2 or 3 of them to hopefully be able to see at least one of them not completely fail.
Use Songhai, they're like the natural counter.
Sweet! Good Ideas, I'll definitely try one of these suggestions out to get the achievement. I like the City gifting idea. This is the only Civ specific Achievement I haven't got yet and it sticks out like a sore thumb when I'm reviewing possible achievements.
Just finally got that achievment. Forgot I didn't have it. Went to war with Egypt (Aztecs asked for it) captured a city got the notification.
I believe it was one of my earliest achievements (back in June-ish). Unless they borked it in a later patch, it should be doable.
The opposite. It was borked when the game first came out. One of the patches in the first half of last year fixed it.

I believe it was one of my earliest achievements (back in June-ish). Unless they borked it in a later patch, it should be doable.
If you capture any major Egyptian city you usually should get it. Burial Tomb however is a Temple replacement, therefore a small city might not have it always.
What is more likely for the guys having trouble with this achievement: You disabled reward popups in the options, which might prevent this achievement (and many others) from working.
Or you are playing at a difficulty level below Prince, where the AI might not build Temples at all (I think they still may do it, not just so frequently... maybe not at all though on Settler; not sure).
I have met Egypt plenty of times in the game, but it was only a few days ago that I got the achievement. It was an important city, it had three Wonders in it (neat bonus), and when I invade it with Alex the achievement popped up. Perhaps it has been broken in previous patches, but now it's doing its thing?
The higher the diffuclty the lower the change because the AI doesn't use the same happiness rules as the human and usally don't build the happiness buildings
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