Europa(100x100) new map

Awesome. A good map of Europe that is not so large as to significantly slow down your game! Bravo.
I really enjoyed your map. I ended up in Spain, settled some of North Africa, pushed into France and eventually England. This is actually the first map I have downloaded and played and am very pleased with it but I would like to make some suggestions to possibly improve it.

1) The starting locations - England, Spain, France, Italy, Egypt, Russia, and Germany/Netherlands. I would have thrown a Greece or a Turkey in there. The civ in the German spot spread to far east and so did Italy.

2) Too many luxeries. I had access to all 8 without trading. Not sure if you went for realism and placed them accuratly, but 8 seems a little much.

3) England's islands suck. Few resources, no space. Sure there is room to expand into Scandanavia, but it is very far to Africa.

Other then those three things, I thought your map was awesome!!!
finally some europe maps for the classic civ III thanks!
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