Epolenep - City of Diamonds


Aug 13, 2004
mostly lurking
City details (as of 1090 AD):

Capitol of HAI-RANDO
Population 6 - 6 :) - growth in -- +0 Food
Founded 1725BC
Mayor: MOTH
Shields: 5/7
Commerce: 17/22
Improvements: Barracks, Temple, Walls, Library, Courthouse, Marketplace
Garrison: Spearman, Vet Pike
Culture: 689; +7 pt; expand in 45

Residents: MOTH

Town history:
Epo (as its fondly refferred to) was the 4th city founded in our nation. For sometime it remained as a backwater and its citizens have needed to work on generally unimproved lands. Being located in a hilly region the only reason Epo has been able to grow has been thanks to one fertile river valley filled with wild wheat. Recently some laborers have taken to panning for diamonds in the untamed mountains.

The city gained some prominence when appointed Governor MOTH setup the provincial capitol here. MOTH's last official act before retiring was to appoint himself Mayor of Epolenep.
Sir Donald III said:
Starting sometime in the Second TC, we would likely be able to construct Railroads.

Since the benefits of railroads are the same (instant transportation and +1 to Irrigation or Mines) whether the rail line is direct or serpentine, I would like you to ask your Mayors which tiles they would most like to be improved upon. Mined and Irrigated Tiles will be the only ones considered for these requests. (Doesn't mean I won't RR un"improved" tiles, but I would like to see your preferences.)

Please make a list (of 5 or so) tiles you would like to see be improved by railroads when we get them. Thanks.
Ginger_Ale said:
Please make a list (of 5 or so) tiles you would like to see be improved by railroads when we get them. Thanks.

I would like to request that the 3 irrigated tile be Railroaded as these are the only improved tiles within my city. I would also like to request that 3 roaded river hills be railroaded (and mined if possible). All that is needed for Epo to become a production and commerce powerhouse is to be able to work improved tiles.

Thanks - MOTH
Mayor of Epolenep
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