Error issue


Nov 9, 2001
I have this one error in my Database.log
[Database] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: IconTextureAtlases.Name, IconTextureAtlases.IconSize

In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into IconTextureAtlases('Name', 'IconSize', 'IconsPerRow', 'IconsPerColumn', 'Filename') with values (ICON_ATLAS_ATLANTIA_BUILDINGS, 314, 1, 1,, ).

Now as I understand it, it means there is a duplicate but there is not.
When it says [Database] what part exactly is that referring to?

My understanding is it is referring to UpdateIcons types of actions. Not sure if any other action-types are also covered under a [Database] header for Database.log messages. In any case it's a misleading reference header since the actual FrontEnd "database" is referred to as [Configuration] and InGame "database" is referred to as [Gameplay] within Database.log

Are you sure you are not loading the same Icon file in both the FrontEnd and InGame actions? If so, try <Replace> syntax instead of <Row>. I've never checked to verify whether there is actually a seperated IconTextureAtlases and IconDefinitions between the FrontEnd and InGame sides of the game.
LeeS once again you save my sanity, <Replace> did do the job but it lead me to see where I went wrong in the first place, basically I was being stupid, I think hours bashing away at this adding a few more things to my mod had made me cross eyed and there was a duplicate in my Building.Icons file it was that I did not think in this instance it mattered, how wrong was I, at least its a lesson learnt. Thanks again.
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