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F&L - Slider settings after we've researched Motorized Transportation.

Is there any doubt that we want to learn flight? I don't think so.

Is there any doubt that we want to learn sanitation in order to build hospitals? I don't think so.

The question is which to do first:
- Sanitation can be done in 4 turns at 50% with +567gpt.
- Flight is 4 turns at 100% with -79 gpt, 5 turns at 80% with +175 gpt.

Therefore I would prefer sanitation first while strengthening infrastructure and fighting corruption.

And IMHO we should comtinue research to get computers (mech infantry), and probably move on to synthetic fiber (moderns armor). :goodjob:
I agree with Sarevok that we should continue to research in the Modern Times. But I would go for Modern Armor instead of nukes first. But first steps first:

We can get sanitation in 4 turns at 50%, +748gpt.
We can get flight in 4 turns at 90%, +175gpt.
We cannot yet get radio in 4 turns.

As I see it, we will need about 10 turns to finish Egypt. And we don't need flight for that. Thus we should do sanitation(hospitals) first to strengthen our growth and infrastructure and increase our production capability for tanks. And maybe afterwards we can get radio in 4 turns also. :goodjob:

PS: If you look at my post above, you see how much our research capability improved in the last 6 turns! :D :D
We have most of our core cities now stuck at size 12. Allowing our core cities to grow further will greatly enhance our ability to produce tanks, so let's have Sanitation now, then we can still research flight in time for when it's needed for Persia/Zulu/Aztec. Our current income (thanks to Persia) will allow us to do this quickly and have cash for rushes, after all, until we get Mech Infantry, what upgrades are there? How much will we need to upgrade our infantry?
Furiey said:
.... after all, until we get Mech Infantry, what upgrades are there? How much will we need to upgrade our infantry?
Are these rhetorical questions or wants The President have the math done by one of her underlings? ;)

Upgrading infantry->mech infantry is 40g.
We currently have 61 infantry.
Thus we need 40x61=2440g to upgrade all of them.

OTOH we do not need to upgrade all at once.
Flight would be nice so that we can start building airports for airlifting units to the other continent. Other than that, I wouldn't mind continuing to build up our tanks.

We do have 1 captured catapult that can be upgraded, too. I'd also like Espionage soon so that we can plant spies in Persia before the war.
This isn't about "what tech to go for next" - that's an T&T discussion. This is about: "how fast are we going to research" ?

I get the feeling most citizens want to keep the speed of research high. How high ? Would you want to go into negative gpt ? When do you want to have the required cash for upgrading Inf to Mech inf (if you want it) ? What tech is the last tech we research at high speed; when do you want to slow down ?

ongoing debate; please continue expressing your opinions here.
Rik Meleet said:
This isn't about "what tech to go for next" - that's an T&T discussion. This is about: "how fast are we going to research" ?

I get the feeling most citizens want to keep the speed of research high. How high ? Would you want to go into negative gpt ? When do you want to have the required cash for upgrading Inf to Mech inf (if you want it) ? What tech is the last tech we research at high speed; when do you want to slow down ?

ongoing debate; please continue expressing your opinions here.
Rik: IMHO these 2 have to be discussed in conjunction. I have to know about which tech I am talking (tech cost) in order to know how fast I can research with a certain slider setting and gpt result.

And IMHO it is better to have e.g. mech infantry 2 turns earlier and be able to upgrade only 20 infantry to mech infantry immediately, than getting it 2 turns later and being able to upgrade 50.

And currently, even 100% research would still give us (thanks to Persia) +35gpt. :goodjob:

PS: And I would research at least to modern armor in high speed. And would not stop afterwards, unless I need the money elsewhere.
I've asked the minister of T&T for a "what to research next" discussion.

There are some Persian big money deals ending soon. It is not very likely we can maintain a positive gpt if we go full power on expensive techs; that is the reason I asked what the citizen's thoughts are on "Would you want to go into negative gpt ?".

PS: And I would research at least to modern armor in high speed. And would not stop afterwards, unless I need the money elsewhere.
- Can you indicate what the "elsewhere" is? That is my biggest question to the citizens in this thread. If we wouldn't need money, of course we'd go full-power research. The question is: when do we need the money elsewhere ?
Rik Meleet said:
- Can you indicate what the "elsewhere" is? That is my biggest question to the citizens in this thread. If we wouldn't need money, of course we'd go full-power research. The question is: when do we need the money elsewhere ?
Elsewhere is IMHO mostly happiness. If war weariness strikes us. If we loose luxuries because we failed to secure them before starting the war against Persia.

And I am not against deficit research, if the treasury is high above (above 1000g).

And what we should do is continue our fight against corruption to improve net income.
I think we should put the science slider at a level were we can research techs in the lowest time, but getting gold the most gold.

My 2 cents...
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