need my speed
Rex Omnium Imperarium
Hello! I just made a mod based on this story, wherein each AI is an overpowered version of a certain trait, and as someone expressed interest in it, I thought to upload it here. Find attached a randomly-generated map (Huge, 200x200) called 'WrathAI.biq' with tweaked (as in, made equal-ish) starting positions, and also a 'conquests.biq' so you can use it however you want. However, because I play this game with my own modified rules, this mod is based on my own modified rules. So if you are interested in this - read the changelog below.
First of all, I use the Flintlock Patch, mostly with the default options (i.e. AI knows how to use artillery and armies, certain bugs have been fixed, et cetera), with the following changes:
-Cultural borders are impassable without Right of Passage (like in Civilization IV).
-Paradrops do not consume any moves.
-Max AI naval escorts is 2 (instead of 3, i.e. transport ships with units inside are escorted by a maximum of 2 non-transport ships).
-All civilisation-specific wonders (see below) have a perfume of 999 to make the AI build them as soon as possible.
I also believe it is the Flintlock Patch that allows small wonders to produce units, so without this patch, certain small wonders below won't work.
I attached the Flintlock Patch's config file to this post.
Because I based this mod on my own (custom, modded) basegame, there are a variety of generic changes. All of these involve code; I have not made nor downloaded any custom art or made any Civlopedia entries. I am not 100% sure if I have remembered/found/listed all of the changes here, but:
-Minimum research time is 6 turns (instead of 4).
-Maximum research time is 75 turns (instead of 50).
-Advanced barbarian unit is Swordsman (instead of Horseman).
-Volcano eruption period is set to 100000 (i.e. the average volcano will erupt once in a 100.000 year timeframe, i.e. this mostly disables volcanoes).
-Clearing damage (e.g. nuclear radiation or lava) takes 12 turns (instead of 24).
-Jungle yields 2 food (instead of 1).
-The difficulty level 'Monarch' has a cost factor of 10 (instead of 9), a percentage of optimal cities of 100% (was 85%), and AIs start with 2 offensive units (instead of 1) and 1 Worker (instead of 0).
-Settler costs 1 population.
-Worker can be sacrificed for culture (assuming one has researched a technology that enables this - and this is only available to The Culture in this mod).
-Scout has 1 defence (instead of 0).
-Explorer has 2 defence (instead of 0).
-Medieval Infantry upgrades to Rifleman.
-Marine has 2 moves (instead of 1) and can blitz.
-Paratrooper has 9 attack (instead of 4), 2 moves (instead of 1), and treats all terrain as roads.
-Modern Paratrooper has 11 attack (instead of 6), 2 moves (instead of 1), and treats all terrain as roads.
-Cavalry upgrades to Tank.
-Curragh has 1 transport capacity (instead of 0).
-Galley has 2 attack (instead of 1), 2 defence (instead of 1), and 4 transport capacity (instead of 2).
-Caravel has 3 attack (instead of 1), 3 defence (instead of 2), and 6 transport capacity (instead of 3).
-Galleon has 3 attack (instead of 1), 4 defence (instead of 2), and 8 transport capacity (instead of 4).
-Frigate has 5 attack (instead of 2), 5 defence (instead of 2), and upgrades to Destroyer.
-Privateer has 5 attack (instead of 2), 4 defence (instead of 1), and upgrades to Submarine.
-Ironclad has 7 attack (instead of 5), and 7 defence (instead of 6).
-Transport has 5 attack (instead of 1), 7 defence (instead of 2), and 12 transport capacity (instead of 6).
-Carrier has 7 attack (instead of 1) and 10 defence (instead of 8).
-Submarine has 10 attack (instead of 8) and 7 defence (instead of 4).
-Nuclear Submarine has 10 attack (instead of 8) and 7 defence (instead of 4).
-Destroyer has 12 attack (unchanged) and 10 defence (instead of 8).
-Battleship has 18 attack (unchanged) and 14 defence (instead of 12).
-Cruiser has 16 attack (instead of 15) and 12 defence (instead of 10).
-AEGIS Cruiser has 16 attack (instead of 15) and 12 defence (instead of 10).
-Jet Fighter upgrades to Stealth Fighter.
-Bomber upgrades to Stealth Bomber.
-Leader can be airlifted.
-Army can be airlifted.
Unique units:
-Conquistador upgrades to Guerilla.
-Jaguar Warrior upgrades to Immortals.
-Numidian Mercenary upgrades to Swiss Mercenary.
-Immortals upgrades to Rifleman.
-Gallic Swordsman upgrades to Medieval Infantry (irrelevant; Gallic Swordsman isn't used).
-Legionary upgrades to Rifleman (irrelevant; Legionary isn't used).
-Berserk upgrades to Marine.
-Three-Man Chariot upgrades to Mounted Warrior.
-Mounted Warrior upgrades to War Elephant.
-Rider upgrades to Keshik.
-Ansar Warrior upgrades to Cavalry (irrelevant; Ansar Warrior isn't used).
-Samurai upgrades to Cavalry (irrelevant; Samurai isn't used).
-War Elephant upgrades to Sipahi.
-Keshik upgrades to Cossack.
-Sipahi upgrades to Panzer.
-Cossack upgrades to Tank.
-Dromon has 3 attack (instead of 2), 2 defence (instead of 1), 4 transport capacity (instead of 2), and upgrades to Carrack.
-Carrack has 3 attack (instead of 2), 4 defence (instead of 2), 5 moves (instead of 4), and 6 transport capacity (instead of 3).
-Man-O-War has 6 attack (instead of 4), 6 defence (instead of 2), and upgrades to Destroyer.
-F-15 upgrades to Stealth Fighter.
-Marketplace, Bank, Stock Exchange, Walls, Coastal Fortress, Commercial Dock do not cost any maintenance.
-Harbour increases gold in water (instead of food - and allows water trade and produces veteran sea units).
-Library provides 1 culture (instead of 3 - and provides +50% research output).
-Courthouse provides +50% luxury output and resistance to propaganda (and reduces corruption).
-Colosseum provides 3 culture (instead of 2 - and makes 2 citizens happy).
-Cathedral provides 4 culture (instead of 3 - and makes 3 citizens happy).
-University provides 2 culture (instead of 4 - and provides +50% research output).
-Police Station provides resistance against propaganda (and reduces corruption and war weariness).
New buildings:
-Lighthouse can be built upon the discovery of Writing; costs 6 (cheaper for Seafaring) and 1 maintenance, increases food in water.
-Smithy can be built upon the discovery of Iron Working; costs 12 (cheaper for Industrious) and 1 maintenance, increases production by 25%.
-Newspaper Office can be built upon the discovery of Printing Press; costs 16 and 2 maintenance, provides 3 culture, +50% luxury output, resistance to propaganda, reduces corruption, and reduces war weariness.
-Levee can be built upon the discovery of Chemistry; costs 12 (cheaper for Industrious and Seafaring) and 2 maintenance, increases shields in water.
-All wonders that provide buildings, provide buildings in every city (instead of every city on the continent).
-Only The Statue of Zeus and the Knights Templar obsolete.
-The Great Library puts a Library in every city (instead of unlocking every technology two other civilisations have discovered).
-The Great Wall puts a Barracks in every city (instead of Walls, so as to avoid the wall-bombardment-glitch - also provides double combat strength versus barbarians).
-Sun Tzu's Art of War puts a Courthouse in every city and allows armies to be built without leaders.
-The Internet unlocks every technology two other civilisations have discovered (and puts a Research Lab in every city).
-Forbidden Palace yields +1 gold in each gold-producing tile (and reduces corruption).
-Intelligence Agency costs 10 (instead of 40) and requires Monarchy (instead of Espionage).
-Secret Police HQ increases production by 25% (and reduces corruption).
New wonders:
-Latifundium can be built upon the discovery of Horseback Riding; costs 20 and produces a Worker every 5 turns, obsoletes with Education.
-Ancient era technologies cannot be traded.
-Tax Collectors require Pottery and generate 2 gold.
-Scientists require Alphabet and generate 3 research.
-Police require Warrior Code and generate 1 gold and 1 production.
-Civil Engineers are renamed to Engineers, require Masonry, and generate 2 production.
Then, for this mod; 'Wrath of the AI' (again, inspired by and named after the story linked above).
First of all, I am aware that it is possible for civilisations to capture cities of other civilisations and thereby gain access to and/or build new civilisation-specific buildings. I consider this to be better than giving every building +1 culture, and I am not aware of another alternative.
Secondly - there are eighteen leaders and civilisations:
Anthropoid Meat, ruler of the Humans of Humanity
Embellished Negotiator, ruler of the Diplomats of Diplomacy
Stubborn Shieldmaiden, ruler of the Bulwarks of Bulwark
Vainglorious Gladiator, ruler of of the Glories of Glory
Primitive Barbarian, ruler of the Hordes of Horde
Knight Errant, ruler of the Cavalry of Cavalcade
Swashbuckling Privateer, ruler of the Navigators of Navy
Top Gun Maverick, ruler of the Aerobats of Aeronautica
Promiscuous Mother, ruler of the Expendables of The Expanse
Aggrandising Architect, ruler of the Urbanites of Urbanus
Sweaty Workaholic, ruler of the Industries of Industry
Greedy Tycoon, ruler of the Profits of Profiteering
Fat Cat, ruler of the Wealthy of Wealth
Mad Scientist, ruler of the Scholars of Scholarship
Haute Elite, ruler of the Cults of The Culture
Sunny Smiles, ruler of the Content of Contender
Scrupulous Judge, ruler of the Legates of Legalism
Archetypal Character, ruler of the Civilians of Civilisation
Each civilisation is unique, as described below.
Note that I did not change any military/scientific leaders, culture groups, leader graphics, city graphics, or any other kind of graphics/art. For this, refer to the '(based on xxx)' text.
Anthropoid Meat, ruler of the Humans of Humanity (based on the Zulu)
Colour: Dark red
Starting technologies: Alphabet, Pottery
Traits: /
Favourite government: Republic
Shunned government: Anarchy
Aggression: 3
Build often: Offensive Land Units, Settlers, Workers
They are human.
City names:
Humanity Front
Organic Intelligence
Biology Central
Nature's Finest
The Player
Flesh and Bone
Homo Genus
Meatsack Metropolis
Prefrontal Cortex
Opposable Thumb
Fort Erectus
High Hairlessness
Bipedal Borough
Neolithic Revolution
Lesser Chromosome
Ode to Life
Neander Valley
Transhuman Manifest
Purity First
Primate Point
Embellished Negotiator leads the Diplomats of Diplomacy (based on India)
Colour: Pink
Starting technologies: Alphabet, Ceremonial Burial (and their unique technologies 'Diplomacy' and 'Diplomatic Republic')
Traits: Religious
Favourite government: Diplomatic Republic
Shunned government: Anarchy
Aggression: 2
Build often: Workers, Trade
Their unique technology 'Diplomacy' allows them to:
-Use all diplomacy options.
-Use the 'Diplomatic Despotism' government; a Despotism wherein Diplomats are elite, Spies are elite, citizens in captured cities will resist 10% shorter (20% if the target was in Anarchy), and propaganda missions have a +25% chance of succeeding (+50% if the target is in Anarchy).
-Build the 'Embassy'; a small wonder (costs 0) that enables spy missions.
Their unique technology 'Diplomatic Republic' (which requires The Republic and Diplomacy, and is thus researched for free once The Republic is researched) allows them to:
-Use the 'Diplomatic Republic' government; a Republic wherein Diplomats are elite, Spies are elite, citizens in captured cities will resist 10% shorter (20% if the target was in Anarchy), and propaganda missions have a +25% chance of succeeding (+50% if the target is in Anarchy).
They start the game as a Diplomatic Despotism (instead of Despotism).
They start the game with embassies.
City names:
Grand Consensus
First Compromise
Debate's Seat
Concilliator Commune
Mediator Meadows
Savvy Settlement
Forktongue Falls
White Lies Whereabouts
The Terms
Buried Hatchet
Common Grounds
Agreement Annex
Tit-Tat Town
Charisma High
Hammered Deal
Horse-Trade Homestead
Plots and Schemes
Smooth Suave Sly
Stubborn Shieldmaiden leads the Bulwarks of Bulwark (based on Byzantines)
Colour: Royal purple
Starting technologies: Bronze Working, Masonry (and their unique technology 'Bulwark')
Traits: Militaristic
Favourite government: Monarchy
Shunned government: Democracy
Aggression: 3
Build often: Defensive Land Units
Their unique technology 'Bulwark' allows them to:
-Build the 'Bulwark'; a small wonder (costs 0) that doubles city defenses, decreases the success of missile attacks by 75%, and functions as a stealth attack barrier.
They can train the 'Bulwark Spearman'; a Spearman that costs 10 (instead of 20), has 4 defence (instead of 2), and upgrades to the Bulwark Pikeman.
They can train the 'Bulwark Pikeman'; a Pikeman that costs 10 (instead of 20), has 5 defence (instead of 3), requires no resources, and upgrades to the Bulwark Musketman.
They can train the 'Bulwark Musketman'; a Musketman that costs 30 (instead of 60), has 6 defence (instead of 4), requires no resources, and upgrades to the Bulwark Rifleman.
They can train the 'Bulwark Rifleman'; a Rifleman that costs 40 (instead of 80), has 8 defence (instead of 6), and upgrades to the Bulwark Infantry.
They can train the 'Bulwark Infantry'; an Infantry that costs 45 (instead of 90), has 12 defence (instead of 10), and upgrades to the Bulwark Mech Infantry.
They can train the 'Bulwark Mech Infantry'; a Mech Infantry that costs 55 (instead of 110), has 20 defence (instead of 18), and requires no resources.
City names:
The City
Last Stand
The Citadel
Fortification Fastness
Molon Labe
The Palisades
Castle Cover
Shieldwall Stronghold
Las Barricadas
Strong Stockade
Gandalf's Pass
The Line
Fortress Unflinch
Bows of Agincourt
Rampart Resistance
Doubtless Redoubt
Protective Parapets
Siege Sanctuary
Sitting Bull Shelter
Wardline Walls
Normandy Repellent
Near Refuge
Helm's Deep
Panic Room Point
Vainglorious Gladiator leads the Glories of Glory (based on Rome)
Colour: Red
Starting technologies: Bronze Working, Iron Working (and their unique technology 'Glory')
Traits: Militaristic
Favourite government: Monarchy
Shunned government: Republic
Aggression: 5
Build often: Offensive Land Units
Their unique technology 'Glory' allows them to:
-Build the 'Castrum'; a small wonder (costs 0) that doubles combat strength against barbarians, increases the chance of military leaders appearing, and allows units to heal in enemy territory.
They can train the following unique units:
-Chasqui Scout (replaces Scout, upgrades to Conquistador)
-Conquistador (replaces Explorer, requires Map Making)
-Jaguar Warrior (replaces Warrior)
-Javelin Thrower (replaces Archer)
-Immortals (replaces Swordsman)
-Berserk (replaces Longbowman)
-Numidian Mercenary (replaces Spearman)
-Swiss Mercenary (replaces Pikeman)
-Musketeer (replaces Musketman)
-Three-Man Chariot (replaces Chariot)
-Mounted Warrior (replaces Horseman)
-War Elephant (replaces Knight)
-Sipahi (replaces Cavalry)
-Panzer (replaces Tank)
-Hwach'a (replaces Cannon)
-Dromon (replaces Galley)
-Carrack (replaces Caravel)
-Man-O-War (replaces Frigate)
-F-15 (replaces Jet Fighter)
City names:
Vanitas Vanitatum
Gloria Mundi
Vae Victis
Circumvallation Major
Tao of Deception
Spartacus Prime
False Flag
Samurai Swordpoint
Delta Squadron
Army Base
Ambush Overwatch
Kill Zone
The Barracks
Seal Six
Blitzkrieg Battlements
Hammer and Anvil
Shellshock Settlement
Guerilla Grounds
Contravallation Minor
Commentarii de Bello
The Front
Patrol Point
Sun Tzu
Defeat in Detail
Primitive Barbarian leads the Hordes of Horde (based on the Mongols)
Colour: Black
Starting technologies: The Wheel, Warrior Code (and their unique technology 'Horde')
Traits: Militaristic
Favourite government: Fascism
Shunned government: Republic
Aggression: 5
Build often: Offensive Land Units
Their unique technology 'Horde' allows them to:
-Conscript units
-Mobilise for war
-Build the 'Ancient Horde'; a small wonder (costs 0) that halves unit upgrade costs and produces a Warrior every 2 turns, obsoletes with Feudalism.
-Build the 'Medieval Horde'; a small wonder (costs 0) that halves unit upgrade costs and produces a Medieval Infantry every 2 turns, obsoletes with Nationalism. Requires the Ancient Horde and Feudalism.
-Build the 'Industrial Horde'; a small wonder (costs 0) that halves unit upgrade costs and produces a Rifleman every 2 turns, obsoletes with Rocketry. Requires the Medieval Horde and Nationalism.
-Build the 'Modern Horde'; a small wonder (costs 0) that halves unit upgrade costs and produces a TOW Infantry every 2 turns. Requires the Industrial Horde and Rocketry.
City names:
Pitchfork High
Scorched Earth
Terracotta Army Camp
Pillage Village
Dark Clouds
Great Migration
Human Wave Holdfast
Riffraff Rabblement
Days Ending
Territorial Imperative
Ashes Fall
The Ruins
Toppled Thrones
Neo Assyria
Philistaei Fields
Thuggery Town
Hoodlum Hideout
Boorish Moorlands
Knight Errant leads the Cavalry of Cavalcade (based on France)
Colour: Light brown
Starting technologies: The Wheel, Warrior Code (and their unique technology 'Cavalcade')
Traits: Militiaristic
Favourite government: Monarchy
Shunned government: Republic
Aggression: 5
Build often: Offensive Land Units
Their unique technology 'Cavalcade' allows them to:
-Build the 'Cavalry Command'; a small wonder (costs 10) that increases the size of armies and allows armies to be built without leaders.
They can train the following unique units (note; changes listed are relative to the unit it replaces, e.g. the Keshik doesn't ignore movement through Hills and Mountains, but instead, it is the same as the Knight except for the attributes below):
-War Chariot (replaces Chariot, has 2 attack strength, 3 moves, can blitz, requires no resources, upgrades to Rider)
-Rider (replaces Horseman, has 3 attack strength, 3 moves, can blitz, requires no resources, upgrades to Keshik)
-Keshik (replaces Knight, has 5 attack strength, 3 moves, can blitz, requires no resources, upgrades to Cossack)
-Cossack (replaces Cavalry, has 7 attack strength, 3 moves, can blitz, requires no resources, costs the same as Cavalry (80; ordinarily a Cossack costs 90), upgrades to Tank)
-Cavalry Army (replaces Army, costs 100 instead of 400)
City list:
Horseback High
Little Ponytown
Cavalry Crossing
Paladin Point
The Charge
Cataphract County
Dragoon Den
Cuirassier Commune
Majestic Beast
Cossack Cottage
Hussar Hamlet
Rough Riding Hood
Carabinier Canton
Uhlan Undercity
Keshik Quarters
Gallop Gait
Sipahi Square
Equine Enclave
Palfrey Promenade
Pike's End
Swashbuckling Privateer leads the Navigators of Navy (based on England)
Colour: Cyan
Starting technologies: Alphabet, Warrior Code (and their unique technology 'Navy')
Traits: Seafaring
Favourite government: Monarchy
Shunned government: Republic
Aggression: 4
Build often: Naval Units
Their unique technology 'Navy' allows them to:
-Trade over sea tiles
-Trade over ocean tiles
-Trade maps
-Build the 'Port'; a coastal building (costs 6) that increases food, production, and gold in water.
-Build the 'Arsenal'; a small wonder (costs 0) that allows safe sea travel.
-Build the 'Mead Hall'; a small wonder (costs 0) that produces a Berserk every 5 turns, obsoletes with Amphibious War. Requires the Arsenal and Invention.
They can train the Berserk (replaces Longbowman).
They can train the 'Navigator Curragh'; a Curragh that costs 10 (instead of 15), has 3 moves (instead of 2), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Galley'; a Galley that costs 15 (instead of 30), has 4 moves (instead of 3), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Caravel'; a Caravel that costs 20 (instead of 40), has 5 moves (instead of 4), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Galleon'; a Galleon that costs 25 (instead of 50), has 5 moves (instead of 4), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Frigate'; a Frigate that costs 30 (instead of 60), requires no resources, has 6 moves (instead of 5), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Privateer'; a Privateer that costs 25 (instead of 50), requires no resources, has 6 moves (instead of 5), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Ironclad'; a Ironclad that costs 45 (instead of 90), requires no resources, has 4 moves (instead of 3), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Transport'; a Transport that costs 50 (instead of 100), requires no resources, has 7 moves (instead of 6), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Carrier'; a Carrier that costs 90 (instead of 180), requires no resources, has 8 moves (instead of 7), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Submarine'; a Submarine that costs 50 (instead of 100), requires no resources, has 5 moves (instead of 4), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Nuclear Submarine'; a Nuclear Submarine that costs 70 (instead of 140), requires no resources, has 6 moves (instead of 5), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Destroyer'; a Destroyer that costs 60 (instead of 120), requires no resources, has 9 moves (instead of 8), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Battleship'; a Battleship that costs 100 (instead of 200), requires no resources, has 6 moves (instead of 5), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Cruiser'; a Cruiser that costs 80 (instead of 160), requires no resources, has 7 moves (instead of 8), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator AEGSIS Cruiser; an AEGIS Cruiser that costs 80 (instead of 160), requires no resources, has 8 moves (instead of 7), and has 1 HP bonus.
City list:
Topmast Tasman
Crow's Nest
Magellan Mainsail
Fore Bow
Royal Rudder
Gib da Gama
Hanno's Halyard
Chart and Compass
Sparrow Sheet
Leeward Leif
Jolly Roger Bay
Stern Aft
Baret Boom
Topsail Tide
Vespucci's Vessel
Dire Dire Docks
Gaff Gangplank
Dom Henrique Deadlight
Cabot Course
Wet-Dry Lands
Portside Ponce
Galley Gulf
Top Gun Maverick leads the Aerobats of Aeronautica (based on Japan)
Colour: Teal
Starting technologies: The Wheel, Warrior Code (and their unique technology 'Aeronautica')
Traits: Militiaristic
Favourite government: Monarchy
Shunned government: Republic
Aggression: 4
Build often: Offensive Land Units, Air Units, Science
Their unique technology 'Aeronautica' allows them to:
-Use precision bombing
-Not see the whole map; this was intended, but refer to the bug I found here.
-Build the 'Airbase'; a cheaper Airport (costs 8 instead of 16) that produces veteran air units and allows air trade, but doesn't cost any maintenance nor cause any pollution.
-Build the 'Aeronautica'; a small wonder (costs 0) that produces veteran air units and allows air trade (this exists in order to prevent the Aircraft Command HQ from being built by another civilisation that captured an Aerobat city with an Airbase in it).
-Build the 'Aircraft Command HQ'; a small wonder (costs 0) that produces a Paratrooper every 3 turns. Requires the Aeronautica and Flight.
They can train the 'Ornithopter'; an airplane that costs 30, has 4 bombard strength, 3 rate of fire, 10 operational range, doesn't have lethal land nor sea bombardment, requires Map Making, upgrades to Biplane.
They can train the 'Biplane'; an airplane that costs 50, has 6 bombard strength, 3 rate of fire, 10 operational range, doesn't have lethal land nor sea bombardment, requires Invention, upgrades to Triplane.
They can train the 'Triplane'; an airplane that costs 80, has 8 bombard strength, 3 rate of fire, 10 operational range, doesn't have lethal land nor sea bombardment, requires Physics, upgrades to Bomber.
City list:
Cockpit Central
High Altitude
Pilot Point
Thrusters Touchdown
Yaw and Pitch
Mach Fife
Mayday Hayday
Roger Reception
Lift Drag Liftoff
Skyward Eyes
Plane Plains
Blimp Blip
Jet Stream
Hypersonic Hangar
Knots Niner
Vector Vortex
Kirov Airship
Promiscuous Mother leads the Expendables of The Expanse (based on Russia)
Colour: Green
Starting technologies: Pottery, The Wheel
Traits: Expansionist
Favourite government: Communism
Shunned government: Democracy
Aggression: 4
Build often: Settlers
They can train the 'Expansionist Settler'; a Settler that consumes no population, has 2 moves, and treats all terrain as roads.
City list:
Infinite Sprawl
Frontier City
Fogbuster Borough
Fort CxC
Destiny Manifest
The Push
Settler's Pride
Expansion Base
Old Wilderness
Camp Spawn
Farther Outwash
Colonialism Colony
Further Fields
Reaching Grasp
Mother's Pedigree
Human Hive
Fort Multiply
Pioneer Point
Far Emigration
Trailblazer's Trail
Alien's Legality
Adam and Eve's
Aggrandising Architect leads the Urbanites of Urbanus (based on the Aztecs)
Colour: Blue
Starting technologies: Pottery, Ceremonial Burial (and their unique technology 'Urbanus')
Traits: Agricultural
Favourite government: Republic
Shunned government: Feudalism
Aggression: 3
Build often: Growth
Their unique technology 'Urbanus' allows them to:
-Irrigate without fresh water
-Suffer no disease from flood plains
-Build 'Plumbing'; a great wonder (costs 0) that puts an Aqueduct in every city.
-Build 'Healthcare'; a great wonder (costs 0) that puts a Hospital in every city.
-Build 'Prenatal Care'; a small wonder (costs 10) that increases a city's population by two when a citizen is born.
City list:
Skyline City
Milestone Metropolis
Colossal Cityscape
Grand Design
Skyscraper Horizon
Downtown District
Blueprint Borough
Urban Sprawl
High-density Highrise
Protractor Plaza
Infra Intercity
T-Square Triangle
Point Prefab
Gentrification Grid
Smart City
Transit Township
Sculptor's Settlement
Canvas Cottage
Public Service Point
Zoning Zenith
Pedestrian Plot
Crowded Clustering
Mixed Use Masterplan
Civic Design District
Sweaty Workaholic leads the Industries of Industry (based on Germany)
Colour: Grey
Starting technologies: Masonry, Pottery (and their unique technology 'Industry')
Traits: Industrial
Favourite government: Republic
Shunned government: Despotism
Aggression: 3
Build often: Workers, Production
Their unique technology 'Industry' allows them to:
-Recycle (i.e. sell) buildings to gain a fraction of the original cost back.
-Double the work rate of Workers.
-Build the 'Industry'; a cheaper Smithy (costs 6 instead of 12) that increases production by 25%, increases shields in water, and doesn't cost any maintenance.
-Employ the 'Industrialist'; an Engineer that produces 4 production (instead of 2).
They can train the 'Labourer'; a Worker that consumes no population, has 2 moves, and has 200 worker strength.
City list:
Industrial Revolution
Overtime Origin
Factory Foothold
Assembly Line
Labourer's Respite
Marble Metropolis
Sickle Settlement
The Foundry
Copper Core
Worker's Workshop
Glowing Iron
Forge's Heart
Cobblestone Community
Smiths and Steel
Farmhand Homestead
Belching Smokestack
Miner's Outpost
The Anvil
Cast Iron Commons
Steamworks Station
Alloy Acres
Production Plant
Millstone Meadows
Coal Crossing
Rust's Rest
Greedy Tycoon leads the Profits of Profiteering (based on the Netherlands)
Colour: Yellow
Starting technologies: Alphabet, Masonry (and their unique technology 'Profiteering')
Traits: Commercial
Favourite government: Republic
Shunned government: Despotism
Aggression: 3
Build often: Trade
Their unique technology 'Profiteering' allows them to:
-Build the 'Trading Post'; a cheaper Marketplace (costs 5 instead of 10) that only increases tax output (i.e. it doesn't make citizens happier).
-Build the 'Bourse'; a cheaper Bank (costs 8 instead of 16) that increases tax output. Requires a Trading Post and Banking.
-Build the 'Hedgefund'; a cheaper Stock Exchange (costs 10 instead of 20) that increases tax output. Requires a Bourse and The Corporation.
-Build the 'Brokerage'; a small wonder (costs 0) that increases tax output and allows water and air trade.
-Employ the 'Merchant'; a Tax Collector that produces 4 gold (instead of 2).
City names:
Great Profit
Trade Point
Far Exports
Economy Growths
Port Import
The Company
Enterprise Rise
Old Barter
Market Cap
Vesting Investment
Just Business
Contract Front
Bought Borough
Sale and Sold
The Stocks
Hedgefund High
Small Letter
Retail Highrise
Vendor Locks
Bargain Burg
Downtown Dealing
Upshop Settlement
Purchase Chase
Handshake Homestead
Fat Cat leads the Wealthy of Wealth (based on America)
Colour: Dark yellow
Starting technologies: Pottery, Masonry (and their unique technology 'Wealth')
Traits: Commercial
Favourite government: Republic
Shunned government: Communism
Aggression: 2
Build often: Wealth
Their unique technology 'Wealth' allows them to:
-Build the 'Palace Vault'; a small wonder (costs 0) that can become a tourist attraction, increases the treasury by 5% each turn, increases tax output, yields +1 gold in each gold-producing tile, and pays maintenance for gold-producing buildings (this last effect should be functionally useless).
-Double the effect of Wealth.
They also start with 10.000 gold in their treasury.
City names:
The Commonwealth
Great Hoard
Golden Vault
Piles of Cash
Limitless Reserves
Stacks of Dosh
Interest Compound
Rolling Coins
Town of Plenty
Affluence High
Euro Union
Bullion Bank
The Buck
Great Pound
Pesos Point
Yen Yuang
Greenback Fields
Rainy Daylands
Old Sock
Mad Scientist leads the Scholars of Scholarship (based on Korea)
Colour: Light blue
Starting technologies: Alphabet, Writing (and their unique technology 'Scholarship')
Traits: Scientific
Favourite government: Republic
Shunned government: Feudalism
Aggression: 2
Build often: Science
Their unique technology 'Scholarship' allows them to:
-Build the 'School'; a cheaper Library (costs 6 instead of 8) that increases research output, doesn't cost any maintenance, but also doesn't provide any culture.
-Build the 'Academy'; a cheaper University (costs 10 instead of 20) that increases research output, doesn't cost any maintenance, but also doesn't provide any culture. Requires a School and Education.
-Build the 'Laboratory'; a cheaper Research Lab (costs 10 instead of 20) that increases research output, doesn't cost any maintenance, but also doesn't provide any culture. Requires an Academy and Computers.
-Build the 'Archive'; a small wonder (costs 0) that unlocks every technology two other civilisations have discovered.
-Employ the 'Scholar'; a Scientist that produces 4 science (instead of 3).
City names:
Fort Science
The Labs
Locale of Learning
Knowledge Neighbourhood
Information Overload
Education High
Research Outpost
Observation Station
Public School
Theory of Everywhere
The Facts
Hypothesis Foundation
Doctrinal Dwelling
Site Insight
First Principles
Enlightenment's Reach
Know-how Hamlet
The Smarts
Beautiful Brains
Haute Elite leads the Cults of The Culture (based on the Celts)
Colour: Magenta
Starting technologies: Ceremonial Burial, Mysticism (and their unique technology 'Culture')
Traits: Religious
Favourite government: Democracy
Shunned government: Communism
Aggression: 2
Build often: Culture
Their unique technology 'Culture' allows them to:
-Sacrifice Workers for culture.
-Build 'Stonehenge'; a great wonder (costs 0) that puts a Monument in every city, and doubles the effect of sacrifices.
-Build the 'Monument'; costs 6, produces 6 culture, and doubles the effect of sacrifices.
They can train the 'Cultured Warrior'; a Warrior that can enslave (resulting in a Worker) and upgrades to the Cultured Swordsman.
They can train the 'Cultured Swordsman'; a Swordsman that can enslave (resulting in a Worker), requires no resources, and upgrades to the Medieval Infantry.
They can train the 'Cultured Chariot'; a Chariot that can enslave (resulting in a Worker), requires no resources, and upgrades to the Horseman.
They can train the 'Cultured Knight'; a Knight that can enslave (resulting in a Worker), requires no resources, and upgrades to the Cultured Cavalry.
They can train the 'Cultured Cavalry'; a Cavalry that can enslave (resulting in a Worker), requires no resources, and upgrades to the Tank.
City list:
Ultimate City
Art Nouveau
The Prestige
Heritage High
Refined Rituals
Artist's Annex
Writer's Ward
High Society
Painter's Promenade
Tourism Thoroughfare
Tradition Tracts
Sing and Song
Musician Main
Sophistication Suburb
The Salon
Highbrow Highrise
Haute Couture
Social Norms
Gala Gallery
Elegant Estate
Gourmet Garden
Connoisseur's Cafe
Sunny Smiles leads the Content of Contender (based on the Inca)
Colour: Gold
Starting technologies: Ceremonial Burial, Mysticism (and their unique technology 'Contender')
Traits: Religious
Favourite government: Democracy
Shunned government: Fascism
Aggression: 2
Build often: Happiness
Their unique technology 'Contender' allows them to:
-Build the 'Shrine'; a great wonder (costs 0) that makes 1 citizen happy in all cities and doubles the happiness of all Temples.
-Build the 'Playground'; costs 6, makes 1 citizen happy, and provides +50% luxury output.
-Build the 'Tournament'; costs 8, makes 1 citizen happy, and reduces war weariness. Requires a Playground and Feudalism.
-Build the 'Parade'; costs 10, makes 1 citizen happy, and reduces war weariness. Requires a Tournament and Nationalism.
-Build the 'Fireworks Show'; costs 12, makes 1 citizen happy, and provides +50% luxury output. Requires a Parade and Rocketry.
-Employ the 'Therapist'; an Entertainer that produces 2 happiness (instead of 1).
City list:
High Spirits
Happiness Homestead
Upbeat Uptown
Good Cheer
Merriment Diversion
Boisterous Borough
Elated Ecstasy
Pleasure Parkside
Merriment Midtown
Wellbeing Wonderland
Mirth Main
Positivity Point
Gratitude Glade
Delighted Squeal
Comfort Concord
Fort Fulfillment
Uplift Upland
Optimism Overlook
Joviality Hilarity
Happy Few
Scrupulous Judge leads the Legates of Legalism (based on Babylon)
Colour: Very light purple
Starting technologies: Alphabet, Ceremonial Burial (and their unique technology 'Legalism')
Traits: Religious
Favourite government: Democracy
Shunned government: Despotism
Aggression: 2
Build often: Growth, Production, Happiness
Their unique technology 'Legalism' allows them to:
-Build the 'Jail'; costs 1, reduces corruption.
-Build the 'Tribunal'; costs 1, reduces corruption.
-Build the 'Town Hall'; costs 1, reduces corruption.
-Build the 'Magistrate's Court'; costs 1, reduces corruption.
-Build the 'Governor's Office'; costs 1, reduces corruption.
-Employ the 'Lawyer'; a citizen that produces (-)4 corruption.
City list:
Fort Right
The Constitution
Justice Juncture
The Law
Legislation Lawn
Verdant Verdict
The Court
Order Outskirts
The Trial
Witness Ward
Prosecutor Pass
The Scales
Defendant District
Governing Grid
Due Process Point
Evidence Enclave
Civil City
Integrity Inlet
Honest Hearts
Rule and Righteousness
Virtue Vista
Whistleblower Wharf
Archetypal Character leads the Civilians of Civilisation (based on Sumeria)
Colour: Bright purple
Starting technologies: Bronze Working, Masonry
Traits: Militaristic, Industrious, Expansionist, Scientific, Religious, Commercial, Agricultural, Seafaring
Favourite government: Democracy
Shunned government: Feudalism
Aggression: 3
Build often: Growth, Science, Culture
City list:
Universal City
The Society
Globalisation Grove
Plurality Point
Multicultural Manifest
Worldwide Walkway
Archetype Apex
Stereotype Summit
Melting Pot
Great Attributes
Mondial Metropolis
Far Fusion
Syncretism Station
High Heterogenous
Cross-Cultural Commune
Assimilation Annex
Transcultural Traits
Beyond Borders
Amassed Qualities
One Distinctiveness
The names of barbarian tribes have been replaced by the civilisations that have been included in any Civilization standard game (i.e. civilisations that only featured in e.g. the Conquests scenarios are not included).
Because this sums up to 66 civilisations, and the game needs exactly 76 names, I did actually go to the Conquests scenarios and handpicked 10 more names:
Gran Columbian
Holy Roman
Native American
So... Have fun! Or not! I haven't actually played a single game with this by myself, although I did watch some AI testruns to do some balancing and see if the AI is functioning well (and yes, they are, and each game had different winners, so that is nice!). But there could easily be bugs, so, you have bene warned!
If this thread needs to go somewhere else (is it a scenario, is it a mod?), or if releasing a mod like this is not allowed somehow, by all means, feel free to do whatever you want.
First of all, I use the Flintlock Patch, mostly with the default options (i.e. AI knows how to use artillery and armies, certain bugs have been fixed, et cetera), with the following changes:
-Cultural borders are impassable without Right of Passage (like in Civilization IV).
-Paradrops do not consume any moves.
-Max AI naval escorts is 2 (instead of 3, i.e. transport ships with units inside are escorted by a maximum of 2 non-transport ships).
-All civilisation-specific wonders (see below) have a perfume of 999 to make the AI build them as soon as possible.
I also believe it is the Flintlock Patch that allows small wonders to produce units, so without this patch, certain small wonders below won't work.
I attached the Flintlock Patch's config file to this post.
Because I based this mod on my own (custom, modded) basegame, there are a variety of generic changes. All of these involve code; I have not made nor downloaded any custom art or made any Civlopedia entries. I am not 100% sure if I have remembered/found/listed all of the changes here, but:
Spoiler General :
-Minimum research time is 6 turns (instead of 4).
-Maximum research time is 75 turns (instead of 50).
-Advanced barbarian unit is Swordsman (instead of Horseman).
-Volcano eruption period is set to 100000 (i.e. the average volcano will erupt once in a 100.000 year timeframe, i.e. this mostly disables volcanoes).
-Clearing damage (e.g. nuclear radiation or lava) takes 12 turns (instead of 24).
-Jungle yields 2 food (instead of 1).
-The difficulty level 'Monarch' has a cost factor of 10 (instead of 9), a percentage of optimal cities of 100% (was 85%), and AIs start with 2 offensive units (instead of 1) and 1 Worker (instead of 0).
Spoiler Units :
-Settler costs 1 population.
-Worker can be sacrificed for culture (assuming one has researched a technology that enables this - and this is only available to The Culture in this mod).
-Scout has 1 defence (instead of 0).
-Explorer has 2 defence (instead of 0).
-Medieval Infantry upgrades to Rifleman.
-Marine has 2 moves (instead of 1) and can blitz.
-Paratrooper has 9 attack (instead of 4), 2 moves (instead of 1), and treats all terrain as roads.
-Modern Paratrooper has 11 attack (instead of 6), 2 moves (instead of 1), and treats all terrain as roads.
-Cavalry upgrades to Tank.
-Curragh has 1 transport capacity (instead of 0).
-Galley has 2 attack (instead of 1), 2 defence (instead of 1), and 4 transport capacity (instead of 2).
-Caravel has 3 attack (instead of 1), 3 defence (instead of 2), and 6 transport capacity (instead of 3).
-Galleon has 3 attack (instead of 1), 4 defence (instead of 2), and 8 transport capacity (instead of 4).
-Frigate has 5 attack (instead of 2), 5 defence (instead of 2), and upgrades to Destroyer.
-Privateer has 5 attack (instead of 2), 4 defence (instead of 1), and upgrades to Submarine.
-Ironclad has 7 attack (instead of 5), and 7 defence (instead of 6).
-Transport has 5 attack (instead of 1), 7 defence (instead of 2), and 12 transport capacity (instead of 6).
-Carrier has 7 attack (instead of 1) and 10 defence (instead of 8).
-Submarine has 10 attack (instead of 8) and 7 defence (instead of 4).
-Nuclear Submarine has 10 attack (instead of 8) and 7 defence (instead of 4).
-Destroyer has 12 attack (unchanged) and 10 defence (instead of 8).
-Battleship has 18 attack (unchanged) and 14 defence (instead of 12).
-Cruiser has 16 attack (instead of 15) and 12 defence (instead of 10).
-AEGIS Cruiser has 16 attack (instead of 15) and 12 defence (instead of 10).
-Jet Fighter upgrades to Stealth Fighter.
-Bomber upgrades to Stealth Bomber.
-Leader can be airlifted.
-Army can be airlifted.
Spoiler Unique units :
Unique units:
-Conquistador upgrades to Guerilla.
-Jaguar Warrior upgrades to Immortals.
-Numidian Mercenary upgrades to Swiss Mercenary.
-Immortals upgrades to Rifleman.
-Gallic Swordsman upgrades to Medieval Infantry (irrelevant; Gallic Swordsman isn't used).
-Legionary upgrades to Rifleman (irrelevant; Legionary isn't used).
-Berserk upgrades to Marine.
-Three-Man Chariot upgrades to Mounted Warrior.
-Mounted Warrior upgrades to War Elephant.
-Rider upgrades to Keshik.
-Ansar Warrior upgrades to Cavalry (irrelevant; Ansar Warrior isn't used).
-Samurai upgrades to Cavalry (irrelevant; Samurai isn't used).
-War Elephant upgrades to Sipahi.
-Keshik upgrades to Cossack.
-Sipahi upgrades to Panzer.
-Cossack upgrades to Tank.
-Dromon has 3 attack (instead of 2), 2 defence (instead of 1), 4 transport capacity (instead of 2), and upgrades to Carrack.
-Carrack has 3 attack (instead of 2), 4 defence (instead of 2), 5 moves (instead of 4), and 6 transport capacity (instead of 3).
-Man-O-War has 6 attack (instead of 4), 6 defence (instead of 2), and upgrades to Destroyer.
-F-15 upgrades to Stealth Fighter.
Spoiler Buildings :
-Marketplace, Bank, Stock Exchange, Walls, Coastal Fortress, Commercial Dock do not cost any maintenance.
-Harbour increases gold in water (instead of food - and allows water trade and produces veteran sea units).
-Library provides 1 culture (instead of 3 - and provides +50% research output).
-Courthouse provides +50% luxury output and resistance to propaganda (and reduces corruption).
-Colosseum provides 3 culture (instead of 2 - and makes 2 citizens happy).
-Cathedral provides 4 culture (instead of 3 - and makes 3 citizens happy).
-University provides 2 culture (instead of 4 - and provides +50% research output).
-Police Station provides resistance against propaganda (and reduces corruption and war weariness).
Spoiler New buildings :
New buildings:
-Lighthouse can be built upon the discovery of Writing; costs 6 (cheaper for Seafaring) and 1 maintenance, increases food in water.
-Smithy can be built upon the discovery of Iron Working; costs 12 (cheaper for Industrious) and 1 maintenance, increases production by 25%.
-Newspaper Office can be built upon the discovery of Printing Press; costs 16 and 2 maintenance, provides 3 culture, +50% luxury output, resistance to propaganda, reduces corruption, and reduces war weariness.
-Levee can be built upon the discovery of Chemistry; costs 12 (cheaper for Industrious and Seafaring) and 2 maintenance, increases shields in water.
Spoiler Wonders :
-All wonders that provide buildings, provide buildings in every city (instead of every city on the continent).
-Only The Statue of Zeus and the Knights Templar obsolete.
-The Great Library puts a Library in every city (instead of unlocking every technology two other civilisations have discovered).
-The Great Wall puts a Barracks in every city (instead of Walls, so as to avoid the wall-bombardment-glitch - also provides double combat strength versus barbarians).
-Sun Tzu's Art of War puts a Courthouse in every city and allows armies to be built without leaders.
-The Internet unlocks every technology two other civilisations have discovered (and puts a Research Lab in every city).
-Forbidden Palace yields +1 gold in each gold-producing tile (and reduces corruption).
-Intelligence Agency costs 10 (instead of 40) and requires Monarchy (instead of Espionage).
-Secret Police HQ increases production by 25% (and reduces corruption).
Spoiler New wonders :
New wonders:
-Latifundium can be built upon the discovery of Horseback Riding; costs 20 and produces a Worker every 5 turns, obsoletes with Education.
Spoiler Technologies :
-Ancient era technologies cannot be traded.
Spoiler Specialists :
-Tax Collectors require Pottery and generate 2 gold.
-Scientists require Alphabet and generate 3 research.
-Police require Warrior Code and generate 1 gold and 1 production.
-Civil Engineers are renamed to Engineers, require Masonry, and generate 2 production.
Then, for this mod; 'Wrath of the AI' (again, inspired by and named after the story linked above).
First of all, I am aware that it is possible for civilisations to capture cities of other civilisations and thereby gain access to and/or build new civilisation-specific buildings. I consider this to be better than giving every building +1 culture, and I am not aware of another alternative.
Secondly - there are eighteen leaders and civilisations:
Anthropoid Meat, ruler of the Humans of Humanity
Embellished Negotiator, ruler of the Diplomats of Diplomacy
Stubborn Shieldmaiden, ruler of the Bulwarks of Bulwark
Vainglorious Gladiator, ruler of of the Glories of Glory
Primitive Barbarian, ruler of the Hordes of Horde
Knight Errant, ruler of the Cavalry of Cavalcade
Swashbuckling Privateer, ruler of the Navigators of Navy
Top Gun Maverick, ruler of the Aerobats of Aeronautica
Promiscuous Mother, ruler of the Expendables of The Expanse
Aggrandising Architect, ruler of the Urbanites of Urbanus
Sweaty Workaholic, ruler of the Industries of Industry
Greedy Tycoon, ruler of the Profits of Profiteering
Fat Cat, ruler of the Wealthy of Wealth
Mad Scientist, ruler of the Scholars of Scholarship
Haute Elite, ruler of the Cults of The Culture
Sunny Smiles, ruler of the Content of Contender
Scrupulous Judge, ruler of the Legates of Legalism
Archetypal Character, ruler of the Civilians of Civilisation
Each civilisation is unique, as described below.
Note that I did not change any military/scientific leaders, culture groups, leader graphics, city graphics, or any other kind of graphics/art. For this, refer to the '(based on xxx)' text.
Spoiler Humanity :
Anthropoid Meat, ruler of the Humans of Humanity (based on the Zulu)
Colour: Dark red
Starting technologies: Alphabet, Pottery
Traits: /
Favourite government: Republic
Shunned government: Anarchy
Aggression: 3
Build often: Offensive Land Units, Settlers, Workers
They are human.
City names:
Humanity Front
Organic Intelligence
Biology Central
Nature's Finest
The Player
Flesh and Bone
Homo Genus
Meatsack Metropolis
Prefrontal Cortex
Opposable Thumb
Fort Erectus
High Hairlessness
Bipedal Borough
Neolithic Revolution
Lesser Chromosome
Ode to Life
Neander Valley
Transhuman Manifest
Purity First
Primate Point
Spoiler Diplomacy :
Embellished Negotiator leads the Diplomats of Diplomacy (based on India)
Colour: Pink
Starting technologies: Alphabet, Ceremonial Burial (and their unique technologies 'Diplomacy' and 'Diplomatic Republic')
Traits: Religious
Favourite government: Diplomatic Republic
Shunned government: Anarchy
Aggression: 2
Build often: Workers, Trade
Their unique technology 'Diplomacy' allows them to:
-Use all diplomacy options.
-Use the 'Diplomatic Despotism' government; a Despotism wherein Diplomats are elite, Spies are elite, citizens in captured cities will resist 10% shorter (20% if the target was in Anarchy), and propaganda missions have a +25% chance of succeeding (+50% if the target is in Anarchy).
-Build the 'Embassy'; a small wonder (costs 0) that enables spy missions.
Their unique technology 'Diplomatic Republic' (which requires The Republic and Diplomacy, and is thus researched for free once The Republic is researched) allows them to:
-Use the 'Diplomatic Republic' government; a Republic wherein Diplomats are elite, Spies are elite, citizens in captured cities will resist 10% shorter (20% if the target was in Anarchy), and propaganda missions have a +25% chance of succeeding (+50% if the target is in Anarchy).
They start the game as a Diplomatic Despotism (instead of Despotism).
They start the game with embassies.
City names:
Grand Consensus
First Compromise
Debate's Seat
Concilliator Commune
Mediator Meadows
Savvy Settlement
Forktongue Falls
White Lies Whereabouts
The Terms
Buried Hatchet
Common Grounds
Agreement Annex
Tit-Tat Town
Charisma High
Hammered Deal
Horse-Trade Homestead
Plots and Schemes
Smooth Suave Sly
Spoiler Bulwark :
Stubborn Shieldmaiden leads the Bulwarks of Bulwark (based on Byzantines)
Colour: Royal purple
Starting technologies: Bronze Working, Masonry (and their unique technology 'Bulwark')
Traits: Militaristic
Favourite government: Monarchy
Shunned government: Democracy
Aggression: 3
Build often: Defensive Land Units
Their unique technology 'Bulwark' allows them to:
-Build the 'Bulwark'; a small wonder (costs 0) that doubles city defenses, decreases the success of missile attacks by 75%, and functions as a stealth attack barrier.
They can train the 'Bulwark Spearman'; a Spearman that costs 10 (instead of 20), has 4 defence (instead of 2), and upgrades to the Bulwark Pikeman.
They can train the 'Bulwark Pikeman'; a Pikeman that costs 10 (instead of 20), has 5 defence (instead of 3), requires no resources, and upgrades to the Bulwark Musketman.
They can train the 'Bulwark Musketman'; a Musketman that costs 30 (instead of 60), has 6 defence (instead of 4), requires no resources, and upgrades to the Bulwark Rifleman.
They can train the 'Bulwark Rifleman'; a Rifleman that costs 40 (instead of 80), has 8 defence (instead of 6), and upgrades to the Bulwark Infantry.
They can train the 'Bulwark Infantry'; an Infantry that costs 45 (instead of 90), has 12 defence (instead of 10), and upgrades to the Bulwark Mech Infantry.
They can train the 'Bulwark Mech Infantry'; a Mech Infantry that costs 55 (instead of 110), has 20 defence (instead of 18), and requires no resources.
City names:
The City
Last Stand
The Citadel
Fortification Fastness
Molon Labe
The Palisades
Castle Cover
Shieldwall Stronghold
Las Barricadas
Strong Stockade
Gandalf's Pass
The Line
Fortress Unflinch
Bows of Agincourt
Rampart Resistance
Doubtless Redoubt
Protective Parapets
Siege Sanctuary
Sitting Bull Shelter
Wardline Walls
Normandy Repellent
Near Refuge
Helm's Deep
Panic Room Point
Spoiler Glory :
Vainglorious Gladiator leads the Glories of Glory (based on Rome)
Colour: Red
Starting technologies: Bronze Working, Iron Working (and their unique technology 'Glory')
Traits: Militaristic
Favourite government: Monarchy
Shunned government: Republic
Aggression: 5
Build often: Offensive Land Units
Their unique technology 'Glory' allows them to:
-Build the 'Castrum'; a small wonder (costs 0) that doubles combat strength against barbarians, increases the chance of military leaders appearing, and allows units to heal in enemy territory.
They can train the following unique units:
-Chasqui Scout (replaces Scout, upgrades to Conquistador)
-Conquistador (replaces Explorer, requires Map Making)
-Jaguar Warrior (replaces Warrior)
-Javelin Thrower (replaces Archer)
-Immortals (replaces Swordsman)
-Berserk (replaces Longbowman)
-Numidian Mercenary (replaces Spearman)
-Swiss Mercenary (replaces Pikeman)
-Musketeer (replaces Musketman)
-Three-Man Chariot (replaces Chariot)
-Mounted Warrior (replaces Horseman)
-War Elephant (replaces Knight)
-Sipahi (replaces Cavalry)
-Panzer (replaces Tank)
-Hwach'a (replaces Cannon)
-Dromon (replaces Galley)
-Carrack (replaces Caravel)
-Man-O-War (replaces Frigate)
-F-15 (replaces Jet Fighter)
City names:
Vanitas Vanitatum
Gloria Mundi
Vae Victis
Circumvallation Major
Tao of Deception
Spartacus Prime
False Flag
Samurai Swordpoint
Delta Squadron
Army Base
Ambush Overwatch
Kill Zone
The Barracks
Seal Six
Blitzkrieg Battlements
Hammer and Anvil
Shellshock Settlement
Guerilla Grounds
Contravallation Minor
Commentarii de Bello
The Front
Patrol Point
Sun Tzu
Defeat in Detail
Spoiler Horde :
Primitive Barbarian leads the Hordes of Horde (based on the Mongols)
Colour: Black
Starting technologies: The Wheel, Warrior Code (and their unique technology 'Horde')
Traits: Militaristic
Favourite government: Fascism
Shunned government: Republic
Aggression: 5
Build often: Offensive Land Units
Their unique technology 'Horde' allows them to:
-Conscript units
-Mobilise for war
-Build the 'Ancient Horde'; a small wonder (costs 0) that halves unit upgrade costs and produces a Warrior every 2 turns, obsoletes with Feudalism.
-Build the 'Medieval Horde'; a small wonder (costs 0) that halves unit upgrade costs and produces a Medieval Infantry every 2 turns, obsoletes with Nationalism. Requires the Ancient Horde and Feudalism.
-Build the 'Industrial Horde'; a small wonder (costs 0) that halves unit upgrade costs and produces a Rifleman every 2 turns, obsoletes with Rocketry. Requires the Medieval Horde and Nationalism.
-Build the 'Modern Horde'; a small wonder (costs 0) that halves unit upgrade costs and produces a TOW Infantry every 2 turns. Requires the Industrial Horde and Rocketry.
City names:
Pitchfork High
Scorched Earth
Terracotta Army Camp
Pillage Village
Dark Clouds
Great Migration
Human Wave Holdfast
Riffraff Rabblement
Days Ending
Territorial Imperative
Ashes Fall
The Ruins
Toppled Thrones
Neo Assyria
Philistaei Fields
Thuggery Town
Hoodlum Hideout
Boorish Moorlands
Spoiler Cavalcade :
Knight Errant leads the Cavalry of Cavalcade (based on France)
Colour: Light brown
Starting technologies: The Wheel, Warrior Code (and their unique technology 'Cavalcade')
Traits: Militiaristic
Favourite government: Monarchy
Shunned government: Republic
Aggression: 5
Build often: Offensive Land Units
Their unique technology 'Cavalcade' allows them to:
-Build the 'Cavalry Command'; a small wonder (costs 10) that increases the size of armies and allows armies to be built without leaders.
They can train the following unique units (note; changes listed are relative to the unit it replaces, e.g. the Keshik doesn't ignore movement through Hills and Mountains, but instead, it is the same as the Knight except for the attributes below):
-War Chariot (replaces Chariot, has 2 attack strength, 3 moves, can blitz, requires no resources, upgrades to Rider)
-Rider (replaces Horseman, has 3 attack strength, 3 moves, can blitz, requires no resources, upgrades to Keshik)
-Keshik (replaces Knight, has 5 attack strength, 3 moves, can blitz, requires no resources, upgrades to Cossack)
-Cossack (replaces Cavalry, has 7 attack strength, 3 moves, can blitz, requires no resources, costs the same as Cavalry (80; ordinarily a Cossack costs 90), upgrades to Tank)
-Cavalry Army (replaces Army, costs 100 instead of 400)
City list:
Horseback High
Little Ponytown
Cavalry Crossing
Paladin Point
The Charge
Cataphract County
Dragoon Den
Cuirassier Commune
Majestic Beast
Cossack Cottage
Hussar Hamlet
Rough Riding Hood
Carabinier Canton
Uhlan Undercity
Keshik Quarters
Gallop Gait
Sipahi Square
Equine Enclave
Palfrey Promenade
Pike's End
Spoiler Navy :
Swashbuckling Privateer leads the Navigators of Navy (based on England)
Colour: Cyan
Starting technologies: Alphabet, Warrior Code (and their unique technology 'Navy')
Traits: Seafaring
Favourite government: Monarchy
Shunned government: Republic
Aggression: 4
Build often: Naval Units
Their unique technology 'Navy' allows them to:
-Trade over sea tiles
-Trade over ocean tiles
-Trade maps
-Build the 'Port'; a coastal building (costs 6) that increases food, production, and gold in water.
-Build the 'Arsenal'; a small wonder (costs 0) that allows safe sea travel.
-Build the 'Mead Hall'; a small wonder (costs 0) that produces a Berserk every 5 turns, obsoletes with Amphibious War. Requires the Arsenal and Invention.
They can train the Berserk (replaces Longbowman).
They can train the 'Navigator Curragh'; a Curragh that costs 10 (instead of 15), has 3 moves (instead of 2), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Galley'; a Galley that costs 15 (instead of 30), has 4 moves (instead of 3), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Caravel'; a Caravel that costs 20 (instead of 40), has 5 moves (instead of 4), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Galleon'; a Galleon that costs 25 (instead of 50), has 5 moves (instead of 4), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Frigate'; a Frigate that costs 30 (instead of 60), requires no resources, has 6 moves (instead of 5), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Privateer'; a Privateer that costs 25 (instead of 50), requires no resources, has 6 moves (instead of 5), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Ironclad'; a Ironclad that costs 45 (instead of 90), requires no resources, has 4 moves (instead of 3), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Transport'; a Transport that costs 50 (instead of 100), requires no resources, has 7 moves (instead of 6), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Carrier'; a Carrier that costs 90 (instead of 180), requires no resources, has 8 moves (instead of 7), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Submarine'; a Submarine that costs 50 (instead of 100), requires no resources, has 5 moves (instead of 4), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Nuclear Submarine'; a Nuclear Submarine that costs 70 (instead of 140), requires no resources, has 6 moves (instead of 5), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Destroyer'; a Destroyer that costs 60 (instead of 120), requires no resources, has 9 moves (instead of 8), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Battleship'; a Battleship that costs 100 (instead of 200), requires no resources, has 6 moves (instead of 5), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator Cruiser'; a Cruiser that costs 80 (instead of 160), requires no resources, has 7 moves (instead of 8), and has 1 HP bonus.
They can train the 'Navigator AEGSIS Cruiser; an AEGIS Cruiser that costs 80 (instead of 160), requires no resources, has 8 moves (instead of 7), and has 1 HP bonus.
City list:
Topmast Tasman
Crow's Nest
Magellan Mainsail
Fore Bow
Royal Rudder
Gib da Gama
Hanno's Halyard
Chart and Compass
Sparrow Sheet
Leeward Leif
Jolly Roger Bay
Stern Aft
Baret Boom
Topsail Tide
Vespucci's Vessel
Dire Dire Docks
Gaff Gangplank
Dom Henrique Deadlight
Cabot Course
Wet-Dry Lands
Portside Ponce
Galley Gulf
Spoiler Aeronautica :
Top Gun Maverick leads the Aerobats of Aeronautica (based on Japan)
Colour: Teal
Starting technologies: The Wheel, Warrior Code (and their unique technology 'Aeronautica')
Traits: Militiaristic
Favourite government: Monarchy
Shunned government: Republic
Aggression: 4
Build often: Offensive Land Units, Air Units, Science
Their unique technology 'Aeronautica' allows them to:
-Use precision bombing
-Not see the whole map; this was intended, but refer to the bug I found here.
-Build the 'Airbase'; a cheaper Airport (costs 8 instead of 16) that produces veteran air units and allows air trade, but doesn't cost any maintenance nor cause any pollution.
-Build the 'Aeronautica'; a small wonder (costs 0) that produces veteran air units and allows air trade (this exists in order to prevent the Aircraft Command HQ from being built by another civilisation that captured an Aerobat city with an Airbase in it).
-Build the 'Aircraft Command HQ'; a small wonder (costs 0) that produces a Paratrooper every 3 turns. Requires the Aeronautica and Flight.
They can train the 'Ornithopter'; an airplane that costs 30, has 4 bombard strength, 3 rate of fire, 10 operational range, doesn't have lethal land nor sea bombardment, requires Map Making, upgrades to Biplane.
They can train the 'Biplane'; an airplane that costs 50, has 6 bombard strength, 3 rate of fire, 10 operational range, doesn't have lethal land nor sea bombardment, requires Invention, upgrades to Triplane.
They can train the 'Triplane'; an airplane that costs 80, has 8 bombard strength, 3 rate of fire, 10 operational range, doesn't have lethal land nor sea bombardment, requires Physics, upgrades to Bomber.
City list:
Cockpit Central
High Altitude
Pilot Point
Thrusters Touchdown
Yaw and Pitch
Mach Fife
Mayday Hayday
Roger Reception
Lift Drag Liftoff
Skyward Eyes
Plane Plains
Blimp Blip
Jet Stream
Hypersonic Hangar
Knots Niner
Vector Vortex
Kirov Airship
Spoiler The Expanse :
Promiscuous Mother leads the Expendables of The Expanse (based on Russia)
Colour: Green
Starting technologies: Pottery, The Wheel
Traits: Expansionist
Favourite government: Communism
Shunned government: Democracy
Aggression: 4
Build often: Settlers
They can train the 'Expansionist Settler'; a Settler that consumes no population, has 2 moves, and treats all terrain as roads.
City list:
Infinite Sprawl
Frontier City
Fogbuster Borough
Fort CxC
Destiny Manifest
The Push
Settler's Pride
Expansion Base
Old Wilderness
Camp Spawn
Farther Outwash
Colonialism Colony
Further Fields
Reaching Grasp
Mother's Pedigree
Human Hive
Fort Multiply
Pioneer Point
Far Emigration
Trailblazer's Trail
Alien's Legality
Adam and Eve's
Spoiler Urbanus :
Aggrandising Architect leads the Urbanites of Urbanus (based on the Aztecs)
Colour: Blue
Starting technologies: Pottery, Ceremonial Burial (and their unique technology 'Urbanus')
Traits: Agricultural
Favourite government: Republic
Shunned government: Feudalism
Aggression: 3
Build often: Growth
Their unique technology 'Urbanus' allows them to:
-Irrigate without fresh water
-Suffer no disease from flood plains
-Build 'Plumbing'; a great wonder (costs 0) that puts an Aqueduct in every city.
-Build 'Healthcare'; a great wonder (costs 0) that puts a Hospital in every city.
-Build 'Prenatal Care'; a small wonder (costs 10) that increases a city's population by two when a citizen is born.
City list:
Skyline City
Milestone Metropolis
Colossal Cityscape
Grand Design
Skyscraper Horizon
Downtown District
Blueprint Borough
Urban Sprawl
High-density Highrise
Protractor Plaza
Infra Intercity
T-Square Triangle
Point Prefab
Gentrification Grid
Smart City
Transit Township
Sculptor's Settlement
Canvas Cottage
Public Service Point
Zoning Zenith
Pedestrian Plot
Crowded Clustering
Mixed Use Masterplan
Civic Design District
Spoiler Industry :
Sweaty Workaholic leads the Industries of Industry (based on Germany)
Colour: Grey
Starting technologies: Masonry, Pottery (and their unique technology 'Industry')
Traits: Industrial
Favourite government: Republic
Shunned government: Despotism
Aggression: 3
Build often: Workers, Production
Their unique technology 'Industry' allows them to:
-Recycle (i.e. sell) buildings to gain a fraction of the original cost back.
-Double the work rate of Workers.
-Build the 'Industry'; a cheaper Smithy (costs 6 instead of 12) that increases production by 25%, increases shields in water, and doesn't cost any maintenance.
-Employ the 'Industrialist'; an Engineer that produces 4 production (instead of 2).
They can train the 'Labourer'; a Worker that consumes no population, has 2 moves, and has 200 worker strength.
City list:
Industrial Revolution
Overtime Origin
Factory Foothold
Assembly Line
Labourer's Respite
Marble Metropolis
Sickle Settlement
The Foundry
Copper Core
Worker's Workshop
Glowing Iron
Forge's Heart
Cobblestone Community
Smiths and Steel
Farmhand Homestead
Belching Smokestack
Miner's Outpost
The Anvil
Cast Iron Commons
Steamworks Station
Alloy Acres
Production Plant
Millstone Meadows
Coal Crossing
Rust's Rest
Spoiler Profiteering :
Greedy Tycoon leads the Profits of Profiteering (based on the Netherlands)
Colour: Yellow
Starting technologies: Alphabet, Masonry (and their unique technology 'Profiteering')
Traits: Commercial
Favourite government: Republic
Shunned government: Despotism
Aggression: 3
Build often: Trade
Their unique technology 'Profiteering' allows them to:
-Build the 'Trading Post'; a cheaper Marketplace (costs 5 instead of 10) that only increases tax output (i.e. it doesn't make citizens happier).
-Build the 'Bourse'; a cheaper Bank (costs 8 instead of 16) that increases tax output. Requires a Trading Post and Banking.
-Build the 'Hedgefund'; a cheaper Stock Exchange (costs 10 instead of 20) that increases tax output. Requires a Bourse and The Corporation.
-Build the 'Brokerage'; a small wonder (costs 0) that increases tax output and allows water and air trade.
-Employ the 'Merchant'; a Tax Collector that produces 4 gold (instead of 2).
City names:
Great Profit
Trade Point
Far Exports
Economy Growths
Port Import
The Company
Enterprise Rise
Old Barter
Market Cap
Vesting Investment
Just Business
Contract Front
Bought Borough
Sale and Sold
The Stocks
Hedgefund High
Small Letter
Retail Highrise
Vendor Locks
Bargain Burg
Downtown Dealing
Upshop Settlement
Purchase Chase
Handshake Homestead
Spoiler Wealth :
Fat Cat leads the Wealthy of Wealth (based on America)
Colour: Dark yellow
Starting technologies: Pottery, Masonry (and their unique technology 'Wealth')
Traits: Commercial
Favourite government: Republic
Shunned government: Communism
Aggression: 2
Build often: Wealth
Their unique technology 'Wealth' allows them to:
-Build the 'Palace Vault'; a small wonder (costs 0) that can become a tourist attraction, increases the treasury by 5% each turn, increases tax output, yields +1 gold in each gold-producing tile, and pays maintenance for gold-producing buildings (this last effect should be functionally useless).
-Double the effect of Wealth.
They also start with 10.000 gold in their treasury.
City names:
The Commonwealth
Great Hoard
Golden Vault
Piles of Cash
Limitless Reserves
Stacks of Dosh
Interest Compound
Rolling Coins
Town of Plenty
Affluence High
Euro Union
Bullion Bank
The Buck
Great Pound
Pesos Point
Yen Yuang
Greenback Fields
Rainy Daylands
Old Sock
Spoiler Scholarship :
Mad Scientist leads the Scholars of Scholarship (based on Korea)
Colour: Light blue
Starting technologies: Alphabet, Writing (and their unique technology 'Scholarship')
Traits: Scientific
Favourite government: Republic
Shunned government: Feudalism
Aggression: 2
Build often: Science
Their unique technology 'Scholarship' allows them to:
-Build the 'School'; a cheaper Library (costs 6 instead of 8) that increases research output, doesn't cost any maintenance, but also doesn't provide any culture.
-Build the 'Academy'; a cheaper University (costs 10 instead of 20) that increases research output, doesn't cost any maintenance, but also doesn't provide any culture. Requires a School and Education.
-Build the 'Laboratory'; a cheaper Research Lab (costs 10 instead of 20) that increases research output, doesn't cost any maintenance, but also doesn't provide any culture. Requires an Academy and Computers.
-Build the 'Archive'; a small wonder (costs 0) that unlocks every technology two other civilisations have discovered.
-Employ the 'Scholar'; a Scientist that produces 4 science (instead of 3).
City names:
Fort Science
The Labs
Locale of Learning
Knowledge Neighbourhood
Information Overload
Education High
Research Outpost
Observation Station
Public School
Theory of Everywhere
The Facts
Hypothesis Foundation
Doctrinal Dwelling
Site Insight
First Principles
Enlightenment's Reach
Know-how Hamlet
The Smarts
Beautiful Brains
Spoiler The Culture :
Haute Elite leads the Cults of The Culture (based on the Celts)
Colour: Magenta
Starting technologies: Ceremonial Burial, Mysticism (and their unique technology 'Culture')
Traits: Religious
Favourite government: Democracy
Shunned government: Communism
Aggression: 2
Build often: Culture
Their unique technology 'Culture' allows them to:
-Sacrifice Workers for culture.
-Build 'Stonehenge'; a great wonder (costs 0) that puts a Monument in every city, and doubles the effect of sacrifices.
-Build the 'Monument'; costs 6, produces 6 culture, and doubles the effect of sacrifices.
They can train the 'Cultured Warrior'; a Warrior that can enslave (resulting in a Worker) and upgrades to the Cultured Swordsman.
They can train the 'Cultured Swordsman'; a Swordsman that can enslave (resulting in a Worker), requires no resources, and upgrades to the Medieval Infantry.
They can train the 'Cultured Chariot'; a Chariot that can enslave (resulting in a Worker), requires no resources, and upgrades to the Horseman.
They can train the 'Cultured Knight'; a Knight that can enslave (resulting in a Worker), requires no resources, and upgrades to the Cultured Cavalry.
They can train the 'Cultured Cavalry'; a Cavalry that can enslave (resulting in a Worker), requires no resources, and upgrades to the Tank.
City list:
Ultimate City
Art Nouveau
The Prestige
Heritage High
Refined Rituals
Artist's Annex
Writer's Ward
High Society
Painter's Promenade
Tourism Thoroughfare
Tradition Tracts
Sing and Song
Musician Main
Sophistication Suburb
The Salon
Highbrow Highrise
Haute Couture
Social Norms
Gala Gallery
Elegant Estate
Gourmet Garden
Connoisseur's Cafe
Spoiler Contender :
Sunny Smiles leads the Content of Contender (based on the Inca)
Colour: Gold
Starting technologies: Ceremonial Burial, Mysticism (and their unique technology 'Contender')
Traits: Religious
Favourite government: Democracy
Shunned government: Fascism
Aggression: 2
Build often: Happiness
Their unique technology 'Contender' allows them to:
-Build the 'Shrine'; a great wonder (costs 0) that makes 1 citizen happy in all cities and doubles the happiness of all Temples.
-Build the 'Playground'; costs 6, makes 1 citizen happy, and provides +50% luxury output.
-Build the 'Tournament'; costs 8, makes 1 citizen happy, and reduces war weariness. Requires a Playground and Feudalism.
-Build the 'Parade'; costs 10, makes 1 citizen happy, and reduces war weariness. Requires a Tournament and Nationalism.
-Build the 'Fireworks Show'; costs 12, makes 1 citizen happy, and provides +50% luxury output. Requires a Parade and Rocketry.
-Employ the 'Therapist'; an Entertainer that produces 2 happiness (instead of 1).
City list:
High Spirits
Happiness Homestead
Upbeat Uptown
Good Cheer
Merriment Diversion
Boisterous Borough
Elated Ecstasy
Pleasure Parkside
Merriment Midtown
Wellbeing Wonderland
Mirth Main
Positivity Point
Gratitude Glade
Delighted Squeal
Comfort Concord
Fort Fulfillment
Uplift Upland
Optimism Overlook
Joviality Hilarity
Happy Few
Spoiler Legalism :
Scrupulous Judge leads the Legates of Legalism (based on Babylon)
Colour: Very light purple
Starting technologies: Alphabet, Ceremonial Burial (and their unique technology 'Legalism')
Traits: Religious
Favourite government: Democracy
Shunned government: Despotism
Aggression: 2
Build often: Growth, Production, Happiness
Their unique technology 'Legalism' allows them to:
-Build the 'Jail'; costs 1, reduces corruption.
-Build the 'Tribunal'; costs 1, reduces corruption.
-Build the 'Town Hall'; costs 1, reduces corruption.
-Build the 'Magistrate's Court'; costs 1, reduces corruption.
-Build the 'Governor's Office'; costs 1, reduces corruption.
-Employ the 'Lawyer'; a citizen that produces (-)4 corruption.
City list:
Fort Right
The Constitution
Justice Juncture
The Law
Legislation Lawn
Verdant Verdict
The Court
Order Outskirts
The Trial
Witness Ward
Prosecutor Pass
The Scales
Defendant District
Governing Grid
Due Process Point
Evidence Enclave
Civil City
Integrity Inlet
Honest Hearts
Rule and Righteousness
Virtue Vista
Whistleblower Wharf
Spoiler Civilisation :
Archetypal Character leads the Civilians of Civilisation (based on Sumeria)
Colour: Bright purple
Starting technologies: Bronze Working, Masonry
Traits: Militaristic, Industrious, Expansionist, Scientific, Religious, Commercial, Agricultural, Seafaring
Favourite government: Democracy
Shunned government: Feudalism
Aggression: 3
Build often: Growth, Science, Culture
City list:
Universal City
The Society
Globalisation Grove
Plurality Point
Multicultural Manifest
Worldwide Walkway
Archetype Apex
Stereotype Summit
Melting Pot
Great Attributes
Mondial Metropolis
Far Fusion
Syncretism Station
High Heterogenous
Cross-Cultural Commune
Assimilation Annex
Transcultural Traits
Beyond Borders
Amassed Qualities
One Distinctiveness
Spoiler Barbarians :
The names of barbarian tribes have been replaced by the civilisations that have been included in any Civilization standard game (i.e. civilisations that only featured in e.g. the Conquests scenarios are not included).
Because this sums up to 66 civilisations, and the game needs exactly 76 names, I did actually go to the Conquests scenarios and handpicked 10 more names:
Gran Columbian
Holy Roman
Native American
So... Have fun! Or not! I haven't actually played a single game with this by myself, although I did watch some AI testruns to do some balancing and see if the AI is functioning well (and yes, they are, and each game had different winners, so that is nice!). But there could easily be bugs, so, you have bene warned!
If this thread needs to go somewhere else (is it a scenario, is it a mod?), or if releasing a mod like this is not allowed somehow, by all means, feel free to do whatever you want.
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