Embarking without fishing and City Parks not working


Jul 14, 2019
Hi guys, I still cant seem to figure out screenshots but I've noticed two new bugs playing a Ethiopia game. Title kinda says it all but yeah I noticed my builders were able to traverse across water before fishing tech was researched, not really a big deal just odd.

The other bug is, despite having the city park promotion on Liang I still was unable to build city parks. Typical the only time I actually use city parks I couldn't. yes she is established fully in the city and yes the tiles are within the border of the city and no im not running any mods that could possibly be affecting this except basic UI mods nothing game changing. I ran a test game playing as America and was still unable to build city parks. can someone test this and see if its just me?
I guess a save illustrating the issues would be very helpful here.

I promoted Liang in a recent game the very first time enough to get the City Park building ability and it worked flawlessly for me.
nope still not working


  • AutoSave_0038.Civ6Save
    1,017.6 KB · Views: 28
here is a saved game of the builder bug. I have not been able to get it on any other game.


  • AutoSave_0039.Civ6Save
    1,020.6 KB · Views: 28
and now I cant embark lol


  • AutoSave_0054.Civ6Save
    1.6 MB · Views: 27
Just noticed the builder bug again as you can see I just moved my builder onto the amber and i have yet to finish fishing.


  • AutoSave_0080.Civ6Save
    1.7 MB · Views: 21
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