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Embassy and spy


Oct 19, 2019
How do these work in civ 6? I have every civ asking me to allow their embassy, and i am catching spy attempts ... but i am unable to get embassy or spies myself.

Your first spy becomes available with the Castles tech (medieval era). Embassies become available with the Diplomatic Service civic (renaissance era). If you're new to the game there is a good chance you're behind in research and culture at that point.
I haven't had a chance to get back to the game since my post . . . I will try tonight for sure . . . so is it fairly intuitive in regards to how to utilize your spy and ambassador (for embassy)? I will try tonight, then update this thread. Thanks so much!
The spy may seem intuitive but is far from it.
Screen tips about chances of death and capture are misleading and undervalued while chance of success and failure are accurate. If you have to escape, escape on foot if given the choice (based on what district a city has)
You shall buy embassy with gold. If the AI has >=0 impression on you then he may sell that to you.

The use of embassy is to
1: Help you reveal your enemy's capital so that you can spy on him.
2: Make religious combat much better.

Apostles take the +3 per visibility level combat bonus( that's why I say religious victory is seriously related with diplomacy), so if you establish an embassy on your enemy your apostles are 3 strength stronger. However if you allow his embassy then your apostles become 3 strength weaker. Also you can use spy mission "listening post" to further enhance your apostles.

Declaration of war cancels all embassies and delegations so that embassy makes no sense for real combat. However "listening post" still takes effect.
So how do you establish embassy? I dont see the option. Also should you allow other civs to establish embassy in uour capital? I habe let several already do so ...
Just to clarify, if you already have sent a delegation, the embassy will not further increase the diplomatic visibility, so unless I want to reveal the enemy capital I usually don't bother spending that 50 gold for an embassy. When you are going for a religious victory it makes sense not to accept delegation and embassies from civs that have founded a religion and you still have to convert. In all other games I gladly accept that free gold.

Both your first spy and the ability to establish an embassy become available once you research diplomatic service (spy at castles only for Catherine). If you build the intelligence agency you can get your first spy earlier.
Just to clarify, if you already have sent a delegation, the embassy will not further increase the diplomatic visibility, so unless I want to reveal the enemy capital I usually don't bother spending that 50 gold for an embassy. When you are going for a religious victory it makes sense not to accept delegation and embassies from civs that have founded a religion and you still have to convert. In all other games I gladly accept that free gold.

Both your first spy and the ability to establish an embassy become available once you research diplomatic service (spy at castles only for Catherine). If you build the intelligence agency you can get your first spy earlier.

If you build a commercial hub, or industrial zone, or spaceport, or put a Governor in your capital then I'd rather say "no" to embassies. Letting them gain access to your capital is like feeding their hungry Spies with meat. Unless they already revealed my capital I'll never sell open borders or embassies to them.
You need to learn Diplomatic Service on the Civic tree in order to establish embassies or build spies.
Your first spy becomes available with the Castles tech (medieval era).
That's for Catherine only.
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