Is there a mod for removing artifacts and shipwrecks?


Feb 28, 2010
Haven't played in a few years. Got a hankering. Wanted to test out Biosphere's tourism victory strat. Had it in mind a couple times when I played before, but always ended up winning before completing the wonder. So got the idea to play a generalist civ that's powerful but not geared towards a victory condition and no tourism bonuses (Elizabeth with Owls of Minerva and putting Kumasi and Chinguetti in the game should do the trick.) Go for a culture victory with several self-imposed handicaps:
-No trade routes to major civs
-No converting other civs
-No open borders after renaissance
-Pick all city states and exclude those with tourism improvements
-No rock bands
-Minimum National Parks needed to maintain ecstatic status in all cities
-And most importantly, no theatre squares.

But then I remembered the nuisance we all face when discovering Natural History where artifacts (and later shipwrecks) are littered across the map. When in your territory, you're unable to build improvements or plant districts or wonders until you build an archeological museum and archeologist and then wait until the dude gets there. Thought, "Okay, maybe I have artifacts but immediately gift them to other civs." But without building theater squares, you can't establish the prerequisite for building an archoelogist! So with the rules for artifacts (and shipwrecks) as they are, I think I'm stuck with blocked tiles.

Are there any mods that address this? Use a builder charge to chop out the artifact/shipwreck for culture? I don't even care about the culture, I just want to be able to remove the darn thing! Or maybe, since it seems that artifacts are coded as resources, you just get the pop-up that you would when placing a district on a bonus resource: "placing this wind farm will destroy the artifact."
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I do not know if there is such a mod with option to harvest antiquity sites and shipwrecks. So I thought about it a bit and made it. Here you are, add the mod to your mod location and try it out in game, should be working with GS in general.

I thought of two options, one that would prevent artifact sites from spawning would be remove all valid terrain for them in the Resource_ValidTerrain and Resource_ValidFeatures tables, but didnt work immediately. Removing is always tricky.
The other solution is simply to add a harvest value to the Antiquity site and Shipwreck resources and that should make them harvestable with anything with charges - builders, military engineers, legions... And this works, so I set it to harvest yield of 10 and 20 culture respectively, which scales with game length and speed. It could be set to 1, if it turns out to be a problem. I just ran a quick test with an industrial era quick speed start, and that value was at 40 culture around modern era start, nothing crazy. Also placing districts removed the resource.
I also thought of removing/disabling the Archeology museum, but you dont need that, if you are not building TS :).

As with your challenge, try some civ with strong internal trade routes, Spain or Japan, they are generic enough for me.


yes, as a Steam mod: Cheat Map Editor

Mod is addictive, all power to the people :)
Indeed, Cheat Map Editor and Unit editor are quite useful, been having a lot of fun in a hot seat multiplayer against myself, occassionally helping out the AI civs do things more efficiently. Unit editor is especially useful... More on this later

To the OP: I suggest developing every tile in your cities with improvements, wonders, or districts, as well as buying out every tile they will claim BEFORE researching Natural History. I usually delay getting it for this very reason, as I very rarely build Theater squares with most civilizations. Then make new cities carefully. If you run hot seat multiplayer, take control of an AI player, and force them to do the archaeology for you in your lands.

Yes, map editor can simply remove them from the tile, AND, it's a standalone MOD that doesn't go into map dependencies so that you can grab it and use it with any game already started, and then save, and disable it afterwards.

Currently polishing my new Ishmeria map (From Gemfire) playing a game where I pit a Byzantium voidsingers religious war path against a well settled Scotland owls of Minerva with Himiko and Hercules. (Byzantium having Sinbad and Sun Wukong) Byzantium easily crushes everyone, but saving Scotland's Druidry religion for last. So it's pitting Taxis with 6 holy cities converted and a general, vs Scotland with Giants Causway, Himiko, a general, and that Arab Scientist who heals adjacent units. With Himiko and Owls Scotland was able to lock Byzantium out of all the Religious City States and stay at war with them, much to Basils frustration, at the start of the medieval era. 575 faith per turn is still getting him a huge boost from Chorus, but not as tremendous as having close to 800 faith per turn with 3 envoys in 5 religious city states would be. Of course, Himiko can't be everywhere at once so Taxis is better. If Byzantium can't destroys Scotlands religion using war and Apostles, it will become a science race. Scotland has a coastal capital with Masaoleum, Owls, Kilwa, and Several Campus so both players have around 150 Science. It would've been over 300 science with free enquiry, but I set up some restrictions with myself, like not building any Campus or even promoting Pingala for Basil. Chorus is so crazy overpowered, especially with Ethiopia. On my immortal game playing Ethiopia, it was so bad that I didn't even bother getting Chorus.

With Cheat Unit Editor in hotseat, you can:
-Temp Spawn Hero's like Hercules to build districts, Himiko to add envoys, Sinbad to get gold, and Anansi to force AI to research essential early policies like sailing, Irrigation, early on, that they often skip, without having to play them every turn.
-Using Cheat Map Editor and Cheat Unit Editors (restore turn) option, and the removable districts Mod, you can Keep adding and harvesting deer to make cities produce something, or destroy a lousy district the AI made and then use Hercules to rebuild it in a better spot.
-Spawn Barbarian Units all over the place

By doing all this, I also made the AI more formidable, as if they were players, you can generate free settlers, builders, buy tiles, or if also having the map editor, you can change the ownership of tiles that way.

I'm going to instigate a short Medieval Era by creating a worldwide Dark Age:
-Taking control of Every CIV, forcing them into Revolving Anarchy, doing nothing with units, ending all turns ASAP,
-Spawning Barbarians all over their lands, including my own lands, forcing everyone, including myself, to fight them and fix the damage with builders which will have the effect of stunting the growth of cities.

I could not a find a mod that simply skips a bunch of turns, basically I'm looking for ways to not get too far ahead early on, so that the game goes into later eras without ending. I tend to play on huge maps with Epic speed, and already using the slower science by era mod or whatever it's called.

I have one final map I'm making, and will be polishing some older maps, after finishing a game on them.
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