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Espionage direction poll (Part 2-1)

How should the espionage system work to help the player? (Read the thread first)

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018
Spoiler Reposting the result of Part 1 :

What should the espionage system accomplish for a player?
OptionNumber of votesPercentage of votes out of total 45
1. Help the player3066.7%
2. Harm other players2555.6%
3. Obtain information about other players4191.1%
4. Prevent other players from harming you2862.2%
5. Unlock diplomacy options3680.0%

Inclusive/Exclusive example: 19 people voted for options 1, 2, 4, and may have voted for other options. 1 person voted for options 1, 2, and 4 only but not 3 and 5.

All options have more than 50% votes, with a higher bias on option 3 (obtain information about other players).

From now on, the polls will assume all 5 aspects should be covered by the espionage system, with "obtain information" being the highest priority.

Part 2 is in 5 separate threads (including this), each asks for how each of the aspects should be achieved. Options for each are:
a. Passive spying, no counter - spies just do their thing and auto succeed, and there's nothing other civs can do to stop it.
b. Passive spying, passive counter - spies just do their thing automatically, but may fail due to success rate not being 100% (could be due to counterspies lowering the rate passively or other factors).
c. Passive spying, active counter - spies just do their thing automatically, but may fail due to counterspying actions (i.e. spy has a chance to instantly gets caught when the counterspy owner presses a button).
d. Delayed action, no counter - you pick a mission for the spy to perform, which completes in a certain amount of turns and always succeeds.
e. Delayed action, passive counter - you pick a mission for the spy to perform, which may complete or fail in a certain amount of turns, due to success rate not being 100%.
f. Delayed action, active counter - you pick a mission for the spy to perform, which may complete in a certain amount of turns or fail in the middle of it, due to counterspying actions.
g. Instant action, no counter - you pick a mission for the spy to perform, which instantly completes and always succeeds.
h. Instant action, passive counter - you pick a mission for the spy to perform, which instantly completes or fails due to success rate not being 100%.

These options may not apply to some aspects, and are omitted from the respective poll if they're not applicable.

This poll is for the "Help the player" aspect. For each option (a-h), you may pick Yea if you're fine with it working like that, Nay if you're NOT fine with it working like that, or both/neither Yea and/or Nay if you don't care.

Remember, these options can co-exist.

Examples for each option in this thread:
a. After establishment, spy generates X% of yield Y of the target city per turn.
b. After establishment, spy generates X% of yield Y of the target city per turn, but has Z% chance of failing and generating nothing for the turn. At worse, the spy is kicked out of the city or even killed.
c. After establishment, spy generates X% of yield Y of the target city per turn, but the target civ can perform a counterspy action which has Z% chance of identifying, catching or killing your spy.
d. After establishment, you pick from a list, a mission that will give you a free tech X turns later.
e. After establishment, you pick from a list, a mission that will give you a copy of a random Great Work in the target city X turns later, with a Y% chance of success.
f. After establishment, you pick from a list, a mission that will give you X% of yield Y of the target city for Z turns, W turns later. The target civ can perform a counterspy action which has P% chance of identifying, catching or killing your spy while it's there.
g. After establishment, you pick from a list, a mission that instantly gives you a free tech already researched by the target civ.
h. After establishment, you pick from a list, a mission that has a X% chance of giving you a copy of a random Great Work in the target city right now.
Last edited:
Below are the raw results, as if this were a 64-option poll like in VP Congress, generated with Java.

Spoiler Results :

None = Count: 3, Voters: Kis121,ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,c = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
d = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,d = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,d = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,d = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,d = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c,d = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
f = Count: 3, Voters: ArturM77,Chippy Smith,t99KJwEd
a,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,d = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,d = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
d,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,d,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
c,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,b,d,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,d,e = Count: 3, Voters: ArturM77,Autoraem,t99KJwEd
b,c,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
d,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,d,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,h = Count: 3, Voters: Arthur Jama,iztahuacan,t99KJwEd
a,c,d,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,d,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,d,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,d,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,c,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,ma_kuh,t99KJwEd
b,c,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,d,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
d,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,d,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,e = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
d,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
c,d,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,d,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,c,d,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,d,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,d,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,h = Count: 2, Voters: iztahuacan,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,d,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,d,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c,d,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,d,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,b,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,d,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,e,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
e,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
d,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,d,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,e,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,d,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,b,c,d,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
f,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
b,e,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
c,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c,d,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,c,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,f,g = Count: 3, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd,Hokiefan00
b,d,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,d,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
b,f,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
d,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,d,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,e,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
g,h = Count: 2, Voters: rkkn,t99KJwEd
a,c,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c,e,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,d,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,b,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,c,d,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,d,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,d,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,d,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
c,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: t99KJwEd,Little Billy
b,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: rkkn,t99KJwEd
d,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
d,e,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,d,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,d,e,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,e,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,c,e,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,d,e,f = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,d,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,f,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,c,d,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,d,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,d,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,b,d,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,d,e,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,c,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
d,f,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: rkkn,t99KJwEd
b,d,e,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,d,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,e,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
c,d,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c,d,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,d,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
e,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
b,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
d,g,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,b,d,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,b,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,e,f,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
c,d,e,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,c,d,e,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,d,f,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
b,c,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: rkkn,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
a,b,c,d,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,e,f,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
c,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,e,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,d,e,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,d,g,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,e,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
e,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
c,d,f,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,c,d,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
b,e,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,d,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,d,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,e,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
d,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,d,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,f,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,c,d,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
c,e,f,h = Count: 3, Voters: vetox20,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,e,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: rkkn,t99KJwEd
a,c,e,f,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
c,d,g,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,b,d,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,d,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,c,e,f,h = Count: 4, Voters: vetox20,azum4roll,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,e,f,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
d,e,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,d,e,f,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: t99KJwEd,CppMaster
a,b,c,d,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
b,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: rkkn,t99KJwEd
a,c,e,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
c,e,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
c,d,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,c,d,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
b,d,e,f,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,d,e,f,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,c,e,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
a,c,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,e,g,h = Count: 4, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
d,e,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,d,e,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
c,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: rkkn,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,d,e,f,g = Count: 2, Voters: ArturM77,t99KJwEd
a,d,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
c,d,e,f,h = Count: 3, Voters: vetox20,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,c,d,e,f,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,d,e,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,d,e,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,c,f,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: rkkn,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
a,b,c,f,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
d,f,g,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
b,c,d,e,f,h = Count: 3, Voters: vetox20,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,d,e,f,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
c,d,e,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,c,d,e,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,d,f,g,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,b,d,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
e,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,e,f,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,e,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
a,b,c,d,e,g,h = Count: 4, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
c,d,f,g,h = Count: 1, Voters: t99KJwEd
a,c,d,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd
b,e,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,e,f,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: t99KJwEd,CppMaster
a,b,c,d,f,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
c,e,f,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: vetox20,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,c,e,f,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,c,e,f,g,h = Count: 4, Voters: vetox20,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
a,b,c,e,f,g,h = Count: 4, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
d,e,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,d,e,f,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,d,e,f,g,h = Count: 2, Voters: iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,d,e,f,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
c,d,e,f,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: vetox20,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,c,d,e,f,g,h = Count: 3, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
b,c,d,e,f,g,h = Count: 4, Voters: vetox20,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = Count: 4, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster

There are quite a lot of "I don't care" votes (and one person who literally don't care about everything), but it shouldn't affect the results.

These are the winners (tied at 4 votes):
b,c,e,f,h = Count: 4, Voters: vetox20,azum4roll,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd
a,b,c,e,g,h = Count: 4, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
a,b,c,d,e,g,h = Count: 4, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
b,c,e,f,g,h = Count: 4, Voters: vetox20,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
a,b,c,e,f,g,h = Count: 4, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
b,c,d,e,f,g,h = Count: 4, Voters: vetox20,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster
a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = Count: 4, Voters: pineappledan,iron_maaden,t99KJwEd,CppMaster

With the most unique option being b,c,e,f,h, biasing towards some sort of counter (either passive or active) for any action.

Sorry folks who want a simpler system, but I'll be making proposals where there's always a chance to fail when gaining advantages with spies.[/SPOILER]
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